Why are mercy mains crying?

I don’t get it. Besides the movement nerf, she pretty much only got buffs.

She still heals herself (11.25 HPS). Her 50% ADDITIONAL healing on targets below half health is a massive buff for keeping your team alive in those clutch moments. Then that’s compounded with her ult, I assume?

Let me go into that a bit further. She got nerfed from 55 HPS to 45… but if you’re healing someone at half health, you’re probably just topping them off. Keeping them up below half health is what matters. Right now, she heals targets that are below half health for an additional 50%… that’s 67.5 HPS. So you’ve got a standard 45 to top your team off, and 67 for when the going gets rough. This does not seem like a nerf to me. This is at least as good as before, if not better.

I really don’t get it. I’ve been trying her out and she feels great. Maybe there’s something I’m not seeing, in which case feel free to explain that to me.


Because of entitlement. Literally every time there is a balance change to the hero there is some form of outrage from them. Not even just balance - anything Mercy. “PiNk MeRcY” “No MeRcY sKiN iN 1 eVent WhY???”

Nothing special about her. Just another hero. She isn’t immune to balance changes and also the sometimes dumb choices by the devs.

EDIT: The mercy mains mass flagged this, but it was reinstated by moderators :slight_smile:


Because the GA nerf makes her very clunky and slow to play, and was the one thing Mercy playing pretty much unanimously agreed upon needed to remain untouched. Most Mercy players are actually fine with the idea of having damage boost and rez reworked into something more active or more useful, especially the Rez since it gets used so little, but the movement is why many Mercy players loved playing Mercy.

The healing changes are actually interesting and many, myself included, agree that it’s a good direction, making Mercy more of a triage healer zipping around doing emergency heals on the whole team, rather than being a boring damage boost pocket, since the damage boost has always been her most valuable contribution. But the GA changes discourage that triage healer playstyle and more heavily encourages the damage boost pocket playstyle. It’s just incredibly conflicting and does nothing to solve the actual issues people have with Mercy and instead just promotes the playstyle everyone hates, Mercy players included, while also drastically lowering Mercy quality of life.

That’s why Mercy players are complaining.


It’s the movement nerf. It changes how she plays.

If you give Tracer back her old damage, give her 175 hp, but add 1s CD to blink. That hero is gonna feel awful to play.


but also road nerfs becomes from pretty much mercy mains, because zen, ana, lucio or kiriko have fun against road all of them are stronger

Dps any of them long range, even genji or sombra

tanks? orisa rein, ball maybe except sigma? but sigma still giga stronger so

yea resuming road nerf its because mercy mains pretty much

Tell me you’re biased and ignoring feedback without telling me.

No, the reason Mercy mains are upset is because this change hurts her flow while not changing her pocketing issue at all.


I love playing Mercy because I am hard to kill and it’s guaranteed healing or damage beam.


I still think a hitbox size increase would have been more than enough of a fix.


Y’all confusing af. If she was “op” before these changes, but now these are “buffs” to all of you…is she next level op? Like make up your minds


as à tracer main mercy was not rlly a problem since she have 0 self dmg and 0 cancel effect (like kiriko). shes easy to kill but harder when you play a hitscan hero. i think 175 hp for mercy could be good.


Because it’s not about logic or their actual opinions on the game. It’s just about “triggering the Mercy mains”


Oh nooo her ability, which is the best movement ability in the game, went from 1 sec to 3 oh noooo. Like compare ga to Cree roll or pharaoh jump lol

Because she has been totally nerfed unfairly, completely destroyed, we now have Mercy in the worst state in YEARS, the changes must be reversed or the damage will be irreparable.


If a squishy is under 50% hp my healing rarely saves them considering how much burst there is in game since 67 hps is still below average for mainhealer, and it is not delivered in a burst + You are ruining your fellow supps ult economy

You misunderstand how healers work


Fr, they are prooving themselves to be as clueless as the devs that worked on these changes


No, they’re not clueless. They know exactly what they’re doing.

It’s just trolling. That’s it. Logic doesn’t matter to them if they are trolling you.


Her movement nerf is definitely good. She has the best movement in the game on a 1 second cooldown whilst getting zenyatta discord for a person and more healing than Lucio or zen she has insane value and as such should be easy to kill but until the nerf trying to kill a 1 second super jumping mercy was less effective than just shooting it’s pocket


Looks like you do get it.

It’s the movement nerf.


Dude, both those characters can two shot you. Mercy can’t do squat to the enemy team.


But her movement wasn’t an issue until OW2 came out.

So what changed? Well they tweaked GA to make it better in OW2. Literally just revert those buffs and she’ll feel fine to play while having a much weaker GA.