Why aren't supports allowed to counter snipers?

To paraphrase another forumer, I hope the devs give D.va the ability to solo heal allies to remind us why role limitations exist.


Funny how no one calls dps damage bots and dps donā€™t whine how they arenā€™t tough like tank or can heal like supports.

Maybe support players should just start playing dps heroes. Might become less whiny.


Maybe they should all just play Soldier76. He got splash(helix),he got hitscan,he got heals.He got mobility,he got aimbot for ez kills.He got everything those whiny supports could ask for.The only thing he ainā€™t got is a shield.

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Funny, made this account to play dps ( besides this season) and donā€™t see a difference

Maybe dps need to stop acting so high and mighty

Trust me,when I play Ana and the DPS on my team are useless.I stop taking good DPS for granted.Killing is their job,and Iā€™m glad when they do it well.

Unfortunately the only real ability to contest snipers, zen volley, got nerfed just because jjonak was sniping people too much on owl so you have to spend longer time in the sightline in order to get orbs thrown around that are easier to dodge. Against a good widow, staying in sightline is a death sentence. :confused:

You can ofc force her to retreat with some orbs as zenā€¦ but without shields itā€™s insanely risky to do.

Can each role not be doing to job of other roles?

I understand hybrids. We have the DPS-Tank Roadhog, the DPS-Support Moira and Zen and the supposedly Tank- Support Brigitte which is more of a All-in-one Hero. (DPS, Tank and Support)

If you want to counter Snipers, play tank or DPS. Rely on your teammates for that. Thatā€™s teamwork.

All the magic is lost if there is no ā€œrelyingā€.


And what if Iā€™m trying to rely on my teamā€™s sniper, giving them heals and damage boosts and defence matrixing, but theyā€™re being vastly outskilled by the enemy teamā€™s sniper and keep getting sniped anyway? What do I do then? Make a wish that my teamā€™s widow becomes master level suddenly and could contest the enemy sniper?

Switch to dive? When dive is currently garbage and not a sniper counter anymore? Switch away from healer so my team no longer has a main healer/off healer to solo dive tank? =D

Simply give up because we cannot proceed UNLESS my teamā€™s widow kills the enemy widow cuz weā€™re just getting picked off one by one otherwise?

If you have to rely on 1vs1 to win a team battle, thatā€™s not good design where team game is supposed to win over solo battles.

His name is LUCIO, bro. He sucks right now but if you want that widow dead, hes your frog.

And what if the healers are bad and i want a way as a DPS to self-heal consistenly?

What if my Tanks are bad and i want to tank damage myself as a Support?

Do you see the pattern? Whatā€™s the deal with roles, make them do everything.

If one piece falls, all falls. This is a design choice for this game. In other games, teamwork is rewarded rather than mandatory. You can critique this.


When Iā€™m ana and the dps are useless, I pick up the slack. Because thatā€™s part of my job as a hitscan support with good dps

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Technically Moiraā€™s decay orb can zone a sniper, a Lucio can harass a sniper like how Genji does it(Speed boosting the team in so that sniper canā€™t do much also works). However, their impact are tied to the number of teammates around them, so they donā€™t really work like that.

If we have a support that has ranged zoning potential then it could be possible

Donā€™t see a differenceā€¦in what?
DPS players arenā€™t whining they are damage bots. Quite a few support players cry they are heal bots.

It isnā€™t the dps acting high and mighty. Itā€™s the support players (at least some of them) wanting to have everythingā€¦and some also want it easy.

Have strong mobility, utility but have to switch equipment to do damage. ā€œWhy should I be a heal bot?ā€

Have strong utility and decent dps but not being a counter to a particular hero. ā€œWhy should I be a heal bot?ā€

Funny indeed.


I donā€™t think supports should counter anyone. They should be able to defend themselves well enough that if they clearly outplay their opponent, they get to kill themā€¦ but they should be at a disadvantage.

The whole fun of adding healers to any game is that keeping your teammates from dying is incredibly powerful. The healer, or support in this case, is supposed to heal and support the tanks and dps. The tanks and dps are supposed to kill the opponents and simultaneously protect the supports.

Itā€™s like a symbiotic relationship. If the supports do not rely on their team to protect them (looking at Brig here), then that interaction between different roles is destroyed and everyone kind of does their own thing.

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You have Mercy ā€¦ snipers drop them, Mercy raise themā€¦

If Widow isnā€™t gonna be countered by the five other people on the team, Iā€™ll friggin do it.

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thatā€™s a gg go next

If you think you can do it better than ask for a swap

Iā€™ll say what yā€™all say to me: if you donā€™t want to rely on teammates then go play a game where you can solo carry.

ooh this post is real freakin woke

Not acting high and mighty? Oh god lol

I must get at the very least five people telling me Iā€™m brainless for being a support main everyday

I call bs on this. You play ana, literally no dps player would call ana brainless.

When the forum is made up mostly of whining supports thereā€™s no room for dps to whine. They get dismissed and looked down on by all the mercys when they try