Why are mercy mains crying?

And those people are in low ranks for a reason. You can’t just cater your game to casual players and low ranks players. Any good support, especially Mercys, should not be dying over and over.

A good death per 10 is about 5 MAX. Mercy’s only defensive ability should not have to be nerfed because low rank players are bad at the game and can’t aim.


My point was that it’s a game not just a mechanical system where you just play whoever is strongest.

This has nothing to do with my point. Seems like you’re just trying to rub it in with all your responses.


flats its just a mediocre streamer who follows what the community says

and the community said “my mercy its getting one shoot against road, thats terrible!”

and i point only mercy because brig its a dead character no one play it, or even symetra, the only popular character who suffer with road is mercy

Also to the people saying killing her was a problem I also mained Genji, Soldier, and Junk. Killing her was not an issue I had. From a perspective of both sides it is a skill issue.


Ok cool but your fun mobility was broken and made the game unfun for other people! You’re complaining because the ‘fun’ part of her kit was slightly nerfed (because it was broken). Getting back to the entitlement thing - your fun isn’t anymore important than other peoples fun.


this latest nerf guts Mercy

it is a huge overall nerf, and is described by Blizzard in their season 3 into article as a nerf as well

worst still, there are legions of folks who are (or soon will be) calling for even more nerfs on this already gutted character because this latest set of nerfs did not touch rez or damage boost

its a very very sad time for Mercy


Dbl shield pocket 76 was ow1 meta for 2 and half years and now pocket soj for 6 months

Numbers may be wrong but 76 does 20/bullet that’s an extra 4 dmg per shot over 5 shots that’s an entire extra bullet which is still high value. Compare amp 15% to discord 15% one hero is the easiest to dive in the game and other until new patch was the hardest debatably.

I agree that soj is way overtuned I saw an idea that she would just have higher rate of fire or dmg per bullet in exchange for no railgun except when ulting and that seemed pretty good. But again if pocket 76 was meta for 2 years and pocket ash was meta when she released and pocket echo was meta when she released obvsiouly the new heroes being released had some sort of overtuned number but the common denominator amongst them all was mercy ding ding!

When I played mercy hog was never an issue, but when I played anyone else it was.

Does her 60 HPS during valkyrie gets increased by the 50% critical HP buff???

Ok cool so stop ignoring what Mercy mains are actually saying just so you can act like a dick.

We’ve all proposed a million things that could have been better. Like just reverting her movement to OW1. But you keep ignoring it so you can feign ignorance and mock people for just complaining.


What… HELLO? Is this new forbidden lore ebcause this never happened???

2 months Soljourn didnt use pocket before season 2

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Feel free to check my overbuff or whatever is used to track rank now I’ve been playing since overwatch 1 beta in 2016 and have hit gm since seaosn 4 and on. Albeit I’m not a support main I’d say I’m experienced enough to have a valid opinion having maimed most heroes in the game at some point or another whereas most the replies are otp mercys that have never touched dps or tank

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Because she’s less fun, and it was the fact that she was fun that made people main her.



Everyone was getting murdered by the Hog, not just Mercy. In fact, out of all the supports, Mercy was probably the least likely to get hooked and murdered by Hog, besides maybe Kiriko.

Also I play Brig sometimes, I like her :frowning:

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I get that people and some mercy mains love to be catastrophic and passionate, which is understandable. I also get some people come to troll, thats lame but is human nature. But yes you are right and love that…when people let exagerations and meme take over the facts and starts throwing arguments easily proven as false.

And sure, is GA the rest ar changes that we will see how it feels, now the mechanic is new and feel for many clunky. Others will love it. I left the game recently I can only speak from my experience and say that this in particular and season 3 changes is not precisely making me want to return to the game.

I have a mercy main friend who I play with that simply said this two sentences I adored “Blizzard do not know what to do to force people to leave their game” and “I do nto care, personally Ill play her anyway” and…she doesnt come to the forums to be vocal about anything.

you can do your own search most of people who wanted road nerfs are just mercy mains, and thats understable the reason are on top i will not say it again

your personal experience doesnt matter you can be a bronze player playing 1 hour every week, thats fine but doesnt enter to the actual topic

Already told you to just look more than 1 page into t500 list. Check last seaosn or the season before or season 28-36 of overwatch 1 or season 23 or season 21 and you’ll see mercy as an frequent pick

Yes it is only the GA, but there are some very practical reasons other than ‘wa it isnt fun no more’. I go through some reasons in detail here for anyone that’s interested GA changes. It is not just about the ‘fun’ factor

i also like her, wait actually i gonna be honest, i like unpopular heroes because im tired to see the same face everyday everytime

brig its so bad, only works against specific heroes and in specific maps

Dbl shield was meta I aint ever seen a pocketed soldier in tandem being an issue if you had Genji or something. Also mercy damage boost is 30% I’d be fine with a nerf of that to like 20% but discord orb is better in comparison because 25% damage from all heros not 1 is much better. Also idk what that guy going on about soj being a problem she is fine where she is.