Who would be the people you would use for a forums based exp card?

I’ll 100% put Toast up as a one of the people.

Mozts too, for that matter.

I’d put Dps1trick up, even though I fear what they would bring.

I’d want either Magy or one of the Workshoppers there. Because testing is a thing we should have.

GreyFalcon wouldn’t be awful, but I think someone would have to hit him over the head with a brick every time he tried to throw the supports under the bus to get dive back.

Ergyn for his views on Hog, Genji?

Who else would you’all want?

I know ProLikeChro lurks on the forums somewhere, and I’d TOTALLY nab him if I could. Krojack would have to stand in for them if we couldn’t find them :slight_smile:

AngryPuckmen? Their takes seem to be not entirely crazy.

Potatoad is pretty chill.

MrOverwatch is new, but they seem pretty knowledgeable, and not crazy biased.

Who would your picks be?


Samito posted on the forums right?

Easy, we just use him :smiling_imp:




Can I pick myself?

In all seriousness I’d like to see Treb on, they’ve had some good ideas for the silly heroes.

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Aurora and Arcadium have had some good suggestions in the past, so I think they’d be a good pick as well.


I definitely don’t know that many Overwatch content creators. But they just need to be able to listen to the community, know what mains like about their favorite heroes, keep metas fresh with a diverse range of heroes, keep balance responsible, and keep the heroes actually still fun to play as (not just what works in a pro environment).

idk maybe Jayne and a few level headed people like that.

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Whoever would agree not to make any changes to anyone. Let’s not repeat the mistakes of the past…


I SERIOUSLY was going to put you and Treb on but I thought everyone would just think I was adding all the names. Both solid choices.

I have memory like a holey thing which keeps no information. I’d have to go look (Please don’t take this as me discounting you, or not remembering you, I’ve sure the moment I saw a post it would have come back to me, I literally have to stop and think about my own name sometimes)


Oh honey, I’m sorry to have to tell you this. There IS no point to Blizzard forums anymore. We are going to get more communication on reddit than we ever will here unless they make massive changes with OW2.

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If anybody unironically thinks GreyFalcon should be allowed anywhere near the decision-making process of an experimental card I will call their parents and tell them that their child is not a smart human being.


Jayne would be an AMAZING choice, but I don’t think he is on the forums. I’d have them head it in a second if the choice was there.

They DO a lot of suggestions, and I don’t agree with most of them, but, they tend to argue well.
I mean, I put in the bricking to the head in for a reason, but I would feel like it wasn’t a forums balance change without them, if that makes sense.

I was going to add that GM Mei player who uses a laptop but they seem to be MIA. I mean, it isn’t a “bribe changes to get on thing” because that would just lead to changes like we saw out of the pro scene.

I mean, yes, but I’m not even likely to be on it to do so :wink:

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I would nerf everything.

Pick me.


You, probably. You seem to know things.

Then, in total opposition to that, I would put some “bold” people on there who would make some extreme choices to try and fix their mains, just to see if they could, and try to glean some genius from all the chaos.


You chose the correct answer, never accept a bribe


Oh thanks!

I would need someone doomish. And there was someone who had some really good ideas around Sym, and team movement, and how to make her dangerous but not a Taxi, and how to do that, I’d want them.

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I would nerf priority pass and priority queue, people NEED very long times between matches to cool down and hydrate between matches.

Vote me as the next person who shouldn’t be designing games but talking like I should be.



just dont put AKJ on mercy please :sunglasses: ergyn on widowmaker would be funny

Don’t see it as being any better honestly…

6 people from here aren’t going to be any more representative of entire player community…I’m sure we’d probably be just as displeased…

There is no right way to balance this game


is AKJ an Ergyn alt? The hotness of takes says yes, but the targets of the hot takes says no.

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