Why are Blizz so silent?

I do think you’re attacking the community for no real reason.

in my honest opinion, blizzard brought this situation onto themselves.

They created bad patch after bad patch. The community held together to not see how bad of a game this is due to the events and cosmetics. now that this event went under the bus as not meeting yearly expectations. Its making the community actively see how bad the game is due to the bad balancing.
And funny enough, about a year into overwatch’s release, I went on another forum and they said the game will be dead due to terrible balancing. Now that we’re here, we are seeing the current day result of blizzard balancing. And of course it’ll make the community mad.
Especially how reinhardt got worse and worse over the years in terms of bugs. Roadhog is now RNG dependent due to the fact that they balanced him so low rankers, gold and below, dont get Stomped by him even though they’re trying to make the game more competitive. Thats counter intuitive and because of that, blizzard strung the game in three different directions. For casuals, pros, and for what blizzard wants. Blizzard has to pick two things and only two things. If they want casuals and pros to like it, they need to add depth and remove the complexity.
If they want it to be blizzard and pros, they need remove what they did for casuals and provide more depth and complexity.

Also, the pink mercy charity event was purely to test the waters which is why we now have two skins that cost 15 dollars each.

pretty funny tbh.

and then they throw out a 43 mb or more patch literally a day after the summer games so the 30$ lucio emote cant be bought.


They also said that they will make Mercy work with rez as an ability. Nobody wants that. Okay maybe a handful, but the majority wants it either gone, as an ultimate or at least tied into an ultime.
We don’t want Mercys base kit to suffer just because the devs are too stubborn trying to make rez work like it is.


the reason they want it on an ability slot is because they want the game to be fast paced.

Which is why they made symmetra the way she is right now. They accounted high speed game play into it and it mostly works in conjunction with her team and her tp.
they’re still treating her as a support character instead of as a DPS.
I say support as in she Supports her team and puts them in good positions cus tp.

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More along the lines of just the mods at the moment.

They come on once every few hours. The problem isn’t the lack of communication at this point but the lack of moderation.

The Mercy community largely seems to be in a rebellion state. As a result, you have to quell such a rebellion. Blizzard seems to be doing okay at that, sometimes.

Sunday, for example, Moderation came on, once at ~5pm to look around and see what was happening. As a result, most of the Mercy spam got off the “latest” tab while the megathread got seen again and most of the people threatening others still aren’t back yet.

The moderation team needs to come on more frequently to handle this rebellion. The reason most rebellions (pre modernism) were so successful was simply because reinforcements were sent too slowly and arrived in waves instead of a constant stream of moderation.

If 3 ships of soldiers arrives every monday at noon vs 2 ships a day, one ever 12 or so hours, it becomes extremely predictable and easy to avoid.

Right now, it’s incredibly predictable. Moderation comes online at 7am, 11am, 3pm and 5-6pm est. Sometimes even at ~9pm and 2am. This schedule only accounts for the week days. On the weekends, the schedule appears to completely hault. Sunday, they come on for hardly any time at all while saturday, it might be 4 times at the most.

It’s extremely predictable.

Honestly, bad is just subjective. The community of Mercy players seemed to not like it. Most players liked all, if not most of the patches.

We’re just gonna flag this and move on. Not worth giving you any more time if you’re going to act like that.

Edit: relevant video I just watched https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LPpWbH7ATBA

Like what Summer games?

The same reason why we never heard:

“…Hi, it’s Jeff from the Overwatch Team, we got a ton of feedback regarding Mercy from you guys. Thank you for that. Let’s get through some of the points you made…”

Or put any other hero in this if “Mercy” offends you that much.


I appreciate you took ur time to write to me

Thanks '^^

I try to respond as well and thoughtful as I can.

Most people don’t think like I do, let alone bother to see anything but their own perspective on the issue.

Generally, those users are hard to persuade. I tend to stop trying after ~4 messages. But when a civil disagreement gets found, i’m completely fine with it. As long as you don’t hold it above my head in any future interactions or break CoC/EULA.

Too many players break those 2 rulebooks. And that’s what I strongly dislike.

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not talking about mercy. Talking about most patches.
Like the Dva DM nerf, the roadhog damage nerf.
These were all pointless to make imo, and the reasoning they gave us for these things dont match what they’ve given us.

“oh dva flutters her dm, better get rid of it”
ignores they can increase the cooldown which will then make dva’s subtly prioritize Ults more than just random fire, and also gives dva counterability


“well roadhog flanks, we gotta get rid of that.”
removes his damage, doesnt make his footsteps louder so the low ranked players can snap out of their tunnel vision and remember to check flanks, nope, just get rid of that damage and make him into a spam RNG machine


I agree insulting the devs should be bannable, however that still doesnt mean they should stop talking.

