Why Are People Upset About Overwatch 2?

It’s obvious to see, at this point, announcing Overwatch 2 two years ago was an excuse to cease their already minimal support for the game and stop releasing content so they could shove it out as a big drop, but with their hand stuck out for more cash.

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Developer silence. Once they have commenting on progress reguraly (Torb and Hanzo rework for example) now we dont even know if the devs are alive.


It is a bit of a mess as theirs not much to compare it to.

But what I said above is more or less what they presented us.

  1. It is going to be more like payed dlc than a true sequel.
  2. OW1 is left in the dust becuse of it.
  3. It doesn’t look like it is coming anytime soon.

They have a false notion that they are owed content and Blizzard is witholding that content to put it into OW2. The truth is most people nowdays are impatient and entitled, that is basically it.

I am upset because of that stupid and boring glorified DLC crap we’re not getting any new heroes.

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They oversold and overpromised

The demo they showed was very likely not a snapshot of the current build, but instead build specially for the Blizzcon what will expect us in the future.
Based on the demo people believed they were quite far ahead in development and they were ok being content starved for 1-2 years.
BUT: OW 1 got less and less content while we got no update about OW2, no skins showed and so on contrary to the promise they made.
And no, it’s not because of Covid, D4 team is capable of putting out quarterly updates

OW2 itself is a good idea but just very poorly sold to the customer.
The engine upgrade is a massive update and future proofing of the game for the next couple of years for PVP and PVE aswell, while fixing old bugs and problems, not so much different from the CoD model.

Why did they failed to sell it in a positive way?
My guess is that the PR department is either non existent or lacks qualified people. Who knows.

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There are plenty of people looking forward to Overwatch 2 like myself but we are generally quiet compared to those complaining.

The delay in releasing the game is what pisses people off, everyone wants more content and overwatch 2 still has no release date. Blizzard is not going to release more heroes in overwatch until OW2 so I definitely understand the frustration. The least blizzard could do was release more heroes until OW2 but nope, no new content, no new heroes, only skins every few months and a forced meta from the ridiculous buffs and nerfs. I feel it wouldn’t have been such a big issue if blizzard simply didn’t even bother to hype OW2. Why release a trailer for a game and 2 years later nothing has been said about it? That was a huge mistake on blizzard’s part.

Not really. I’ve waited longer for games. The problem I(and many others) have is that there’s been nothing to go on since they announced it beyond "It’s not going to be released any time soon or this year. If we had other things to go on, it wouldn’t be so bad, but in the meantime we’ve been locked out of tangible news, had all new content halted after Echo’s release, and nothing but balance patches that swing the game wildly in favor of one playstyle against another.


yeah so take those two little snippets and factor in the way they’ve largely shifted their focus off of the base game - leaving a content drought in its wake - and you have the perfect recipe for an Upset Fan Soufflé. you can even add in an utter lack of a roadmap or updates on OW2 for garnish if you’d like.

they did nothing but shoot themselves in the foot (and distract the general public from the blitzchung debacle) by announcing it when and how they did imo. we all know games take time to make, but it’s not like they announced the game and then started working on it - they’ve had years upon years of time and i’d put money on the fact that they’re going to tell us they need another year or two more tomorrow.


Nah. Having all the info in the world wouldn’t change that it’s still not going to be out until it’s out.

If you can’t handle the “mystery” than you’re just (veruca) Salty.

And I know people are jaded about the balance situation, that’s why I mentioned it, but that’s ultimately not really relevant to Overwatch 2 itself because it’s going to be the same thing in that game because the same people are making it.

Ok but I care about the lack of current content and would like to see what they’ve gotten done and hope to achieve. Giving consumers a progress roadmap isn’t uncommon and asking for one isn’t some unreasonable saltfest.

I am salty that they skipped delivering finished and promised content for the game and have basically nothing to show for it. That isn’t being cynical.

i feel like it’s more of a case of managing expectations than being upset abt it
blizz has been quiet since the zero hour animated short was dropped and a lot of ppl feels frustrated with the lack of care demonstrated in ovw1(idk like people asking for literal years for small changes to the UI, accessibility options esp with vc volume control etc and instead blizz goes hey guys we buffed ___ and nerfed ___ have fun!) plus blizz seems to have a track record of both not being transparent and not delivering on what little they promise
plus a lot of ppl honestly loves ovw1 and the lack of content for it makes them feel like ovw2 is to blame and therefore should be cancelled or hated on which honestly isnt hard to understand like i came back to this game in nov but i can feel myself starting to lose interest and since we re looking at a 2022 release date at the earliest(at least based on leaks and speculation) im not really excited to ‘stick it out’ for an entire year just to get the pve

The frustration is coming from the fact that it’s looking like Overwatch 2 is coming out in 2022 so that means another year of no content.

We haven’t seen a new standard play map since Havana which was April or May 2019 if I’m not mistaken.

Hero wise Sigma was the last hero released that was part of Blizzards 4 monthish schedule and he was dropped August 2019. We got Echo April 2020.

So that means from when Havana dropped in April or May 2019 until presumably 2022 we’ll have had one standard play map and 2 heroes released in what could be 2 and half to maybe 3 year time span.

When Blizzard showed off OW2 in 2019 I think most felt we’d have our hands on it even if it was just a beta at the end of 2020 or in the first part of 2021. Blizzard probably thought that as well too. So it was easier to accept that we weren’t going to get much new OW1 content for about a year.

The pandemic happened and that changed plans and most understood that we’d see the game pushed back. And fine plans changed unexpectedly but where I’d critique Blizzard is now that you have to release the game much later than what was planned you could at least chip off a new hero and maybe a new standard play map for OW1 now instead of asking your fans to live off morsels of new content for what could be 3 years.

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Just Do-Something-Else™

It’s not like this game is on a subscription model (yet.)
Play a different game, watch something, get a non-gaming hobby.

Humans Don’t deserve anything they get tbh

For the most part I share the sentiment that a lot of people are impatient and especially entitled. But I will say, Blizzard didn’t do themselves any favors when they advertised the game at launch (years ago!) as having constant updates and content releases (new heroes and the like) and after what, two years? That commitment has diminished more and more to the point where we really haven’t had much in the last year. It was an unrealistic commitment they made, and it is equally unrealistic that so many people are holding them to it.

I want it now? May i remember how stale tank and supports are after 30 months of no new heroes?