Who has the worst ult in the game?

honestly both deserve buffs or reworks which actually improve them

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I love how non orisa players are saying orisa, her ult is amazing lmao. Id say tracer after the nerf.


Wym bronze players tell me their great all the time

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So you never played her since the rework went live but you’re absolutely certain her ultimate is the worse out of every hero.

Well, I mean, I can only say I respect your personal experience and point of view but I obviously disagree with it. Good gaming with other heroes!

And i dont get people who are saying symm, her ult is amazing and can win teamfights if used right.

At higher ranks tactical visor gets pretty “meh”. With things like tracer or orisa you are objectively dealing more damage than you could have possibly done without the ult. Soldiers is kinda “kill a squishy that was so far out of position that they had no right being alive in the first place”.

I played her extensively in PTR as a 6-stack and tested everything out of her kit. All the pros agree that Sym is still a throw pick. I would rather trust the pros than a 2 star bronze random player.

Convenient that you mention that now, probably false anyway.
Regardless, you’re still playing her wrong if you think Photon Barrier is weak.

Because I have an alt where I one-trick Sym in comp currently at ~3500 SR

What is false man? Click on my profile and check hours. Then click on your profile and check hours. :rofl: This isn’t rocket science.

Ah, I’m sure. And I have an alt in top 500 :rofl:

I know people wouldn’t agree, but as for me, it’s Sombra and Orisa.

I don’t have to explain for Orisa.

But for Sombra, her ultimate doesn’t help her to kill much, and very heavily dependent on teammate to respond as well. Since i’m a low tier player, mentioning the team that my ulti is ready is usually ignored and when I waited too long for ulti, I wasted my time. If I mention im ready to ulti, and someone responded to ulti (Mcree or soldier), I went to emp hoping they to ulti since all the enemy is there and they have clear shot, THEY END UP DIDNT ULTI OR KILL at all.

Only once in awhile Sombra ulti actually make a different in my experience. Usually it requires waiting too long for other teammate to ulti and I need to stay nearby (risky and time consuming). sigh.

I knew we would come to experience and rank shaming. Congratulations, you just proved the point of my first message here.

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Hahaha, again putting words in my mouth. First, I never rank-shamed you - please provide direct quotation where I do that. Second, you don’t think experience has any relevance when discussing balance? Who do you think understands the game more? A Pro, OWL player or a two star bronze border player? This isn’t shaming - this is an objective analysis. Nice try to portray me as oppressive. :rofl: Not to mention who I trust is inherently an inward analysis of my own decision-making. :rofl:

You’re the one mentioning the whole rework when we’re talking about the ultimate. Tell me where the pros are complaining about her ultimate being the worse out of any hero.


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Bastion’s ult is actually pretty neat and powerful

Lucio’s is currently pretty trash…

Probably not the worst, but it’s definitely useless compared to all other support ults.

Is it odd that I find that there is no worst ultimate… I think all ultimate has it niche.

I’ve never said anything like this, this is the third time you are trying to put words in my mouth that I have never said. I said Pros think she is a troll pick - an example of this is Seagull. There, provided with you evidence.

In Quickplay.

I don’t need you to believe me, but I can prove it if you really think it’s necessary.

Regardless though, my point still stands.

If you think Photon Barrier is weak, you’re using it incorrectly.

Orisa and Hammond, I think what a lot of people don’t understand about these ultimates being terrible is that against good players they’ll just ultimate in response to you, wipe your ultimate for free and then get whatever else as a bonus.

After that, McCree and Roadhog are tied for second worst class of ultimates in the game, they make you extremely vulnerable, they are easily cancellable and have really limited use cases.

You mean there…?:sweat_smile: