Who would be the people you would use for a forums based exp card?

Rofl… Nobody would like my version of Overwatch. I would just revert 99% of the changes and just keep quality of life ones like wraith cancel or moving with take a breather.

People with nostalgia goggles would rally to the cause. Everyone else would gasp in horror at what Overwatch once was. Beautifully flawed.


:wave: :blush:
Honestly D.Va is my one and only contribution to balance discussions, otherwise I’m completely lost.


me, overwatch is to become planet of the apes


So Winston buffs then?

yesssss and winston goes with dva so she gets buffs, so pharah stops complaining

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All heroes.

Welcome to the cursed reality where Widow does 600 dmg per HS, and Genji/Hog lose the ability to move once spawned in.

E n j o y .


It depends on who they play, as it was obviously pointed out, most of the so called “pros” dont know their ar se from their elbow with this game unless its a hero they play.

I dont know many people who focus on balance changes, but if i had to go on a limb I would elect Titanium to be the voice of reason for Mercy balances at the very least.

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Finally I can one-shot most tanks, a dream come true. We just need to get rid of Orisa’s headshot immunity and we should be Gucci, mang.

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I would put receipts in charge of balance. He knows about game model design and stuff.

I would elect myself to be in charge of DF balance. As an unbiased DF player.

Chro is knowledgeable as heck… and not just on Junkrat


If you’d rather watch/listen:

Don’t I know it, he would be amazing for this.

He was NOT a fan of the patch.

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Honestly, I have thought about some ways to actually have a community-based ExC, after the pro one I have come to the realization that we probably shouldn’t have a set number of people who give out changes, maybe have them as an approval group or something along those lines, but make the community come up with the suggestions, so if we do it every month or two (if this is somewhat successful), we could maybe have a special post, where you could only post changes but to one hero only and you could only post one time (can edit the changes until the deadline).
Images for reference:

Then from there the Devs / the approval group can look at changes and put them up for a vote.
I think this will be a much better system as you are not limited to the creativity or a couple of members, with this you have thousands of minds coming up with ideas, and as this is monitored and is formatted in such ways, you could totally do stuff like filter heroes, look for changes for specific abilities, etc. So if you have Hanzo in mind and want to look for changes you can easily do it, giving the approval group easier ways to find changes to heroes or abilities which are problematic.
This could probably be more polished, but that’s the basic idea.

Jeff counts right?


A key assumption I’m making is that no single person on the forums has consistently good suggestions. I don’t think that’s possible. With that in mind, I picked my panel with the intent of forming a group that, as a whole, can discuss rationally, keep each other in check, and converge upon a solution. I’m also leaving out inactive users, like Jake, who technically posted twice during the height of the mercy meta.

  • Dysvalence; not picking myself was a seriously considered option fwiw.

  • Botwiz is conducive to good conversation

  • Aurora for the most part spills tea everywhere

  • Baja does good analysis and is really good at being skeptical where needed

  • Ceres; Ana bias aside, they make really interesting, if hot takes that catch balance philosophy nuances that others miss. Multi role high rank exp helps.

  • Backsword; generally makes good takes, but perhaps more importantly, doesn’t make bad ones and knows when more data or discussion is needed to get a firm opinon.

  • Whitesnow; great takes all around and provides some needed character coverage without losing sight of the rest of the game.


Honestly just let Samito have control over a balance patch. That would be the funniest crap ever

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I’d like the game to be remotely balanced afterwards. So that is a pass from me.

Funny yes, for maybe a couple of weeks.

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Either You, Toast, or the person with the gold zen profile picture whose tag starts with X (I think) that i can never really remember because they’re not often in the threads I go into.

I could put myself down, but I’d only really be there for sym, mercy, moira and brig, whereas for any other hero I’d just be bouncing off spontaneous and curve ball ideas to get people thinking + fact/reality checking people tbqh.

After all this talk of a community panel, I think we need to actually make one.

No one.

Simple as that.

I’d go for three from each role to give some healthy variety.

Many of my choices have already been said here. Diversity in ranks and hero choices would be the best.