Why are Blizz so silent?

Indeed there is. It’s sad that those people who actually go out of their way to provide well-written constructive feedback suffer because of the many people who provide nonconstructive criticism.

Well Mercy numbers are always going to be High because of Gold and below picks.

Primarily because her effectiveness tanks at anything higher ranked than gold tbh.

Vacation maybe? :man_shrugging:


what is this.

A chart of win/play rates in only GM.

Which is unrealistic as most Mercy players on the forums are <plat lol.

also wow, roadhog has a 45% winrate in gold.

Less than half the data points for this week are from the new patch.

You’re right, what’s the point?

Kind of like the creation of this post.

even then mercy still has a 50% win rate in plat.
only support that performs less than mercy in plat is ana and its by 1% in terms of winrate.

well if we click “one moth” that number is bigger. On “this week” the number is smaller.

SO we can infer this number is going to decrease still if the data is still being influenced by past numbers.

Yup, look at the daily pickrate trend charts.

It’s because they’re probably ready to make a big announcement. The game cannot go another 2 years in the way it is… that’s not viable for any company, especially with all these extra-curricular things they’re doing (OWL, Lego, etc.).

So I’m really hoping that is what the silence means, and that it was a good silence, when they return. But also not just the silence… also the crappy Summer Games they did, and pretty much a lot of the recent questionable changes.

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then by this logic, mercy is now underpowered in comparison to the rest of the cast.

No no no.

I can’t begin on how wrong that is.

so stats dont dictate if a character is OP or UP?

In GM, maybe.

Does Mercy deserve to be the most picked healer at skill tiers with the highest mechanical skill?


but blizz wants the pick rate to be even for all characters.

So that means making mercy viable in GM, and thus making her naturally shadow the rest of the supports simply because of how her kit operates.

imo, characters should be able to carry you to a certain point and then you need to learn new characters.
This is kinda how league works i believe. But even then, their characters have a lot more depth. Like winston, winston has depth, mercy doesnt really have depth.

But still tho rip roadhog.

he can barely break 50% in gm.

I agree with you comepletely, but at the same time, if thats the case. The moderators and devs should grow a bit of a backbone and actually become a bit stricter.

Stats for one single rank doesn’t determine whether or not someone is OP or UP.

Looking at all ranks is important here.

Heroes like Reaper are still being talked about as being UP because of his GM pick rate. Meanwhile, in lower ranks, he’s tearing enemies a new one and dominating games.

Less mechanically challenging heroes should not be as good as more challenging heroes at the highest level of play.

The main problem with your argument is you’re comparing gold and GM like they’re an apple to apple comparison. Not only is this wrong but it invalidates your points.

To be honest, I wouldn’t make any strong judgments until pickrates have settled. (Or stronger judgments until Contenders gets the most recent patch).