Are you on a phone? Or a computer?
Are you on a phone? Or a computer?
They’re probably working on the Torbjorn rework right now like they said, while also working on the next hero to be revelaed in a couple months, skins for holidays and stuff, and probably not responding but taking notes to what they should either rework or buff/nerf plus possible maps
Yeah don’t worry, I appreciate people like you
I use a computer
(20 char nonsense)
Alright cool.
Thanks for responding
umm sure , no problem
The event skins are done well ahead of time which is why we already have about half or so of the placeholder names. Their priority is probably the map that should be revealed within the next couple of weeks as they still have around 2 and half months before Blizzcon. And it is not as though working on new heroes, which they have done every single day since pre-beta, has stopped their communication before. The same applies to reworks, if anything, we got MORE communication when they reworked Sym or Hanzo as they gave us updates and whatnot.
In other words, they are just blatantly avoiding this and I have a feeling it has to do with controversy over controversy and the fact that they do not really want to address any of them. That is probably a bit more realistic than, “they are working on the same stuff that they have been working on for 3 years and yet they are radio silent.” Maybe just maybe.
Yeah it is. If I was a dev I would have blocked all y’all a long time ago. The people here make me so mad sometimes and I’m not even the one trying to please their wildly varying yet equally self righteous demands.
I’d like to believe I pass as merely being annoying.
They are subjective but the thing is… everyone who plays Overwatch has essentially paid for the experience of playing Overwatch. If say the Mercy rework significantly soured a players experience of playing the game they have EVERY RIGHT to say that on any platform they see fit.
And they aren’t using the community opinion side of that well at all. How many people care AT ALL that Symmetra got reworked? I’d bet at least 75% of the total community do not care at all. That doesn’t mean that they should have pushed the rework through with almost zero modifications. If a decent chunk of people who used to like a hero now HATE them because of a rework… you NEED to listen.
What tweak? Are you referring to one of the 12 nerfs that systematically removed any and all active parts of the Mercy rework? The ones that actually made the issues Mercy mains had worse?
There is a vast gulf between “This isn’t what I wanted but this has made things better.” a la the DVa rework or Roadhog rework and “Good Lord, you’re making every single one of my complains worse.” Here’s a hint… Mercy squarely falls into #2.
Your last two paragraphs are literally what I’m talking about. Getting a “response” that doesn’t answer people’s problems, questions, or concerns just pisses them off more. THAT’S LITERALLY HOW HUMANS WORK.
Trying to fight a basic part of humanity does not and will never work.
Yea I am sure you MUST know what is in Blizzard’s best interest. I’ll tell you they know what they are doing. They don’t respond to almost anything on the WoW forums. They haven’t for years now. Guess what? They do just fine.
I hope we get something soon…like at Blizzcon. I don’t like them being silent
They paid for permission to play OW. They didn’t pay for the game itself.
Also, they do have that right to complain and be heard. But they don’t have the right to break COC by spamming and creating duplicate threads on this platform. It doesn’t fly on here and it won’t pretty much anywhere else either.
They are though. They look at things the community complains about. Thus, things get changed if they think it might be worth changing.
Also, the community isn’t the only deciding factor here. Just because a few thousand Mercy players think she’s not okay doesn’t speak for the entire community, Blizzard, and Statistics.
I care. Symmetra mains care. Most players care that they don’t have to deal with a hero that’s effectively just taking up space and now they have another DPS option that is more niche.
And I’d bet 75% of the community doesn’t care that Mercy got nerfed this last patch. I’d bet that 75% of the community is fine with Mercy’s rework she got last year.
We can keep playing this game.
Which they didn’t have 0 modifications. They nerfed it. And now you guys are complaining about the nerf too.
No they don’t. A decent chunk of players hated when hanzo got scatter arrow removed. Nobody cared. Storm arrow is gonna stay. Why? A vast majority are glad scatter is gone.
Is it 11, 12, or 13? This is the first time i’m seeing 12.
Except Dva and roadhog didn’t have a rework? They just had a change that impacted them. Dva’s still played nearly the same way. RH is still played nearly the same way.
Mercy, Hanzo, Sombra, Symmetra and Bastion were the only heroes that got a bonified rework.
When you’re putting the scale from spectacular to miserable with no room or choices in between, of course you’re gonna pick miserable if you don’t like a single aspect. It’s an unfair comparison.
Looks like you didn’t read my last 2 paragraphs then lol.
I’ll put them here for you.
Let’s put it this way. You choose to be irrationally angry at this. You choose to stick around even though, in your opinion, the game’s developers have treated you poorly.
You choose to do this. You don’t have to.
I noticed that. Even with the developer update thing they’re silent about.
