Why are gold games easier than bronze?

It shocks me that people don’t seem to understand the absolute inconsistency in lower ranks and feel the need to resort to fabulous explanations.

Like, I spent a lot of time in Widow death matches. I wasn’t great, but i was certainly better than a Bronze widow should be. But you can’t instalock Widow in a Bronze or Silver match and not be perceived as throwing so she’s really not a viable main to rank up. I wasn’t good enough to simply carry at Widow either, which I’m sure could have been coached but I was happy with Zen.

I used to swap from Zen to Soldier, Zarya, Widow, or Brig as needed, though I guess you can’t do that anymore (I’m on record as being against role queue, but it seems I lost that argument).

I just can’t understand why people need to come up with some convoluted, problematic description of the “matchmaker” to explain the issues, when all you need is to say that people are behaving like people. Inconsistent, moody, distracted, egotistical, and, often, angry.

I guess they’d have to acknowledge that they, too don’t play perfectly everytime.

It’s refreshing to see people acknowledge that SR movement happens, and that’s ok. There’s no such thing as an absolute measurement of skill. It’s simply impossible in this game.

Like, to any gold or below player is going to have a unique skill set which they may not have even learned how to exploit.

I don’t think these conspiracy theorists understand the proof burden they would need for their claim to be taken seriously. Like, Bronze players are inconsistent, sure, but that’s proof of what?

Lol, they’re gonna need to do better than that if they’re serious… which is honestly dubious, I’m open to the idea that I’ve been hard trolled… it would actually make more sense than the idea that someone who can write complete sentences would actually believe this drivel. Surely Zest and Hulk are just messing with me …


Of course not, I’m not saying it’s not possible to get it out of plat, I’m saying if I have multiple accounts in diamond and masters and can go to those other accounts and win matches and have fair games, then go to the plat account and can’t even get it to diamond, there is something wrong.

lol that you think I want to prove it to you haha

Easy. Go create a new account. Just use your best hero only, don’t change to appease your teammates and mute them if they’re toxic, do your best through quickplay (ranking to 25), then continue to do your best in placements and afterward as you have on your past accounts. You’ll easily blow past your peak SR and far beyond and then you’ll wonder what in the world is wrong with this matchmaker since the matches are somehow easier than on your other account.

Doesn’t mean you won’t fall. You won’t share a code bc you know I’ll find plenty of flaws. Continue being in denial. I’m glad the game picked me to climb rapidly. Guess I got lucky


You’re just making yourself out to sound like a tool now. I already created a thread with multiple play codes of me winning effortlessly in high diamond matches and losing in a plat/gold match. Trust me, you’re way out of your league here. At this point my best suggestion is to start name-calling and following me around the forums looking for gotcha moments and likes from the two other people here that support the matchmaker.

Just bc you are winning some games doesn’t mean you are playing at a diamond/masters level. If you aren’t actually that good you’ll fall eventually. I don’t name call I’m having a respectful discussion.

Also the matchmaker isn’t perfect but if you’re good enough you’ll climb.

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But I’m not falling in rank, I don’t know where you got that. I am not falling in any ranks.

Play 100 games and let me know where you are. You will fall eventually unless you are improving. I got coaching and climbed 2200SR so explain that?

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Ok, done. Except I played 1000 games and I’m in high diamond on some, masters on most, and one single account is in gold/plat. What else you got.

Show me a replay code of you on ball. I want to see how good you are. And I’m not trying to flame. And it isn’t about proving me wrong, I’m genuinely curious if the game is actually keeping you at plat. If I see you play and I’m like ok that guys legit, I’ll question things. I genuinely just want to see

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I’ve already tested this, placed 3098, and got carried to 3519 through sheer luck, I do not belong in those ranks.

What is your typical rank?

tank floats between 19-2300, dps/support are 14-1700 I know for a fact I do not belong in the higher ranks, as said above, my decision making and target priority, as well as cooldown management are fundamental issues.

Do you think you would fall from those ranks if you played a certain amount of games?

I know I would, my account is open, I most likely ruined hundreds of games for other people, this account alone started in high plat.

Hmm I see. What’s the main thing you think you’re lacking? JW

Ok, so you’re floating around 1900-2300 yet by making a new account you made it to 3519, that should never happen. A few games getting carried? Sure, but enough to get to 3519 should be a huge red flag to you that something is broken, and it is.

Decision making, ult usage, target priority, raw mechanical aim is alright, I’m well aware I belong where I am, couple those issues with RL medical problems, I continue to play for the enjoyment, I am one of the very few lower ranked people that doesn’t mind smurfing, I enjoy and welcome the thrill of plating against high level players.

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I got carried by a t500 player doing an unranked to gm challenge and somehow convinced him to due with me, you are correct, it neve should have happened.