Nope, that’ll just result in a giant smear campaign against the game and ultimately its not hard to make such a campaign due to how badly the balances were the past year.


Its not hard to make a list of your points, effectively trim the fat, word it properly, and produce a video about it. Aka, make a good script and make a youtube vid about it. Like that one mercy player.


The Orange quote is in reference to when Mercy pickrate looked like this:

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i can’t trust a company that says one thing and does another

when they reworked her didn’t they say they will revert her if she is not as inpactful or “feels” good to play her , i hardly play anymore


gonna say this now.

Pickrate is flawed.

You’re always going to have a support character no matter what.

Imo, pick rate should be divided up based on class and not in sum for all the characters in the game because that produces artificial inflation cus like Bastion for example. he never gets picked. but yet in comparison to mercy, mercy would seem to be picked too much.

Thats why imo, supports, tanks, and dps should get their own class seperation pick rates.

I don’t think that. I think any sort of criticism is good. But there’s a line to not cross.

You can insult the developers on their work, their practices, anything. But as soon as you go into anything personal, that’s where the ban lies.

You know Mercy players make up <5% of the entire community right? Most of, if not over half of Mercy players at the moment are just FOTM players. They aren’t going to literally die for Mercy like lots of these players on the forums seem to be.

Much discussion.

Here’s the thing. As Gui Fieri once said “Fat is flavor”. Not only does it add onto the post itself, but it also makes a point. But trimming out the “fat”, you’re missing important parts of the post.

Also, responding in this manner doesn’t exactly help as responding to the topic as a whole prevents things from being taken out of context like this method seems to.

Also, that Mercy player that made that one video hardly even made a script. It was a rant about how Mercy mains were being treated by OWL and Blizzard with hardly any thought on the game as a whole, balance, or other heroes besides Mercy.

K. Well this is where we are right now.

And here’s the thing. Whether you like it or not, she feels much better to play. Most players agree with that. The only ones that seem to disagree are those that want the old Mercy back or something else.

Also, that statement was negated by the previous statement on Feb 8th that I linked to above.

Here’s the thing. Blizzard found her to be more impactful. A majority of the community found her to be more impactful.

Blizzard soon realized she is too impactful and thus, she got a few nerfs. Now that some players think she’s not fun or doesn’t feel good after the nerfs, they call back on this old statement said ~13 months ago that doesn’t have merit now.

Revert her if she doesn’t feel impactful implies the fact this means shortly after her rework’s release. Not a full year after the rework.

It’s amazing how players don’t realize that words expire, plans change, and general thoughts on the game as a whole change as well.

Mercy’s not fun for some mercy players? Okay. Well, almost everyone else thinks she’s still somewhat fun when they play her.

Comparing someone to their past self is not only self absorbed, but prevents a more whole view of the situation.

“I can’t believe my younger self used to do <insert action here>” but everyone around you in your current you thinks you’re a jerk. (Not mentioning you specifically in this example, but just pointing out how it shows a narrow view on the situation)


Of all the supports, she’s still #1 in that aspect and dropped less than 1% winrate in 3 days.

Give it a few more days for this to balance out. Maybe a week at most.

well trimming the fat is a saying in literature to help make your point more punctual and have more of an impactful meaning.

imo, mercy players are treated badly. They could’ve talked on the mercy mega thread. But yet their threads constantly got shoved into a mega thread no matter what the conversation was about it, but if it had mercy in it, it got shoved in it.

This happened for like a year.

People constantly breaking TOS in there and not getting banned for like months.

Then randomly it gets dropped and mercy gets nerfed again.

literally what is this.

I dont even know what that is.

Also, i think the devs got pushed onto a new project.

They recently announced that they might make some battle royale game during the last event.

Now this event, the summer games event is lack luster.
Imo, this is a sign that they got pushed off the game because what else can they do? imo, blizzard has a team that only works on new IPs/titles, they take up people from the new title and put the key figures of that team, hire some more workers, and make them into a new team and have them produce that new IP.

its the only way where they can try and create a smooth transition.

in gm, zen has a higher pick rate and a much higher win rate though and he wasnt even buffed.

ZEN NERF WHEN??? -everyone

also, every other support has a higher win rate that mercy lmao.

what is this.

28% is a pretty solid decrease from 36%.

Because It’s Summer and they need a little vacation.

Jokes aside.

They might be preparing something new for the game that will blow the community’s mind.

I still have fate in the game and it’s developers.

While it is a solid decrease, it still is a huge number compared.

When 3/10 games you’re picking Mercy
1/5 You’re picking Ana
and 1/5 games you’re picking Moira, it doesn’t leave much to grasp.