Why are gold games easier than bronze?

I have an account in gold and one in silver/bronze, and the gold games are SO much easier. The gold games feel natural, win some, lose some, most games feel pretty balanced. The silver/bronze games are a nightmare, total stomps win or lose, and I have to carry hard to win. Is it because matches are handicapped, or just because people smurf like mad down there?


I find them both equally easy. If you’re a dps player you probably find it easier in gold because supports heal dps around that elo. In bronze they don’t heal dps. This makes it so you have to adjust your playstyle accordingly. Soldier is turbo easy and so is widow since you’ll not be taking damage on either of those heros (effective damage on soldier is counteracted by healing station).

Nothing to do with handicapping, Cuthbert.


Ive never been lower than gold but id imagine theres slightly more coordination in gold than in bronze at a base level.

having played both. The people in bronze don’t have any idea how their role is supposed to work. Healers are mostly interested in DPS, and most tanks that want to get out of that elo will just take hog for the self heal.

The tanks have no idea where their team is, what the kill count is, who has what ult, or what LOS they want to take.

so it’s just a shet show. Honestly, it’s worse that QP.

Gold, at least 1/2 the time the players are actually trying to do their role. Just badly.

This is not at all true for bronze and is actually the opposite. All I’ve seen supps down there do is shove healing into tank. I would re-watch your replays there and be a little more observant

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Bro? I’ve reported you for spaming me before, Shove Off!
You don’t respond to actually talk to others, you post to hear your own voice, now shut up.

Malding… I called out your post for being straight up false. Nothing more here I have no clue who you even are

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Cool story.
Reported again.

Mald. There’s nothing to report me over

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1 season I got put in bronze and just demolished my way up to mid gold getting like 98% play of the games. That 2% when the game decided a hanzo missing 99% of his arrows was pog.

The saddest smurfs drop to bronze because they can’t win against the smurfs in gold

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I believe it’s a combination of aimbots and smurfs but also the algorithms and MMR trying to keep you from climbing and, most impactful of all, that brand new low SR players can place several ranks higher than Bronze and you have to climb up out of Bronze while they drop down and end up in your teams on their way to their true starting rank.
The SR and Ranking system sabotages itself by design.

I initially placed in high silver and I believed that to be working for me for a while up until season 11 brought in private profiles and LFG and suddenly my rank dropped drastically and I still, four years hence, haven’t gotten it back.
Doesn’t matter how hard I train or how much coaching I get or how much I review and learn from my own games, I am not getting out for long. I get dragged back down sub 1k soon as I’m within sniffing distance of my initial placement SR from 2017.

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Have you considered that you’ve failed at getting better at the game / applying what the coaches have told you to do? If you want I can play in silver on any account you want and consistently win to show you it’s bogus to claim handicapping

I watched Yaldy’s replays that he posted in another topic and I believe his aim is better than mine and I’m a plat dps. He should be higher than low silver for sure. A few questionable decisions here and there such as target priority and ult usage but most of those losses were the result of an obvious tank diff in my opinion.


Here’s the issue though, aim and mechanics will carry you to plat-dia at best (look at when shroud played overwatch) good decision making is what will win you games. Tank diffs hardly matters until diamond and masters where they’re much smarter and know how to shut down and control angles. Why not send me a replay code?

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Strongly disagree. In low ranks you can get tanks who never contest the point, are either afraid to take any damage at all or face tank everything forcing your healers to hard pocket them and use every resource available just to keep them alive. If you have one of those against any semi competent tank duo its gonna be a gg 9 times out of 10.

  1. VFFD2D

Ok here the first one he posted tell me that’s not a tank diff look at the feeding ball he never helped his team ever and the Orisa just kept dying while the enemy tanks actually made some plays and were mostly fighting on point when they needed to be.


The suggested course of action here is against the rules of the game

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And my final placement after 5 matches in high bronze, low silver with 3 out of 5 wins was 1508 SR.

It in fact is not, never specified playing on his account.

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And…reported again…
Is this hard to grasp?
Seriously, stop talking to me, stop messaging me, stop replying me.
If I never see “m e r c y” in my notifications again, it will make me incredibly happy.
Worse than a spam caller…