Why are Blizz so silent?

Where are you seeing this?

According to that dev tracker… the last Dev Post that had anything to do with gameplay/balance was Geoff announcing the Support updates 27 days ago.

Now props where props are due… Michael Chu is kinda killing compared to… everyone else. That’s good if you care about lore… but if you don’t you’re getting a steaming pile of nothing.

Das raciss! I identify as a jolly good fellow.

It’s nice to know that there are people here who actually understand these dynamics. Props to you, good sir.

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These forums are mob-like and it scares me.


Just gonna hit the main thing here…

Are you daft or have zero knowledge of history? Human history is riddled with times where passionate people stood up to governments or other large organizations even though doing so would almost certainly result in their deaths.

You cannot GET a bigger or thicker brick wall… but it didn’t stop people. Hardship and difficulty or “brick walls” do not stop passion.

So out of all of this, that’s the main thing you saw?

Okay. It’s clear we’re going to keep dancing around this topic.

They are working on new Diablo things. This game has been put on the back burner.

Please don’t compare people wanting mercy to be reverted to people dying in opposition to tyrannical governments.

according to the dev tracking yours is wrong. I found it there: Reworks and Lore - #6 by mchu

well how would you have refuted the claim that “Passion stops when it hits a brick wall”?

idk, i feel like he made a valid point.

I don’t think you fully read my post :stuck_out_tongue:

That’s Michael Chu talking about Lore.

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There is no refutal. There is no “breaking through the brick wall” kind of response here.

Because you don’t really get a say in what the developers do. You don’t get a say in how the game is balanced.

You signed the EULA by playing this game. You signed the document that states Blizzard is allowed to change, modify, remove, or replace anything in the game or anything that you do without your consent or notification.

You don’t get a say. The brick wall is legal. The breaking it down, is not.

The OP was about any posts, not just balance ones.


well, it took the entire team 7 years to develop Overwatch (with 3 heroes per year since it release at 21 heroes? so i guess they’re still on exactly the same pace?) so of course now they’re taking a break and letting the game coast while they bask in the stardom of being the creators of overwatch at their own personal blizzworld that is their e-sport.

Not that, I mean, what you said is not really true:

That’s not true at all


Now I’ll give you that consumers do not have a direct say in what the developers do… but the thing is… at the end of the day every Game Developer Studio is a company and we are its customers. If ANY company makes their customers mad enough for long enough… they will cease to exist.

Why do you think No Man’s Sky got rebuilt to be what it was supposed to be?
Why do you think Digital Homicide doesn’t exist anymore?
Why do you think EA caved on their Battlefront 2 Lootboxes?

I don’t think Blizzard has made any missteps as bad as those. But pretending that gamers have zero power in this situation is false and has been historically been shown to be false.


They should’ve done it a long time ago

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Oof. Those are fighting words.

Its also their interest not to fall into a trap of arguments with some random poster who doesn’t like a change when they want to uphold what they did is the right move. It won’t look good getting bogged down in replies to twisted questions.