Why are gold games easier than bronze?

Oh, the irony here.

Bold of you to assume that I think you’re worth attempting the first. My point, that no one cares what you think, not only doesn’t require your concurrence but rather presumes your disagreement.

The second, an attempt to infantilize in the middle of a false appeal to reason, is as ironic as it is transparent.


I assume you’re trying to convince readers of your viewpoint.

Just letting you know that personal attacks undermine your ability to do that. It makes everything you say less persuasive, not more persuasive.

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I don’t need to convince others of my viewpoint, my viewpoint is obviously true to any person not blinded by “misinterpretations” that no reasonable person could misinterpret. It’s not really “my” viewpoint, after all.

Calling you a conspiracy monger is simply a factual statement, you only feel it’s a personal attack because you disagree. But if it hurts you, you could, you know, stop spreading lies and conspiracy theories.

I don’t even object to the idea of showing the full MMR value. But I’m at least aware of the trade offs involved, which you don’t acknowledge.

And… Lol, it’s simply not going to happen. Whine all you want. They don’t care about the 6 of you who absolutely must believe that rank is meaningless.

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Been to 4,3k solo, easy.

You provided evidence of being a silver player, thats the only thing you did =]


Then what are you doing here? I thought that was your mission. Thought I recall you saying something or other about trying to rid people of the idea that their games are rigged.

I’m actually helping you out by letting you know how you appear to the outsiders who stumble upon these discussions. That your approach could use improvement.

No, that’s YOUR mission.

I’ve cataloged the conspiracy theories, tried to understand them, noted where they disconnect with reality, noted why they simply can’t be true, and pushed back against the lies and misrepresentations.

Most of the changes I wanted to see either have already happened or are happening in OW2. Not that I’m actually influential, but when the problems you recognize are based on reality, well, reality is the same for everyone.

There are some things i would prefer different, but unlike you I recognize that is my personal opinion and that I’m against the majority there.

I mean, you realize this is just an insular group at this point, right? It’s the same people discussing the same crap for over 4 years. At this point, I mostly just link prior posts.

I’ve seen a LOT of people get briefly entranced by this conspiracy theory, but usually in the end they realize that it’s obviously not true. Calling people nutters because they think ranks are meaningless or the system in anti-competitive is really just confirming a reasonable persons suspicions.

Like, all i have to do is give a reasonable interpretation and explanations, and show them what the inevitable result of the changes each of you would like to see (which are all different, even though you all seem to agree with each other, you really just overlook your differences.)

Ez pz. My goal isn’t to convince anyone of my worldview. All i have to do is show that you’re bonkers, which you make super easy, and the truth just falls into place.

Like, look around, read the room. Once anyone realizes what you’re saying, they backpedal like a scared clown on a unicycle if they sounded like they agreed. It’s in this very thread!

Literally took the words out of my mouth, I run into this problem every so often playing with my higher ranked friends, they expect more from me, than I am capable of, after the match they apologize, and realize what they’ve said/done.

And Pizzazz, I am grateful to players like you that truly understand exactly what you’ve said in this quote (such as others like a few of the higher ranked folks in this thread do).

I am a Silver/Gold tank, do not expect anything more, Bronze/Silver for both support and dps, while I do have above average accuracy for my rank, my decision making and target prioritization are probably the reason I don’t move up to match my tank, and why my tank floats around 1900-2300.


I’ve noticed the more angry and frustrated you get the lower my theoretical tier becomes lol

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Angry and frustrated?
Every time I see one of your posts, I know I’ll have something new to laugh at.

And it doesn’t matter what Rank I call you, because your true rank is definitely lower then what you think it should be.
But Silver does seem kinda accurate for your gameplay…

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I would argue that if you are just a gold player, you’re not a smurf.

That’s fine, but since I have proof of accounts in diamond and masters then you’re providing more evidence the matchmaker is completely broken since there are silver tier players easily making it to masters on multiple accounts in solo queue rofl

Ownership is entirely irrelevant when you clearly don’t belong in those ranks.

I can inerit the walmart corporation but that doesn’t mean I know how to run a billion dollar business.


Can you give me a code of one of your ball games? Ball is my specialty and I guarantee if someone posted videos of our gameplay they would be able to tell which ball player is higher rated. I guarantee I can find numerous problems with your gameplay. You are where you belong and it isn’t bc it’s rigged. I’ve climbed 2200SR in the past few months after being coached.


If they play enough games they will fall. If you’re stuck in silver then you won’t stay in high elo. I can take a hardstuck silver tank account and climb it effortlessly I’d bet cash money on it


Sure, a player can always get better there’s no doubt about it. But when I have four accounts that I 100% solo queued, never cheated or grouped that are in high diamond and masters, and then I have one odd-ball account that can’t get out of plat then something is broken and there really isn’t a debate to be had.

Are you willing to bet money that someone can’t get that account out of plat?


Also give me a code of a ball game. I will not flame you. I will merely point out the flaws no flame whatsoever you have my word


I mean if you give me a vod to watch, and I see it and you actually are diamond/masters level on ball, then you may be able to convince me. But I need to see it to believe it


It shocks me that people don’t seem to understand the absolute inconsistency in lower ranks and feel the need to resort to fabulous explanations.

Like, I spent a lot of time in Widow death matches. I wasn’t great, but i was certainly better than a Bronze widow should be. But you can’t instalock Widow in a Bronze or Silver match and not be perceived as throwing so she’s really not a viable main to rank up. I wasn’t good enough to simply carry at Widow either, which I’m sure could have been coached but I was happy with Zen.

I used to swap from Zen to Soldier, Zarya, Widow, or Brig as needed, though I guess you can’t do that anymore (I’m on record as being against role queue, but it seems I lost that argument).

I just can’t understand why people need to come up with some convoluted, problematic description of the “matchmaker” to explain the issues, when all you need is to say that people are behaving like people. Inconsistent, moody, distracted, egotistical, and, often, angry.

I guess they’d have to acknowledge that they, too don’t play perfectly everytime.

It’s refreshing to see people acknowledge that SR movement happens, and that’s ok. There’s no such thing as an absolute measurement of skill. It’s simply impossible in this game.

Like, to any gold or below player is going to have a unique skill set which they may not have even learned how to exploit.

I don’t think these conspiracy theorists understand the proof burden they would need for their claim to be taken seriously. Like, Bronze players are inconsistent, sure, but that’s proof of what?

Lol, they’re gonna need to do better than that if they’re serious… which is honestly dubious, I’m open to the idea that I’ve been hard trolled… it would actually make more sense than the idea that someone who can write complete sentences would actually believe this drivel. Surely Zest and Hulk are just messing with me …


Of course not, I’m not saying it’s not possible to get it out of plat, I’m saying if I have multiple accounts in diamond and masters and can go to those other accounts and win matches and have fair games, then go to the plat account and can’t even get it to diamond, there is something wrong.

lol that you think I want to prove it to you haha