Why are Top 500s getting Bronzes in their games

Who knows. Bug or intentional, I feel bad for the bronzies facing GMs. Kind of like getting nano boosted without a warning.

My friend on a bronze account just got tesla (t500 moira one trick).

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I feel bad for the GMs playing with Bronzes, dear lord that must be painful. Exactly why I aint playing till this gets sorted out.

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That’s the worst thing about it. If you are going to launch something on a Saturday shouldn’t you have staff actively monitoring the launch? How on earth has Blizzard not communicated anything and blindsided the player base like this?

If I get a bronze on my team in GM I will leave the game.


Yeah, I think I’ll wait before I touch comp.

Yeah but they didn’t admit the first part…which is really the part that matters to me at least :stuck_out_tongue:

Same, I simply wont bother LULW Overwatch is the wild wild west.

The only thing that changed is that the beta season will not be saved in your stats, and will not show up when you select “all competitive seasons” in the stats page.

MMR, SR, and general data collecting will still happen, and it would be insane for Blizzard to have all this data and not feed it into the matchmaking system.

This is TF2’s crate depression all over again. This time it’s with SR.

I kinda want to do my placements now just to see where I end up, but I don’t want to risk placing low bronze at this point :joy:

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Comp is disabled so I think we have our answer on intentional or not.

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Awww really?!
I was just about to order myself some snacks and stay in this evening watching t500 streams for the LULs.

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Yeh: ⚠️ Disabled Competive - #5 by BillWarnecke




You just said I wasn’t a professional (I’m not) which means I am an amateur.

Used to be

How is any of this relevant…

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Why are you posting here though, bug report is that way.

No one knew it was a bug lol. First thing we see it pros getting bronzes> sees twitter> people talking about mmr reset> I come to forums to talk if its an mmr reset.

We JUST found out it was.

I play vs top-500 (being diamond) in QP and arcades every second match last month. I know it is not comp, but still.

It’s like the reverse of smurfing, it’s brilliant. Now we just need to reassure you that this isn’t an actual problem and deny that it even exists. It’s great to see things balance out.