Ball, DF, Lucio, Maybe even Echo,
I would somewhat agree with Lucio but every other character on that list doesn’t have a 1 second ability
Ah yes the most high value support in the game should be nigh unkillable very logical. Imagaine if kiriko or Ana could just leave at any given moment both of those healers are similar in the value they provide yet they’re much much easier to actually dive or kill
No, if there’s anyone to point fingers at for Hogs nerf it could be Flats and the gang, they were strongly advocating it and even talked to Devs themselves on the problem at hand.
Not what I said nor believe.
Kiriko can teleport through walls and Ana has the strongest 2 offensive abilities in the game.
Well, this just goes to show you don’t know what you’re talking about
Its not about just coodlowns, but about effectiveness per usage and amount.
Ball’s ball form alone is almsot enought to make up but the isnanity that good grappling hooks gives just make him better, Echo has free flight and a betetr bersion of her passive on low CD, Doom has 2 abilities that both can stack and give him momentum wehn canceled both on short cds
But movement nerfs made her clunky and less fun to play as…
I’ll tell you in very very simple terms:
Mercy could heal 10hps and I wouldn’t care as much as I do abt the movement nerfs.
I don’t care if she got buffed, SHE IS UNFUN.
I rather take back mid tier Mercy which was at least fun to play instead of this garbage.
Thats kiriko
Thats what kiriko can do
HAHAAHAHAHA No. Ana and kirikos util and healing make mercy look like a effin JOKE
Cause the movement nerfs kinda goes against what the other changes push for.
I do enjoy the other parts but it’s the GA Nerf that takes away making it feel better.
A lot of the changes were things I wanted to see-her getting moved to more off support with an emphasis on damage boost. Healing interaction with critical health teammates. Heck technically they included body blocking more in Valk (granted stealth Nerf of the removal of the constant regen).
But man the GA Nerf makes it feel like I’m not supposed to be moving and acting like a mobile buff for my team anymore. I’m not allowed to zip about to get my team’s ults faster.
It’s janky and just feels like I’m supposed to just stand still and pocket.
literally kiriko have just to press one button to leave a dangerous situation.
Enjoy your nerfed hero. Her hypermobility was problematic. She literally just spams mobility and never dies. Have you seen lower ranked player lobbies? Mercy never dies because they can’t aim at her because she’s zipping everywhere. Just gets immense value while existing. None of her ‘skillful’ techs needed there.
Everyone else gets used to their heroes being nerfed/changed, so get used to it. Hog just got sledgehammered. Sombra was hit hard previously and it made her the worst hero in the game.
because it’s boring af and her playstyle is braindead again
And there it is, the root of the problems
Mercy: impressive healing, amp which has been meta for 3 years now, and insane mobility. If you disagree that isn’t value just in paper look at support t500 or play any gm game and you’re guaranteed to see at least 1 mercy per game. If mercy has ~70% pick rate and you argue she isn’t overtuned you’re just wrong. I agree the movement nerf if I were a dev isn’t what I’d touch first I’d either keep her movement and significantly reduce dmg boost to say 5-7% or what they did and keep boost but reduce her movement speed significantly so she’s actually killanle and pocket isn’t as viable
We don’t balance the game around people who are bad at it.
That’s how we get 3 seasons of Sojourn being hard meta.
As if she wasn’t already genuinely torb takes more skill lmao. I’m a gm tank and dps and was only diamond on support but wanted gm on all roles as a personal achievement and just tricked mercy with my duo and got there in a few days lmfao
Because they are insisting on the fact that she is now totally different to play.
That she is no more funny to play. That the flow of the hero is ruined.
The reality is that they just ad a minimum need of management to the GA that can be no longer be spammed, being still on an extremely short CD for a mobility ability.
Meanwhile she is hell strong, hers healing is the best among supports, she has become an alive interdiction from death. Also hers Valkyre is incredible good.
I have played with plenty of Mercys in this days and they were all doing great, and are not ding as much as they want us to believe on this forums, just slightly more.
Mercy community has always been this way, just ignore them
“Bad decisions happen to everyone else so just shut it and play”
Yeah no. I don’t have to keep playing, least of all keep playing her.