Who else actually LIKES the hero bans?

I do. And I say this as an Ana main who also falls to Moira for better aoe heals. Hell, Im also a Reaper main and none of you will ever seem me whine about his weeks banned heroes.

You support main players got 2 options

1: Get gud and play the other support heroes
2: Don’t play for this week
Ether way its one less one trick player I have to put up with.

I do. It forces the meta to change whether you like it or not. Which is also what Pokemon has done for SwSh, to some extent. If there’s a bunch of choices, people will generally gravitate towards their absolute favorite Hero first. Meaning millions of Reinhardts, Mercys, and DPSFlavorOfTheMonths.

i do, a lot. Pretty much the best thing this game has had and i havent disliked the choices for the bans either. Hanzo and mei were good, moira and ana are good, rein and orisa are good, reaper is good. Im happy with this

The fact we get diverse games instead of meta’s that last decades says enough.


I like the hero bans, so long as they stick to what they promised: 1 tank, 1 support, and 2 dps. The way it is now, support is virtually unplayable.

So far I think it’s done far more harm that good outside of OWL and maybe GM level games.

i probably would have just had it set to 3 hero bans 1 tank, 1 dps and 1 healer and see how things go from there but hey i didn’t make the game. they never listen to our input anyway. they just say go to red website … i am sure not one person doesn’t know about that to post or not post anything in general negative on here. i mean the mercy thread had what 65 plus pages and yet nothing has been changed to mercy since. then dva has not had a skin for a holiday event and i am starting to wonder if the voice actress had a falling out with the game team because the hero has literally fallen of the face of the earth.

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I love it. Around high plat people usually throw a tantrum before the game even starts if I pick Zenyatta because they just want supports to be mindless healbots who only exist to pocket people. Zen has crazy potential if played right, but half the battle is just getting your teammates to accept that. Without Moira and Ana I’ve found almost no resistance to picking Zen.

I kinda agree with you, as some comps work better than others. However you can get away with playing lots of different comps. For example, double barrier wouldn’t work in a lower rank as rein lucio would run right through it (this is before double barrier nerfs)

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Show me where that was promised … I’ll wait.

As a D’Va one trick so far hero bans have not had any effect on my playstyle so I’m so far neutral about it.

As a D’Va one trick I will stop helping the DPS queue if she gets banned.

Hero pools do one thing and one thing only : remove choice in a game advertised on having choice.

She just had a baby

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I initially liked it… until I did my support placements without Ana. And I’m starting to realize how much I lean on Reaper

i noticed they hadn’t banned mei yet … i know what i said was ice cold :cold_face:

I would like it if we actually got a say as to who gets banned. Like nearing the end of a week people could vote on heroes they want banned next week and the top tank, 2 top dps, and 1 top support would be banned for that week. But you can’t vote for the same hero two weeks in a row.

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but where is the fun in playing fair , sombra voice

I do. One of my mains is banned this week but God is it refreshing to not see Moira and Rein in every game.

Wasn’t she banned in the first week ?

it was also a inside joke the creator of over-watch favorite hero is == “drum roll”== mei.

121 hero bans made sense.
the fact they went with 112 is just what?
and why?

Oh my God, you caught me. They didn’t make a promise, which is what I said in a comment on my forum post. What an amazing sleuth. You deserve a medal.

FFS, whether they promised anything or not, Blizzard heavily implied that bans would only be for 1 Tank, 1 Support, and 2 DPS. They said that’s the pattern that OWL would follow, and that competitive games would be similar. They never mentioned anything to the contrary, and they knew that their playerbase assumed this was the rule.

The mere fact that so many people here are upset about the moronic decision to ban two supports shows - if nothing else - that Blizzard doesn’t understand how to communicate to their customers. And rather than pulling the “well we didn’t promise nuthin’” card, maybe they should admit to the fact that they were incompetent at best, and misleading at worst.

I do, but also I don’t at the same time since I get flamed for picking low heals since people don’t know how to play with anything less than 2 aoe’s or bap +aoe.