Asking because I never saw them cheering Ana, Bastion or even Roadhog mains when she was top tier and those all trash or labeled as trollpicks
I find it weird you’re addressing Mercy mains and not just any main that isn’t the main of said hero (Ana, Bastion, Hog). I don’t see a lot of Tracer, Genji or Winston mains “cheering on ignored heroes” either, probably because when someone mentions a hero, they don’t say HI MERCY MAIN HERE AND I THINK BASTION IS BAD. That would be weird af.
honestly i noticed it after they started getting asked
Despite that, some of them did. There was a topic some months ago trying to figure out why support/mercy players were in favor of buffing sombra.
But most of what you said is still true. And people still paint with generalizing brushes.
Mercy Mains and any other main aren’t Jeff/Geoff, and didn’t suddenly become responsible for balancing the game as a whole.
Well, I’ve seen them defend heroes like Ana; claiming that the Dev’s “reasoning” that she’s only weak to the meta wasn’t a viable reason when you look into it.
I will agree that I didn’t see many for Bastion; but I did see some advocating that he should have gotten the full throttle rework since he was standing lower than Mercy was.
And Roadhog, wasn’t all that bad during the Mercy rein so I suppose that could be why he wasn’t addressed that much? He wasn’t the best, but he did get more play than others.
Stay Positive!
The Brigitte Spaghetti Movement
Probably because they now have empathy for the situation those heroes are in. That is why I support Mercy. I have been there, done that with Reaper. Especially when nobody even considers him a problem and defaults to heroes such as Bastion… Or even Sombra, a top tier character that JUST got massive changes. Lul. Talk about hypocrisy.
Not sure if Sombra was top tier, but, yeah. Pros didn’t want to adapt, and so Sombra’s buffs were dropped and we got the current mess, instead.
The whole Sombra situation is a mess, to be perfectly honest. I am just saying, if you go down a list of characters that have been struggling in multiple contexts and blatantly ignored, Reaper and Bastion would top the list. Perhaps even Roadhog, but he has been getting changes and is literally being addressed next time, confirmed. As a Reaper main, I am just tired of everyone pretending like he is not bottom just because this place is infested with tank mains. If you present something under the guise that you want better balance and ignore inconvenient problems, you are part of the problem. Simple as that.
Yes, if only Mercy mains ever made threads about other heroes…
Those are all recent though
To add to my last post, i don’t think you’re obligated to crusade for every unsung hero. If they don’t care about bastion, they don’t care about bastion. I don’t give a crap about bastion and I’ll acknowledge he’s in an extremely niche spot, but i don’t care enough about bastion to participate in the discussion
I complained about the Ana changes back around the time they were made.
I used to be an Ana main.
Mercy’s the third support I played that got shot in the foot by developer decisions in my view.
You can see that at least one of them is a repost from the old forums… where most of my older threads are.
I’m a roadhog main and I try to address mercy a lot and I don’t get called out for it
The Brigitte Spaghetti Movement
Reaper, IMO, needs real shotguns. Not the RNG type he has now, where even at point blank, it’s near impossible to land crits. Maybe Blizz should get someone to visit DICE, and ask them how shotguns actually work in a video game.
That is understandable. I do not really care about Bastion either; however, he is still on the top of my mind when it comes to ignored characters despite the fact that I never really offer any suggestions on how to fix him. I do not even play Mercy in any relevant capacity. When you notice a blatant problem and it is not getting addressed, I feel that you are obligated to at the very least point it out, if you care about that sort of thing. Hence why I do it, because I do care about the balance of the game and if their direction has shifted to hero balance, it is not that unreasonable to expect them to, at the very least, address why they are not changing heroes who have been bottom for months or contradict their overall roles.
Like, I won’t make threads for heroes I think is in need of love that I don’t play myself purely because I don’t have enough knowledge about their gampley to have a discussion about it. I can still see, based on stats and my own experiences in game facing them, that they need help. Hence why I’ve been making posts on Ana for quite some time, and the occassional Sym one too, while not making any for Bastion or Torbjörn.
This was exceptionally common. Beyond a substantial and welcome amount of genuine concern, there were hordes of people saying that OP Mercy was fine and that the solution was to buff the other supports.
Are you new to the forum or just not been here for a while?
Mercy mains DID support Ana , the whole time.
They knew Mercy was a must-pick and they didn’t , I repeat DIDN’T, want Mercy to be a must-pick or even meta.
It’s strange that all Ana threads that were created and I’ve seen - they always had Mercy mains cheering for Ana buffs etc.
Bastion was always a hot topic , but it seems like the community has forgotten about him , and I’ve seen Mercy mains commenting on Bastion threads for buffs/changes.
As for Roadhog - I don’t know ,I haven’t seen much topics about him before the latest changes that were added to him.
Mercy Mains always supported any type of changes that were/are needed to the game and they’ll continue to do it.
I actually main all of these except tracer (not this profile) and i do that a LOT