Why are gold games easier than bronze?

They aren’t, I think you just are not good at adapting.

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This is happening to my friend right now and it’s been a real let down for him. Losing a lot is really demotivating. I tried telling him that it’s going to take a while for him to be at a proper sr so that he wins more games and has more even matches, but he doesn’t feel good enough for comp. He was placed in plat and is in low gold currently but he could go lower. I can’t say because he hasn’t played enough for his rank to stabilize.

When I joined this game I was put in silver. I didn’t freefall in sr because the system was terribly off. I played a ton that season and my sr went all over silver but never left silver until I got to gold where I decided to stop for the season. That was the most I ever played in comp because this was before things were that complicated or made me anxious. I just had to improve on the little things. It was a new game and I knew I could only go up from there so I had no issues queuing up. That is how it should be for new players. This was season 7. Pre role q 10 placements.

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You have no facts, that’s the point. MMR is hidden. You can’t just scream facts and make them appear. You have opinions, which are valued by approximately nobody.

Here’s a fact: MMR is used to create fair matches. That’s like picking teams in high school gym class to spread skill levels around.

Here’s an opinion: Fair matchmaking is for leisure activity, not for comp. Do you think the NFL tells one team they need to play a bench warmer because the other team has a star out sick?

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This is a false equivalence. It’s like comparing overwatch ladder to owl. They’re different things, meant for different people. Comp creating fair matches is because you’re supposed to learn and get better at the game, and generally what is reflected is your rank.

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Incorrect. You minimize the experience. Learning is great. Learning from handicapped games is not so great.

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soooo… how exactly are these masters and gm players learning? Since you make the assumption every game is handicapped.

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Bro, I’m not here to convince you. I have no respect for your opinion or the way you attack people on the forums. Stop picking fights. If you have something constructive to say, great, but you seem to just be here to argue.

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You can’t convince me because the entire basis of your argument isn’t logical. You say I pick fights with people, I am trying to stop people from getting brainwashed by this garbage on these forums saying matchmaking is ‘rigged’ and that is why they’re the rank they are at. News flash, I can get any account out of plat hardly even trying. Those who think the matchmaker is rigged can never explain that.


So explain to me how I climbed from 1000SR on tank all the way to now diamond and still climbing within the past few months? I got coached by a OWL player. I got better every day. Why would the game just choose to handicap you into losing and not me?


Sorry but you made a thread that is considered a hot take. This means the burden of proof is on you here. I understand that getting proof is extremely hard and hence people here don’t ask for irrefutable evidence but something that isn’t “I think so”.

Even then m e r c y did bring up proof by saying that logically speaking the ranks don’t work like that. To which you called them delusional and later claimed they were here only to argue when it was you who is the argumentative one.

If you make a post on a public forum, you should expect to get challenged.


Because technically, there is no such thing as a “bronze” match. Your matches are based on MMR. You can have gold level quality matches in bronze, and bronze quality matches in gold.

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…isn’t that a problem?

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Why yes. Yes it is.

20 chars

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At the end of the day, teams are matched by sr. That’s why it’s shown before every game, and why teams have similar sr ranges. So I don’t see how this is true.

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You’ve been around here too long not to know that MMR is the key part of this process. I mean MMR literally stands for “matchmaking rating” – it’s there in the name. Your post is puzzling to put it lightly.

I have no idea why Mercy liked your post. He also knows this as well as anyone, but maybe it’s not about the quality of ideas at this point as much as it’s about who’s doing the talking.

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Didn’t say sr is the only factor but it is the trumping one. If team averages don’t match, then the game won’t be made. Obviously mmr is also a factor, but it’s a bit disingenious to say it’s the only one.

If you condemn mercy for liking that post then you better start condemning hulk for doing the exact same thing. Literally any post that complains about the matchmaker, reasonable or not, he copypastes the same post.

“You’ve found the unfortunate truth of overwatch!1!!”

You can write like a toddler and hulk will reply that the post is well written and informative.


Hey, you forgot the cat face though.



SR sets the range, and MMR finds the players within that range; one doesn’t “trump” the other, they have different roles to play. You also said “I” don’t see how this is true" in reference to bronze level matches being played in gold and vice versa, which misunderstands that SR and MMR can be vastly different.

I don’t really check likes because they don’t matter, but I had to know who was backing the idea that teams are matched by SR.

I mean they literally are. It shows you each teams average sr every comp game and I don’t think I’ve ever seen an sr gap disparity over 100 and normally it’s within a range of 20.

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It doesn’t matter if the matchmaker finds two teams of 6 that have an even mmr if the sr averages are too far apart. The game won’t be made. For all we know, games with wacky could be made all the time, but games with uneven SR will never be made. Therefore, SR trumps.

This doesn’t even make sense. Why would the matchmaker find all the bronze MMR people in gold and match them together. It should want to challenge its assessment of them being a bronze level player in gold. So put them in a gold lobbies, their sr. If they keep losing, they don’t belong in gold and will be forced down.
On the other side, is the game punishing you for having a higher mmr than your sr? Surely not. The matchmaker neither learns or accomplishes anything by matching you with all the other supposedly gold players in bronze.

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