Who would be the people you would use for a forums based exp card?

We don’t have to limit it to 6.

I think a higher volume of panelists will make the head scratchers will go away. Like if we had a panel of 25 people with at least 15 people having to vote in favour to pass something.

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I’d use less of a brick and more of a shock collar that electrocutes them any time they make a terrible decision (which would be a lot of the time).

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We’re not…but I figure we’re proposing our 6 to go up against what we saw today

I like some of the names I’ve seen on here but I doubt even they aren’t go to throw some head scratchers out

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I would try to make it balanced stats wise, and try to make the heroes at least flowing where I could.

But honestly, I wouldn’t be changing ALL that much.

Genji would get something DPS1Trick would cook up, which would look like slight more damage in exchange for reducing spam. So they can burst people down VERY quickly, but not spam their way to victory.

I think something would happen with Doom so that uppercut wouldn’t have as much of a delay.

Tracer would take a nerf so we wouldn’t have to buff the hell out of Brig, Brig would get some tweaking, less medic packs, more armor, or something.

But mostly, if she wasn’t required as the tracer counter then you could move her to a more interesting and less frustrating place.

Sombra would get an EMP radius nerf, for some other goodness in her kit to try to make her effectively not an OWL only hero.

Ana would lose something on Nade to try to move her out of top pick in almost every rank. I’d look at owl stats to see if she needed something so she competes there.

Moira would get a buff, but it would likely to be to linger rather than making her right click easier to land.

Torb I would leave even though I secretly think he may be op.

Junkrat… I’d talk to toast / krojack there, because while I know something has to happen I don’t know what.

Echo would get a nerf, but likely not a huge one.

Baps would be nerfed, but it would be an unpopular one, since I wouldn’t actually nerf field if it was up to me, (maybe radius on healing?) - but someone else could come up with something better.

I’d bow out to Mozt for some of the tank stuff, because he knows that stuff WAY better then I do.

I’d then have a fight with Mozt about Mei, and maybe a fight with Blizzard as well :wink: and maybe even a fight with the forum over moving her to Tank, and then not do it once I found how unpopular it was.

Oh if it was a Six, then this becomes a lot harder.

I think it would be more chill good social picks, so they could gather info for each role, and try to make something people would all agree on.

It would become a social construct which represents the forums. With the odd specialist.

If I was on it (and that would be a hell of an if) it would be as a statistician / modeler as anything else I guess.

If it was 6?

Chro / Jayne if we could but ultimately, that would be cheating.

I think, a rep for each role.
DPS1Trick for DPS goodness but I would worry still :wink:
Mozt for Tank?
I’m not sure the support one.

Then a person who can model / stats, and a couple of people who are sensible and can deal with people.

From there it just gets SO hard. 6 would be crazy hard.

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good takes only


I think this would be more accurate from my discussions with him.


What about me? I’m a workshopper, and I love ana, brig, tracer, sombra, hanzo, mccree, genji, ball, and zarya, and I would happily make them all totally busted :slightly_smiling_face:


Totally. I think they are a solid pick.


Wait… No!


I don’t spend enough time on forums for knowing people for this but if they did a more accurate owl expirimental these people nobody else no casters or commentators or anyone except translators though they cannot vote or add their opinion also the lead hero designer again but he can add his opinion and insight on nstuff and these changes could go live
I would want
Jake danteh
Then Super, either carpe or xzi
I want an owl coach idrc who I would say either moon or crusty though
(Yes there are allot of shock people here I do think these people could add good stuff though)
Other people I would be fine with is cloudy, mcgravy choi and fusions (idrk allot of apac players so that’s why allot of them aren’t there)
The only non owl player I know that could add good stuff is karq

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Jayne would be a super solid pick. But he would likely run for the hills.

Literally if I had to pick JUST ONE PERSON it would be Jayne.

I would want actual support mains for support changes. I don’t trust DPS or Tank mains for that job because it’ll just be a massacre of nerfs.

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I’d like to see some top 500 onetricks in there too. Steevoo, Kolorblind, Jardio, Violet, etc.

I wouldn’t pick jayne honestly something about him saying he’s inventing esports just doesn’t really turn my gears

Totally. I used to run support, but, we would need a person for organising good support feedback.

The reason I said Mozt and DPS1Trick was because of their role knowledge, and we would TOTALLY need a support version of that.

Yeah, ok. He just seems to be the most solid analyst out of them, which is why they would get my pick. But I can see where you are coming from.

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Aurora and Bakkusodo usually have pretty good takes.

I’d pick 3 players from each rank (1 tank, 1 dps and 1 support) and have a round table discussion on one character at a time.

Address concerns for low ranks and factor in high ranks and vice versa.

Granted it would be time consuming but overall it’d spring board some new testing ideas, even if some don’t reach live.

If I had to choose 6 then it becomes harder but not impossible.

Change is good though, however poor choices in the past need to be addressed and acknowledged. No 8 second grapple Widowmaker again for example…

I’m more hesitant to nerf Echo. She’s been on the decline recently and sits around the middle when it comes to pick and win rate. Her recent nerfs and the current tweaks to others has shifted her position overall.

This is the kind of conversation I would be hoping to have with people. middle for pick / win is a pretty good argument for not futzing with her that is for sure.

Without more OWL being played it is hard to pin her down for OWL play, since we would be trying to balance for both, but yeah, you are likely right there.

It was off the top of my head, and I’m glad someone read it, and calls out where it isn’t right :slight_smile:

I REALLY wish I had access to T2 stats.

Aurora keeps coming up as a name. I think anyone you are recommending would be pretty good. You wouldn’t be a bad choice yourself.


I’d follow data from OWL and tier 2 like Contenders as well.

Since Contenders tends to experiment more (or is at least slightly flexible) and she is seen rarely when contenders started again recently.

There’s been more Mei/McCree in the dps lineup with Rein and D.Va being the prominent tanks. Zarya being close behind.

Another thing to factor in is region differences as Korean is running Bubble ball and double bubble over the D.Va Rein and Rein Zarya format.

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Yeah, so I was thinking sombra could hack the payload like she could in beta (I think they tried this) Ana would have 3 charges on nade, and she could self nano in team vs. team. Mccree would get 2 stuns, but nerfed FTH. Genji would become a support, details here. i would make hanzo have scatter arrow with storm arrow (separate). Ball would get more ammo and less spread. Zarya would have a mini grav that lasts a short duration on CD. And lastly, brig would be the queen of armor again… She would give armor overheal again, 5 heal packs, and increased wipshot speed and hitbox.

Yeah, I can get stats directly for OWL, but do you know a good source for T2 stats? Blizzard doesn’t hand them out.

dune voice The salt must flow. I mean +100 votes for “where the hell did that come from”

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