Who has the worst ult in the game?

You haven’t played Sym 3.0 since she was on the PTR and you think you know about her new kit? lmaooooo that’s actually adorable. :relaxed:

Cree ult still ain’t that bad. Just last night I had overtime point captured - I positioned myself in a strange area they don’t look and while they were busy fighting, I pooped out the ult, BAM 3x targets down,won.
Same with defending , they busy fighting on the cart, I was somewhere up, ult, bam the fight was won.

His ult is really good in overtime, especially if they are not running a sniper, but even then, in the heat of the fight, it’ll take time untill they find you.

He’s also super cool if you manage to sneak behind enemies.

Superb against Pharmercy. Or ulting mercy.

His ult is the best anti genji ult too. Its better to waste a noon than a transcendence. + that you also might get a pick bonus!
Great against raging monkeys too.

Back in the day I used to talk bs saying that his ult is crap and is useless. No its not. Its a fast charging ult, with great utility.

Her kit isn’t rocket science mate. Like I said, I played extensively on PTR as a 6-stack and experimented substantially before forming the basis of my opinion. Majority of Sym mains support my opinion. Majority of Pros support my opinion, I have more hours on Sym than you do and more levels than you. Literally every claim you’ve made has been debunked so nice try all in all. Better luck next time though.

You haven’t played Sym 3.0 since she was on the PTR and you think you know about her new kit? lmaooooo that’s actually adorable. :relaxed:

Wrong. Where are you even getting the data for this point? Where’s any backing to this statement? I have a large thread about Sym 3.0 and many Sym players agree that the Photon Barrier is mostly fine, and her primary fire is actually her primary weakness. You can check it out here if you’re interested:

But please leave some constructive criticism if you do, more so than “I played her on PTR and used her barrier wrong so that must mean it’s bad”.

Prove it?
I mean Quickplay, maybe slightly more, but QP barely matters.
Over all seasons, QP, Arcade, multiple accounts, everything, you may or may not have more than me.
One thing is clear though, one thing you’ve proved: You haven’t played Sym 3.0 for very long at all.

Ok ly2 :heart_eyes:

As a biased Orisa main…WHAT?

It literally ends shield wars and therefore wins fights.

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Its interesting to see some people saying Sym and/or widowmaker because I view those ults as some of the better ults in the game right now.

The enemy team loses the element of surprise with widows ult and Sym’s ult allows you to dance through a shield giving you a HUGE advantage in 2CP team fights.

Doesn’t matter, you are the one claiming to have more time on her. Proven wrong.

No evidence whatsoever.

Where exactly? I don’t see rank mentioned anywhere in my comment. My other statement is simply an observation and carries no emotional value since it’s an explanation of my own internal decision-making process.

This thread only proves what I’m saying all along - that Symmetra isn’t currently balanced and fixed. Nice try but your thread isn’t a specific statement about her ultimate. :rofl:

No it’s not. You literally just ignored the rest of what I said, are you doing this on purpose?
Prove that overall you have more time and I’ll agree with you.
Even if you do have more time than me on Sym before the rework, you already stated you haven’t played Sym 3.0 since the PTR, which was when her new ult was introduced.

No you’re not, you’re saying Sym’s ultimate is trash, which is false, period.

Just like all of your points then :sweat:

Are you trolling or just a bit dim?

At this point Symmetra is a clear winner, her ultimate is very defensive in nature and while it can enable your entire team to act like Winston or Orisa (which is incredibly powerful) many players ignore that element of it causing it to be weaker than it otherwise should be.

Winston is a close second since he is easy to avoid while in it though the instant heal keeps it from being the worst ult and its knock back can be a clutch during overtime.

Road hogs ultimate (while having no fall off) often pushes the target into a safe location forcing you to use it against a cornered opponent or for its knock back utility. Its also one of the easiest ultimate to cancel in the game due to hog’s massive size and slow movement during it.

Bronze refering to his border :rofl: Even if I was actually trying to rank shame, his profile is private so I can’t see his rank. Nice try.

Mercy, Orisa, Widow, and Hog probably all tie for worst I think.

You’re still insulting his level and experience, which he likely still has more experience with Sym 3.0 than you.

I love that you ignore all my other replies because you know you can’t win. In the words of a moron “Nice try :rofl:

Nothing like watching your team die from above, and getting all the blame for it. I had my beam on you, sorry you died anyways.

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Symmetra? Really I find her ultimate useful.

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A wall that covers the whole entire map and protects you from attacks.

That I would rather trust a pro than a bronze border player is not an insult. This is a statement and observation related to my own internal decision-making process. Nice attempt at character assassination since you objectively lost the debate and every statement of yours was proven wrong.

Obviously not considering you’re still choosing to subjectively ignore all my replies to your false points about Sym 3.0.

Bottom line is this:
You haven’t played Symmetra 3.0 since the PTR and were using her Photon Barrier ultimate wrong if you think it’s the worst ultimate in the game.

So, in terms of bugs Reinhardt needs to be fixed his earth shatter sometimes doesn’t register and goes through shields sometimes. In normal overwatch, It’s Widowmaker’s infra sight. Hanzo has Widowmaker’s ultimate for an ability your team calls out every enemy anyway so what’s the point of that. Her ultimate is basically useless. It really doesn’t help at all. Also for the people who think that Mccree’s ultimate is bad, think about it. A charging ult that can basically 1 shot everyone but he is slow and vulnerable. It’s kinda risk and reward.

Orisa, Doomfist and Symmetra