Why Are People Upset About Overwatch 2?

for sure, they mentioned back when the pandemic hit that several of their employees working from home only had one home computer and two people with a job that required use of it, and even if they had a home desktop, it’s not the same equipment as what’s available at a company building.

I expected it when they announced it in nov 2019 no sooner than may 2021, now I’m saying likely may 2022, likely even later.

The point would be for them to not stop adding new heroes to OW / keep updating it and work on OW2 separately without drawing resources from the primary game. :man_shrugging:

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that’s not as easy a task as you’re suggesting, 1, and 2, any heroes that they add to the base game will need to be altered for the sequel, and that added time for balancing those added variables could have just gone to developing that sequel.

  1. they are still updating the primary game.

Money, time, and sharing major creative minds dont work like that.

Take Square Enex for example, they more or less had one man leading three major games for them. FF15, KH3, and FF7 remake.

Ultimate every project had to be more or less scraped or reworked in some way do to poor management and development decision.

with each tittle being passed to someone else that was their to get the job done, while the original creator got moved to Finish Kh3. (with non core development teams mind you)

Like blizz wasn’t given much of a budget for OW, considering they already sunk millions into the failed MMO that inspired it.

Now they wanted to make a massive PVP rpg team shooter experience. Meaning that they had to pull resources from one project to put into it, and that sadly had to come from the base content of OW.

Working on both separately and simultaneously to a 100% functional level was never an option.

I mean…there are options, but those would typically get me into trouble for suggesting them. (eyes up certain leadership of the company’s huge paychecks and mass layoffs)

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I mean yes they are now being given more resources at the cost of an entire different studio, even then I’m pretty sure OW wouldn’t exist in it’s current state, if not at all without the partner ship.

As horrible as that sounds.

I’m more saying that by giving up certain millions of dollars to one person they might hire more team members to accomplish the project.

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well I’m afraid thats not up to blizz/ the overwatch team.

As much as that money could fund, and being waisted on someone that has already enough funds to last him his entire life without need of an ounce of struggle.

Oh I’m completely aware of that! More just bemoaning that the situation is completely out of the OW team’s hands but they bear the brunt of the frustration of fans.

I hear you, their was a game announce today under the EA partner program. And my first thought was, OK how long will it take for this team to get gutted and their IP stolen.

And more story with different art…
Hating something because it has ‘2’ is a rather silly reason.

I hope more games take on the Super giant approach, honestly. I know it won’t anytime soon, but I wish they would.

the issue with that approach is how uncertain it is, as with a larger studio publishing the studio is guaranteed a certain level of cash flow.

While crowdfunding, and early access backings can leave you with inconsistent funding. Especially if poeple randomly cancel, request refunds, and the likes.

Many things

1: The time its taking
2: We dont know what it is fully
3: We dont know how the buisness model will be
4: how OW1 has seemingly been left to rot until OW2 is done.
5: the fact that it got delayed


It’s not OW2 being the problem, it’s that the " OW Team " is focused on OW2’s development, which truly does impact the update rate of OW1. Especially in terms of significant content updates. It started with a complete halt in the production of the CGI Shorts, and then started to impact OW1 itself. Now we’re “stuck” with Seasonal events and the occasional new Skins / Poses / Sprays that are associated with them.

The only “significant” content update we’ve had in a while was the release of Echo, and then much later on the new Deathmatch map; and… that’s it. On a side note, Echo was released on April 9th 2020. We’re approaching a one year mark since her release (just letting this here for time reference). Now add to this the fact that we’re in world-wide Pandemic, where most large development companies had to resort to sending their team(s) back home where they now work from, which makes everything more difficult, and certainly not “faster” in productivity.

And you have the current situation where when OW2 is mentioned all we can do really is shrug and point back at OW1 and think “Ok but, how about THIS one?”.

Your theory is interesting but that is not really want I am trying to say.

Basically I am trying to say that info for OW2 is a mess.

So essentially the problem people have is, blizzard basically decided to completely kill overwatch 1 in terms of new releases just for this game, and on top of that not tell their playerbase anything about it for a year and 4 months.

It’s not overwatch 2 we have a problem with, it’s how it’s being handled.


They claimed to have several heroes already made just needing to be tested years ago. Before…Ashe? was released? if they were ahead they should have continued rather than let it stagnate. They’re a multi-billion dollar company, Im sure they can make it work when indie / smaller studios are.

Barely lol. When’s the last time we got a new event for a holiday? 2019 - almost two years ago. When’s the last time we had a new hero? Almost a year ago. A full new map? 2019.

And they received major flack from the fans for taking so long with those games and announcing them prematurely - exactly what is happening with Blizzard.

The difference being, Square Enix didn’t suddenly stop updating their other games in the name of working on those games. They continued to pump out releases and give content. It was more of a “well, we know we promised KH3 / FF15, but we have other stuff to do first so you’ll have to wait”

I’d rather Blizzard do that with OW2.

I don’t think people are upset with Overwatch 2… they are upset about the radio silence from devs, lack of updates, lack of content in the current game (supposedly do to OW2 being under development) and it’s been so long since it’s been announced, that if we weren’t talking about it all, it would almost seem like it just isn’t a thing.

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They announced Overwatch 2 back in Nov 2019, and then just completely and utterly disappeared for good.

Of course we’d be upset by this.

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