Why are gold games easier than bronze?

I cannot understand it because it works as I expect it to.

If you are good at the game, you rank up. With ranking up you are placed in matches where other players are good at the game too/around your skill level

If you get worse at the game or are just not that good, you lose games, going down in the rankings, and go against players that are around your skill level until you start winning again (since these players will be your skill level it begins to even out)

What exactly is the issue?


In this matchmaking there are bronze in plat, plats in bronze, diamonds in bronze, masters in plat, gold in bronze, gold in masters. Anything goes, rank is meaningless. I could make a better matchmaker in a week.

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:laughing: my god dude


You can’t even win a game in plat. Know your limits.


MMR is put in with the desire to match up people of equal skill at least in theory. Let’s say you are in high bronze with a 4-1 KDR on average on dps the system is like this guy is clearly outplaying the bracket so it matches you up against other such players.

Again MMR is not the problem. The problem is it takes too damn long for your SR to catch up with your MMR. If I am a 2200 player on my main account and I get a hold of someone’s bronze account playing dps I will eventually get to mid gold roughly on that account. BUt it will probably take hundreds of games. Which is a waste of time.

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I love that I have video evidence of me winning effortlessly in a diamond/masters game.

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Fixed that for you real quick


You are seeing insane SR spreads cause the game is dead. Unless you want 30 minute ques on dps you are going to have to live with ridiculous sr spreads.

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We’ve all seen your joker moment. Losing in gold lobbies and cannot possibly fathom that it’s your fault. You then proceed to turn into conspiracy theorist nutjob.

No use in trying to fool us. We all know!


I certainly don’t think the ranks are meaningless, there’s a reason I stay in plat, sometimes I reach diamond and sometimes I drop to high gold but I always end back up at mid to high plat because obviously that’s where I belong. I just find it difficult to play in a game with lower ranks, maybe it’s because I expect certain things from them that they can’t live up to. For example I expect a Dva to deal with a hitscan on high ground, I expect a rein to move forward rather than just stand in a choke for his shield to deplete, I expect Anna to be able to land most of her healing shots, or I expect zen to use his healing orb, I often dont get these basic functions from my team mates in bronze/silver so I think you have to play differently. one needs to learn to carry in a very different way… in a way that wouldn’t work out in my regular rank.

Another thing I noticed is that Different heroes work better too down there. I can do well as Dva at my regular rank but I don’t get enough healing in silver games so I pick zarya and just melt everyone. But in plat the zarya doesn’t work nearly as well because they have soldiers and other hitscan that know how to use high ground advantage. I have to laugh when silver players get upset if you aren’t picking OWL/GM Meta heroes, as if that has any relevance to any of these ranks (including mine).


Getting HARDCarried by your Soldier is not evidence, especially not when you still looked and played like a silver ball in that match :rofl: :rofl:

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Kicking and screaming from people who have never been to any tier without grouping. They hate it when I provide video evidence.

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And now your’e back to lying.
Feels like someone is out of arguments…

Evidence of what?
You being a silver player?


Yes it would be meaningful and I would like to see it. Don’t speak for everyone.

Don’t care how you/blizz justify it. It shouldn’t be hidden. End of story.

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Have you tried just NOT playing the game if you disagree with what most people understand are quite reasonable terms here?

How do you think people are going to react when the only number used is MMR and there is no punishment mechanism, it’s hard to understand, and it’s movement looks unintuitive?

Do you really think they’re going to recode the system to cater to the whims of a few petty conspiracy theorists who are convinced that their epeen is bigger than it really is?

What information they have shared has not solved anything but rather just been twisted to support one of these nutty narratives.

Stay mad, bro. It’s not going to happen just because a few people that are obviously out of touch with reality demand it in the one forum that they can’t get downvoted into oblivion or kicked at whim.


See, this is what a reasonable, normal human thinks when something like this happens. (I know “reasonable” and “normal” aren’t much in the way of compliments, but it’s a bar to high for some.)

I feel like maybe you’ve walked into the middle of a discussion, so here’s a bit of a primer for you, and yes… very little had changed since 2018…


No point discussing this with you when you feel the need to resort to petty personal attacks. Clearly the logic is lacking.

What’s the point in using logic, when you’ll just make up whatever to suit your view?

I can’t reference def statements because “they’re lYiNg”.

I can’t reference how the system actually works because “YoUCANt kNoW”.

I can’t give you more reasonable explanations because you simply. don’t. care.

Anything other than “i do not like it and don’t trust it” is simply a non-starter for you, and anyone who tries to be reasonable will get stuck in a loop of disregarded evidence and epistemic nihilism.

So yeah. If you won’t accept logic, then why bother giving you any?

The only evidence you have is your distorted perceptions and ridiculous expectations.


If you have to ask then I shouldn’t bother to explain. Take a leaf out of Titan’s book.

Well, it seems we finally agree. You really SHOULDN’T bother. Not that you ever have.