Why are gold games easier than bronze?

Mald about it bro, you are the one who initiated replying to me


Hi, I made a vod review video of about 30 minutes. Where may I contact you both about sharing it with you?


yaldy what is your discord my man? I made you a special 30 minute vod review and I think this will for real help you :slight_smile:


Funny how you reply to him and then cry like a baby when he replies back :rofl: :clown_face:

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You say aim can carry you to plat-dia…that’s 90% of the population. Nobody is talking about the intricacies between Master, GM, Top500, this is about bronze/silver actually being more challenging than gold.


Which it is not, that’s how ranks work

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You’re delusional. Lower ranks are a mix of smurfs, bad players, and stuck players. Wins are dictated by who has more/better smurfs. Have you been to bronze/silver? If so, from the way you talk, you’re smurfing, and part of the problem.


bc smurfs bc smurfs because smurfs

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You can say that about every rank that isn’t t500, yet people still climb out of them. If you can’t beat a gold smurf, what makes you think you would belong in gold?


The problem in Bronze is there are a ton of decent dps players stuck there so if you are a support player they are probably going to come after you and no one is going to peel for you.

When I last played support in high bronze before I quit the game the skill variance in high bronze is utterly ridiculous. Some people there either are just throwing or really have no clue and some people are at least underranked 500 SR. I actually ran into a competent widow there recently… Game clearly has a smurfing/skill creep problem.

There are tons of dps player with good aim but zero game sense. The hanzos and widows at that level fold like a char as soon as you pressure them.


Yeah, the ranks with with brand new players that haven’t even played an FPS before starting in Plat by being carried on a smurf team or just with plain luck and dropping down to their real ranks very, very slowly because the MMR system doesn’t have enough information to go with.

Ruining the games of players that belong in higher ranks trying to climb along the way. THAT’S how the ranking system works.

How can ANY game logically start a new player at a middle rank after only 5 games?

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Awesome argument. Unfortunately facts do not care about your feelings.

That is every single rank.

“Wins are dictated by who plays better”

If you think and especially in low ranks that this is the case I am afraid you are dead wrong. Everyone will have games that are unwinnable. Everyone will have some games they can’t even lose. The fact of the matter is, you only climb ranks if you play above the skill level of that rank. It makes absolutely 0 sense to encourage the idea that players are stuck for other reasons other than their own skill level.

Your logic is flawed in the sense that you assume you only ever go against Smurfs. It is literally an equal chance that you will have that smurf on your own team, or that the “thrower” is on the enemy team. Why is this not accounted for in your logic? It seems awfully shotty and narrow-minded to build your argument assuming these variables are 100% always against you.

Part of the problem, you may complain about that as much as you want, but at the end of the day if I ever decide to do that, more often than not I’m not in that rank for very long, each game the players I end up in a match with have an equal chance of having the smurf on their team, and it still at the end of the day doesn’t matter. No one ever claimed every single game was winnable. If they’re consistently better than this rank, they will climb.

In the grand scheme, if they’ve been carried they will drop if they don’t have the gamesense of the level they’re at.

You’re silly, these kinds of players don’t really exist.

Because gold is dead average. If you are gold, you play like an average overwatch gamer. You somewhat understand the game, you understand positioning to a small extent, and mechanics are average. Anything below, and you are lacking in some of these categories if you get stuck there.

Also, are you going to provide me your discord Yaldy? I think it would be disrespectful to decline me a method of getting this video to you after I took a half hour out of my day on it. I suppose I could make it fully public, but I’m reaching out to you first in being nice.

Yeah, that’s what I said. They’re dropping down. But who’s games are they being placed in as they drop?

Players with either the inverse problem of having bad placements but belong in a higher rank or those working hard to climb from either dropping down or being placed in a lower rank.

You’re trying to work together with a team and you’re getting brand new players in your games that don’t know anything about what to do. And yet the game expects this to be a fair game at the rank you’re playing at?

Well plenty of smurfs and alts stuck in those lower ranks so they very much exist for players with just one account if it happens for those with more. Denying it is the “silly” thing.

Because, y’know, this game is a solo game, right? You don’t have team of five other people playing with you, right?

I’ve literally posted these codes up for other people to see. I’ve got my own youtube channel where I post up my games for both myself and my own records, and for others to view.

You can post it public if you want. Pretty sure you’re gonna say things either I’ve noted down in my own vod reviews that I’m working on or nitpick about things that only matter at higher ranks and have barely any impact in Bronze and Silver games if at all.

Who even knows? It doesn’t matter because if you see someone is boosted, or believe they are you can use the avoid as teammate button after the game and never see them again. Also, people who are dropping from an sr they don’t belong in still typically have a winrate of 30~% so seeing all of those as guaranteed losses is paper mental.

Sounds like those “Smurfs” aren’t actually smurfs.

I have no idea on that, skullbuzz is the person who provided me the code.

I’ve addressed all of this more forwards the end of the VOD. Not professional, but live reaction on the spot and plenty of advice centered around you where I’m not even nitpicking. I focus on what’s important, and you made many detrimental mistakes in this vod that I think you need to learn from. Consider watching my video

Do note, part of this is addressing skullbuzz falsely accusing your tanks as the reason you lost. I talk about that during the vod a tiny bit.


I am curious, how many games have you played in gold?

no, I replied to OP. Which is visible to everyone in this thread.
Reported again.

Stop Spamming me.
I did not enter a discussion with you. I didn’t report you until AFTER i told you to stop messaging me. Now Stop.

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And now, this is becoming harrassment.
Stop Messaging me. I did not message you.

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Funny how you are the ONLY one allowed to message people. If you are this sensitive for literally no reason, stop going online

You just did.

1000? Been gold since season 1. I’m ok with that, I’m old, don’t have the twitch reflexes, not a pro, just average, no shame. Been plat, but mainly gold. Alt account is silver, touches bronze, games are way harder down there.

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No I was thinking you were a bronze player with an account you placed in gold and was wondering how long that account has been there. Sorry for the misunderstanding.