Yet so much time has been wasted because none of the feedback has either been remotely discussed or taken into consideration . They may have saved many from headaches and time wasted if they had actually engaged every so often in the feedback megathreads. Bastion is another long term example, as well as Roadhog, although both of those examples didn’t have to endure nearly a year’s worth of megathread silencing/damage control.
They insist on nerfing or changing aspects of Mercy which won’t address her high pick rate. Besides of which the rework was forced, there was still room to change the original Mercy but because a few pros complained then some others got on the bandwagon then finally the hero was reworked and what a failure it has been to date.
I can’t honestly say some of the other reworks have been that great either, look at Hanzo and Symmetra for example.
There’s also the fact that for nearly a year Mercy has been pretty much forbidden from discussion on the main forum, all feedback… well… any discussion on Mercy was pretty much forced into a megathread. This not only made it difficult to discuss various aspects of Mercy, but in the end it also became abundantly clear that the megathreads were being used as a means of damage control and silencing. If it hadn’t been the mass flagging waves then I’m certain we’d still have a megathread today.
WoW is 14 years old, Overwatch is not even 2.5 years yet
Ok so… fact is the group of players that play Mercy is fairly large. Even before this rework, according to Jeff… Mercy was most picked in Comp and 5th most picked in QP.
How much of your spamming or creating duplicate threads are different people wanting to say the same thing but were to lazy to see if people already posted a similar thread? Humans are inherently lazy so… I’d say probably a pretty good number.
On a related note… have you ever seen the shenanigans that happen when someone tries to censor the internet? It generally goes incredibly poorly.
You actually helped my point. Yes… for most of the changes, most of the player base doesn’t care. That doesn’t mean that the developers have permission to ignore any and all feedback about said change. The people who do care are also the people who will be effected the most generally speaking.
Maybe they should have listened since Hanzo’s rework came out OP.
Truthfully I’ve lost track. Way too many for this to be considered a success without some serious tin foil hat logic. Also you totally ignored my point.
Semantics… I’d consider any change that modifies an existing value by over 50% a rework… but that’s not the main point.
For me, collectively the DVa changes landed in the “This isn’t what I wanted but this is workable.” Personally I’d love it if they fully reverted DVa to just before her Season 3 buffs that were way too much and gave her her missiles but made it so she could not use them while shooting/boosting/DMing.
That middle bit where she got the DMva nick name was terrible. In my opinion, Mercy is currently in her version of DMVa.
I have no idea where you are getting this “scale from spectacular to miserable”.
Fact of the matter is that humans have a tendency to attach themselves very VERY strongly to things. There’s even a word for that… Passion. People who are passionate about something aren’t just going to be like “Ok, I don’t like this thing I used to love anymore… oh well.” No… they are going to rain fire and brimstone as best they can until they are satisfied somehow. Because people are incredibly stubborn.
“You choose to do this. You don’t have to.”
It is human nature to do EXACTLY what Mercy players are doing. I guess they could just drop it… but expecting them to do so on their own is silly.
So again… fighting against human nature is a losing battle.
There is nothing useful on the forums. They need to talk to the community. I don’t think the forums should be the place they talk to us. They just need a place where they do.
Where else would they talk to the community if not the official forums?
There was a comment recently click the dev tracker thing to find it.
Fairly large =/= majority here lol.
This is part of the problem lol.
I’m glad you agree.
Making and enforcing rules in a private community =/= censoring the internet. Not sure where you got that from.
What it does mean is that developers are, in fact, allowed to say that the community as a whole doesn’t stand out to us in their notion of Mercy’s balance.
If you’d like to notice, almost every single post about Mercy’s balance being horrible is from someone who:
None of these should be taken seriously, as all mains want their hero buffed.
There’s a difference because players are asking for, in this case, scatter arrow to come back. Not for storm arrow to get changes, but for scatter arrow to come back.
I didn’t ignore your point. I simply wanted to get this straight. Are you, or are you not, sure of a number. Because until we have a definitive number of changes that nerfed Mercy, we can’t even begin to find common ground or fact at all.
Whoopty doo human nature and what not. Passion stops when it hits a brick wall. Blizzard has thrown a brick wall in your face multiple times. not only have the Mercy players failed to break this brick wall, but rather they just act like it doesn’t exist. Right now, they’re in a room with 4 brick walls until Jeff decides what needs to be done about it.
It’s frustrating, I know, but Mercy will be fine, believe it or not.
You also linked a Magic video that’s never ever been seen before by anyone ever on these forums in the history of it’s life /s. That things been around quite a bit. Have seen it linked atleast 10 times. Doesn’t apply here simply as OW is not a card game and this game has been around for 2 years.
I’d say about 5-10% of what’s posted on the forums is useful. About 90% of stuff in technical help side and ~10% of what’s posted on General discussion makes up that full 5-10%.