Whose Your Daddy- Solider I guess

I saw a bunch of people who asked friendly for Soldier buff, especially when it was double shield meta.
I can really not remember any meta where you said; “Okay, Soldier. We need to pick him!”

And even when it comes down to countering Pharah and Echo, other heros are still so much quicker doing the exact same job!
Widowmaker can just oneshot them or quickly two bodyshot them.
McCree (now slower than before) does more damage and technically can kill them quicker than Soldier does.

His ultimate is easily blocked, by shields, terrain or somply moving around one tiny corner and breaking line of sight.

I never feel like; “Gosh, dang it! I died again against a Soldier - what a horrible designed hero!”

Lets give him a buff and lets get him stronger, a bit. Not Baguetta (old ones) level of strong, but more like a good and valid option that can compete with it’s “position enemies”.


if they nerfed that yes sure. just dont give him his broken damage back. might as well play Baptiste just no. he could use a SLIGHT healing speed buff (but not too mcuh that’d be broken). i mean that his healing projectiles move a bit faster like when they buffed hanzo that way (later nerfed tho)

let a girl have her fun freaking don’t understand how anyone can call my man broken f ff fff ok.

I asked Jeff Kaplan if he could buff soldier. With a snap of a finger the request was made and my soul was gone. So… you’re welcome. :stuck_out_tongue:


i wish (20 characters)

Your soul wouldn’t be gone.

It would be gone if wished for brig buffs like I do. Lmao. Just give me back hp damn it. :smirk:

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brig has 200 hp now right? without armor? i dont know i dont play brig. if so i think maybe 250 could be reasonable? then again she isnt super super bad.

  • Brig is still being played in master. i see her like 1/4 of games usually on my team.
  • giving her armor to give to teammates will make her meta again :confused: ik it sucks. but maybe if we made her armor count as “shields” if that makes sense. (not making it resistant like her old armor and other chars armor)

This one base health 200 to 150.

Revert that one change.

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  • Total healing decreased from 130 to 90 (Healing reduced from 21 to 15 health per second)
  • Self-healing is no longer reduced by half

I think this is reasonable though. That they nerfed this.

Yea this they should revert back to 250, i think its fair.

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Given the current state of competitive, I think we all have deformed heads and ruined confidence upto a certain limit :joy:

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Because my mouse supports it, I created a script to compensate for the vertical recoil in burst fire. The horizontal recoil is harder to adjust for, but I’m 99% certain I can account for this as well.

While I’m scared to try this out in the Experimental QP, in the training room I can consistently headshot widow and tracer from 30 to 40 meters–provided that the side-to-side sway doesn’t lead the reticle away.

What this means:

  • Anyone who’s skilled with tracking can make predictable adjustments vertically. It’ll take practice but it’s consistent.
  • Only the best players will be able to adjust horizontally. The horizontal sway is subtle, and while there’s a pattern the very initial sway & direction is effectively random. Only the best players have the precision to tell the difference between recoil adjustment vs their own movement.
  • Your style of mouse grip will make a difference here. Imho a hybrid mouse grip will be best, as arm movements help with flicks and large motions, but the finger adjustments are crucial for making the recoil adjustments in real time.

Overall, Soldier’s LR capability is less than before but once the vertical recoil adjustment is second nature I think it won’t be as bad as initial impressions and it will still be a net buff. For the very best, this will be a definite buff.

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