Why are devs FORUM profiles HIDDEN ⁉

i never said that they have to read everything
i am person that understand that they have no time for that - but whats the point of forums then?
there is no activity, no involvement in what community is doing, no likes, no jokes, no replys… some of them didnt even log in since day1 of new forums… and 7 words once a month is not communication

i was looking at those stats , but now when they choosed to HIDE it i started to wonder - why?
why they post more on twitter instead of their own platform where dedicated fans gather?

more posts on forums=more people on forums

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Doubt they are even using the same accounts for playing.

Jeff is already caught in a web of lies lying about his main (went from being a Tank main to DPS to Support)

ur not banned yet? ok then enjoy the remaining of your time here

There is some activity form the devs which is more then can be said about most other games. And forums are there for community building and venting.

Is that really a lie? We can main more than one role.

rather it feels like whole forums community is standing before a wall and talk to that wall
imagine what would happen if lets say community managers like a postitive, constructive post?
it would motivate people to be more constructive … because they would know "hey that guy idea got in to notepad and may be considered

theres nothing of that sort here… and it is reflected by their activity stats

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I’ve noticed a lot of people don’t understand what profiles OP is referring to…
OP meant profiles such as these which allow you to view post hisory and such.

To OP: Idk, but I suspect it had something to do with people shaming their read time…

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That was the second part venting… Lots of official forums only exist because of that reason. I mean there is a uk Forum for Overwatch, where the devs are not posting. That thing is honestly quite useless. It doesn’t even have the merit of being German or Frensh or whatever where there is a subsection for localization.

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yea i know, i am not even looking at european forums, because they are DEAD
the thing right now is very, very bad sign to US forums, because hiding their profiles mean that this forums get abondoned too

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You mean the lack thereof. I commented a month or so ago that unless they were using “off the grid” personal Overwatch account forum profiles to read the forums then they were almost non existent when it comes to reading feedback.

Seems like just another reason not to trust the developers. This is a take my ball and go home move of hiding their activity on the forums so we lowly customers can’t call them on it.

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Has anyone thought that you can read the forums without being logged in? :thinking:


I imagine this is part of why it was turned off—not because the devs are lying or hiding anything, but because the community scrutinizes and misinterprets statistics exactly like this.

“We read your feedback” is not all the same thing as “we read every single post in the ponderous megathread, even the ones that are mostly repeating each other or just aimlessly complaining”.

I have written a number of posts myself (several of which are buried thousands of posts deep in a megathread) about my dissatisfaction with Mercy’s rework, and I would super duper love for her to get revitalized. But I don’t have the capability to slog through every single post about her, even if that’s what I chose to dedicate 100% of my time on the forums to doing. And even though I have not read the majority of Mercy posts in terms of raw numbers, I feel like I have a pretty good grasp on the main handful of loudest opinions about her current state and what should be done to fix her.

The devs cannot be full-time glued to this forum, AND full-time making the game, AND checking in on Reddit/other avenues of customer feedback. And it is not fair for people to gauge their integrity and effort on some vague numbers on their forum profile.

Nope, it absolutely wouldn’t. I’ve seen blue or orange posts cheerfully responding to a positive thread, only to be immediately flooded with people outraged that they would respond to THIS while yet being silent on [personal pet issue du jour].


What metric should they be gauged by then?

Or, should we all just assume they want what is best for everyone?

I think I will go with, Blizzard made a ton of money off the average consumer and now that they have a golden goose in Overwatch League, they couldn’t give a damn about what the average customer is talking about anymore. We served our purpose so now we all should just go away.

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listen - NOBODY says they should be here 24/h
but they should be here

HIDING their profiles is absolutley opposite of what they should be doing

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so, what would happen if they weren’t hidden?..you think that would change anyhting?..

yes, there would be transparency and honesty about what they are doing

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Lots of them. Ones that tangibly impact you. Whether or not they’re commenting on gameplay issues you think are important. What kind of changes do and don’t get implemented into the game. The quality of the statements they do make.

Just not a profile number that doesn’t really tell you anything of significance.

Inasmuch as happy customers buy more lootboxes, recruit more players, and watch more streams? Yeah. You don’t have to believe that anyone is in this game for altruistic reasons to believe that they don’t want to burn their customer base to the ground.

they don’t play the game, the state of the game shows that…

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It makes perfect sense.

The majority of the staff was not reading forums.

You have some exceptions like the lead writer who is regularly quite active at reading and the lead level designer who is generally active when new levels come out but for the most part the staff wasn’t reading so they are better off hiding the stats so it’s possible people are wrong about them not reading than showing the stats.

With that said, you can still track login activity by staff @
