A request from a console player regarding Symmetra's teleporter

So the Symmetra rework is out, and it will be interesting to see how she affects the meta. However, as a console player I feel the controls regarding new Symmetra is a bit clunky for her allies. For some characters I use L3 for “swap weapon” as using the Dpad isn’t particularly easy to use mid-fight. Now, I know I can just swap to the available left Dpad for them to use the teleporter, but I like consistency and for all characters to use the same buttons as much as possible.

Now to my request: would it be possible to code the game to share buttons with the teleporter? And if I’m close to the teleporter it will override whatever other function it has? So I if I use “swap weapon” close to a teleporter I will teleport, but otherwise I can use it as I normally do. I think it would make it feel so much better when playing.

It would be much appreciated.


Just get an Elite Controller and stop playing around lol. Download the Xbox Accessories app to remap the buttons

I guess I could, but they are pretty expensive to get for just one game. Otherwise I’ll just have to make do, I just thought it could be a nice feature to add. If nothing else this might crop up later with other characters, and we really are running out of buttons to use for the standard controllers.

You can map 2 buttons to one with the Xbox Accessories app. The Elite controller has a lifetime warranty, trigger stops, swappable thumbsticks (comes with different sizes) and did I forget to mention lifetime warranty? Mine has already paid for itself, I’ve broken 2 of them and gotten 2 free ones back from the warranty. You mean to tell me you only play one game on Xbox?

Yea, but it doesn’t ADD Buttons… just gives you four more, that do the same thing as the X A B And Y Buttons.

That’s why some people are a bit confused about Console mapping.

Also, i’m on my second Elite Controller… These things are as durable as wet cardboard.


I’m on PS4, so no app for me. I’ll consider buying the controller, but I’m quite low on funds so it will depend a bit on if I manage to get a more steady flow of cash.

Hold Reload to interact just like in the Retribution or Uprising

There are not enough buttons on a controller for a completely new interact button

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Works for me! It goes to show it’s possible.

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Well, yeah it does add buttons. 4 removable metal triggers underneath in fact. You can’t add another button to an Xbox controller in the manner of… X, Y, A, B, then like… D, E… You can map 2 different buttons to the same button though, and with the elite, you can use one of 4 additional triggers underneath

Well ive got news for you buddy, I was at E3 a couple weeks ago and Scuf was there. They’ve got a Playstation version of the Elite Controller. It’s expensive but it’s way better than the regular ps4 controllers.

I Have One.

The buttons underneath act as the X, A, Y, B Buttons.

And even though i haven’t tried to change it much… All it would do for me was unmap the whole button.

If there Is Some way to map it like you have said, could you please explain in detail?

Are you trying to do that symmetra teleporter button with reload? You can’t do that without removing a different button for the “interact” button in Overwatch’s button mapping menu. Xbox Accessories can only remap buttons that are given to it by the game. Blizz gave us the nasty end of the stick again. I actually only hate symmetra even more because of this. I just hate that hero so much. Everything Blizzard has done with that hero… they ought to just delete symmetra

You’re correct. You can’t do it with the Xbox Accessories app. Microsoft could add support for additional buttons, because the hardware technically supports it, but they won’t. Something to do with controller standards for competitive play (more functions is an advantage).

You can do it with reWASD, which is a really nice app. However, Overwatch doesn’t have an option to force the display to the controller UI (you can only force the kbm UI), so if you set one of the paddles (or other buttons) to a keyboard key, the UI will flicker when you use that button.

So extra buttons are not a viable option right now. Besides, unless they have some amazing plans for that Interact button the best solution is just not to have it. Using Symm’s teleporter should be jump. It’s a superfluous keybind.

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I have been told multiple times now for whatever reason that i should also bind Jump to one of the triggers… People seem to think that it’s important.

I just… don’t get it.

I think if i start rebinding everything i would struggle to relearn my playstyle, if not how to play at all. Lol

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If you have an elite, I’d personally put jump and melee on the paddles. It’s not super important for everyone, but it makes things like Lucio’s wall ride and bunny hopping with Mercy a lot easier than using a face button for jump.

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I Think I have Melee on the right Joystick… X3
(So that i make sure i can see the thing i’m punching, lol)
And currently, The “Interact” Button on the left one.

I have Jump, reload, Crouch, and Ult, on the back paddles.
(For quicker reaction times, of course.)

I hate how interact needs a completely separate button binding. I do not have any unused buttons on my controller since I started using push to talk.

If we’re not able to double bind actions like interact/reload or interact/crouch, then at least give us the option to use teleport without pushing any buttons. I would rather teleport automatically than give up crouch or melee.


I had to do this for Genji because for the life of me I could not understand how people were changing direction while jumping at the same time because you need the same thumb to do both actions simultaneously. Someone mentioned binding jump to a trigger instead of a round button. I did. It’s helped me Genji. Not much, I’m still terrible, but at least the jump while changing direction thing is much easier and using him feels more fluid.

Since then I’ve reconfigured a lot of heroes to have different controller set ups. About 8 out of the 27 have totally unique configurations. It’s confusing at first to relearn them all, but once you adjust, it really does help improve your game or, at the very least, feel more comfortable using certain heroes.

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I’ve had 4 elite controller warranty replacements this YEAR. Rb broke, lb broke and severe stick drift twice. These things are awesome but oh so bad.

I’m thinking about getting one just to strip the thing, and build a METAL One with it’s base.

I’ve had the rubber pad things come off both of the one’s i’ve had including my current one, the bumpers came completely off of my first one, And my current one has some pretty noticeable stick drift in the left stick. -.-

I was especially sad over the first one, since it was a gift too. ;-; lol

I think I have the warranty deal, so… hopefully i can get mine replaced…
I’m not Super clear on how all that works, since… I’m a Bit dumb.

This is why i’m going to get Anthem on PC… -.- These controllers are dead to me.

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