Who would be the people you would use for a forums based exp card?

Nope, that’s a deal breaker. You do not mess with the holy grail that is everything in her kit being tied to 15m.

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ChibiFox would be a fun pick for ideas.


I’m getting HanaSolo on it so we can have an actual meme card.


The devs. Oh wait they don’t post on the forums.

Jokes aside, players really shouldn’t directly balance the game. They can provide feedback but the devs should filter that stuff HEAVILY.


Honestly, I came into this thread expecting the usual suspects.

We all know who w—they are.

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I would,

People would KNOW I was picking favorates then. HanaSolo writing up the patch notes would 100% be comedy gold though :slight_smile:

They could make the ingredient list for an icecube fun and interesting.


Unfortunately I don’t know any sites the give stats on T2. I’m sure there’d be one out there but I can’t say I’ve looked far.

I’m just go off the matches I’ve watched and noticed they have the usual suspects, a few outliers, the map specific pick and the ones that don’t see much action unless it’s to stall.

There’s also the ones that don’t get picked at all and the odd strategy that switches off quick. Eg Bastion and Sym on kings row attack.

Changed Orisa’s supercharger model to her dog and have it make everyone golden and fortified. That’s my contribution to the meme patch :joy:


Picks, plural, is the reason this card was such a failure. It would have literally been better to just give Samito 100% control. And if you know how I feel about Sam, lul… That is REALLY saying something.


Picking anyone isn’t particularly a good idea - too much power in the hand of an individual, and having a small sample size would lead to an echo chamber eventually being developed UNLESS these people have extreme opposite opinions - which I haven’t necessarily seen being mentioned in this thread - just people merely mentioning people that they think have “good takes”.

Having people that are insightful, and unique in their approaches is a good idea because it’s easier to brainstorm and create solutions in an environment where people don’t particularly agree with eachother.

Who would I name? I don’t know.

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this is just for everything
the point is you have one person who plays each role so you say how your role interacts with others and can make better decisions
its important to have different perspectives from both people who play the role and those who don’t


I picked Dps1Trick for that reason, I don’t agree with them, but they are pretty sensible.

I think you would want people who were not like, going to be all bat crazy with their takes.

So yeah, I agree, but, I was trying to go for that as my first pass.

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I don’t involve myself in balance discussions that often, but I’ve seen a lot of good takes from Yourself (the person, not literally “yourself”).


Totally, I would have suggested them, but then people would say I was promoting my fellow NZers :wink:

And we would get the OCE balance patch.


Well, I don’t know.

I would like for there to be huge diversity and experimentation - so why not have room for crazy?

But as a conclusion, I wouldn’t really pick anyone from the forums or community - nothing against them but unless it’s a large sample size with all very varying views/preferences/takes - it will just turn into bias or an echo chamber, as every single one of us would have something to gain out of having a panel for balance (even some of the unbiased people).

If I were to do anything with the community, it would be to submit a anonymous survey, asking questions about every hero, and get a general consensus anonymously than to put figure heads

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I think the idea is you would want 2 patches, one for fun / crazy and one for actual balancing.

I would VERY much go for balancing as the first patch, since, you will be judged on “ok, do you know what the hell you are doing” on the first one.

I would expect the “heads” would be doing this.

You still need someone to do organising, and they should be someone you would trust not to go off the deep end.

This would be so fun, honestly!
I’d probably pick…

  • You, OP. Seriously, you are amazing with data, and although have a bit of a hatred towards tracer, 98% non biased.

  • Bakkusodo for sure. Has some really good takes, really interesting rework ideas. The one less biased doom main.

  • Berkut, I’d love to see them in charge of dva balance. I could see them making dva much better for the casual playerbase.

  • Moreheroes… yes despite their love for mcree and… hatred for zarya (a little less though nowadays xD)… they actually have some really good takes. Made me change my mind about mcree.

  • T37 also has some really good takes, would be good for the “flex dps” slot.

  • Pnutapi has some amazing takes, knows a TON about the game.

  • Jonar10messi also has some great takes.

  • Arcadium has a lot of VERY good takes.

  • There’s also greyfalcon. He has a lot of VERY good ideas… but also a few bad ones. So IDK honestly about him.

Honestly I’m pretty sure every one of these people has changed my mind on something.


Except those figure heads have space for bias - look no further than Soe with the panel.

Enforced rules whenever she felt like it - and then let them do whatever the hell they wanted at times.

If you want moderation, it’d have to be someone that doesn’t gain anything thus an outsider to Overwatch.

I KNOW I don’t like her, so someone else would have to handle that part.

Which is why I would team up with DPS1Trick, because they would stop me from the worst of my impulses. You can be sure we don’t see eye to eye on things :wink:

And I think that is important. It would do me no good to team up with Toast as a person to give another perspective, since, well, even I can’t tell the difference between us. I think everything they write is a good idea.

Come to think of it I’ve never seen me and Toast in the same room…

Right, you need someone with some integrity for sure. They were not even trying to be serious I feel.

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Don’t even mention Egryn or his alts here…

Rip Hog and Genji if you do.

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