[new hero] Support Genji

I am currently working on a new hero, support genji !
Why am I doing this? I love genji, but Iā€™m a support main. :laughing:

Deflection armor (new)

This armor will appear as green bars on your hero health, and it will deflect 50% of damage you take back at the attacker (regardless of LOS or raycast hit position)

Ability 1

swift strike

still the normal swift strike, but grants Deflection armor based on the damage you do, and the number of enemies hit.

Ability 2

Armor deflection

Normal deflection with 1/2 damage, heals nearby allies, and grants deflection armor to nearby allies.
*cooldown resets on eleminations

primary fire


Slightly higher damage, but slightly lower projectile speed.

  • costs 2 ammo
secondary fire

Healing shrikens

shoots the same as the normal Genji primary fire, does no damage,
and heals allies hit with it.

  • costs 5 ammo

The sword

  • Rapidly give deflection armor to allies
  • swinging the sword at allies heals them
  • sword does less damage to enemies than normal
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That sounds like a balanced and fun hero. The enemy team should always be directly and immediately punished for shooting Genji!

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How exactly would you go about doing this? Do you actually plan on making this in the workshop? If so, good luck! It sounds hard!

I will be hard (as there is no direct way to detect temp. health without some math)