Who else actually LIKES the hero bans?

Whoever said anything about changing playstyles?

You work together as a team to overcome obstacles.

Then, again, you work together as a team to overcome obstacles.

That’s what Overwatch is all about, after all.

Yeah, let me will that winston out of existance because this Genji one-trick is inept. One-tricking is unhealthy, it’s a good thing it’s being discouraged. One-tricks leech off of flex-players

You can’t just uncounter yourself with will alone, that’s why we’re stuck with one-tricks being an issue.

If the Winston is diving the Genji, then help the Genji defeat the Winston.

Teamwork. That’s what Overwatch is all about.

No one said anything about will alone.

And “we” are not stuck with any such thing. You have an issue with one-tricks. I do not.

Except it isn’t just Winston, including a Moira and Zarya there too makes it impossible to specifically stop the enemy team just so the Genji is comfortable.

It doesn’t make sense to go through all the effort when the Genji can just not be inept

“we” obviously didn’t mean you. ‘We’ is us who have an issue.

Except you cannot speak for anyone but yourself.

Not very good with words, huh? I can obviously speak for people who share the exact same opinion.

No, you cannot, as they have not declared you to be their representative, to be their voice, or given you permission to speak for them.

You can only speak of your opinion and yours alone. The same goes for everybody.

You’re a perculiar one with a really strange idea of context

I’d say its a bit true.

But hard depending on the player.

If you can only aim, you won’t get anything done with a hero that does little to 0 aiming and more decisions making.

Another player is trash at aiming.

For one of them mccree is clearly meta.
For the other clearly not a option.

But i wouldn’t deny, that theres a strat, earning the most wins, no matter the players strenght.

For me it just feels a little late to implement. Fortnite and Overwatch… which is better? I don’t play Fortnite, it’s not my cup of tea but I must praise their marketing team and their ability to be ballsy and do stuff to keep things fresh.

Overwatch is TOO AFRAID to make drastic changes… whether it is Role Locking, Hero bans, Experimental modes, adding new modes etc and with stuff like Matchmaker and RNG picker for Mystery Heroes being questionable in terms of it actually working…

A lot of the fun sort of disappears. At best… Overwatch is stale and with Rank and competitive just choking the fun out of the game, it is hard to find enjoyment in the game.

I don’t even play competitive anymore because 20 something seasons in, it is the same old stuff… Balancing just seems to be a hit and miss with each change being a summary of ‘What on earth of the developers thinking?’

Hard locking everyone to 2/2/2 of each role just makes the game feel tasteless… there is no fun to not being able to flex, it was actually fun to do your best and win by flexing but as Toxicity seeped into every corner of OW and the amount of throwing and selfishness grew, the game just died.

It is literally a 6v6 match of comparing ego than skill, who can insult and blame the other person for losing the match the best.

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That’s the whole point of meta though, it’s just the thing that will win the most frequently in that context

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Sounds like they’re not of the proper mindset for comp then. People need to adjust. People need to learn more than 1-2 heroes. People need to accept that falling is normal and if you needed a must pick hero to climb, did you really deserve to climb?

It’s dope

20 characters

Some people like restrictions others don’t.

At this point, the best thing to do would be to release two Competitive modes, one with Role queue, - 2-2-2, map pools and hero pools and the other one should be Classic Competitive like the one we had from 2016 to 2019.

No need to argue any further or to try to convince people which mode is better as it doesn’t lead anywhere. People are entitled to what they like and don’t like (and it’s perfectly fine).

Devs should understand and accept that our community is divided when it comes to Competitive. We can never be as united as we were when the game got first released.

That’s the reality.

just release all former modes so that everyone can enjoy the game their own way.

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This week is great. Banning the actually good chracters that have been must picks for most of this games community for a long time actually makes the game feel fresh.

Can we talk about how much fun mercy is to play right now?

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it makes comp feel like an arcade mode tbh…random heroes each week, feels like mystery heroes but slower


Me. I like it.

It gives developers opportunities to look into other heroes. Like right now, Moria and Ana are out of the picture. So they can look at Mercy


I think it’s good, for all those people whining for a Reinhardt to get rein banned for a week; what now? hehe

That and people are actually playing dive now that healing is so low and Baptiste is relatively exploitable if they don’t know how to time their jumps.

I like it too. No “rein plz” this week. I miss Moira but there’s always Mercy and Bap.

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I like it even when all the characters banned are my general go to picks. It can make some aggravating situations arise, but you should be aware of those outcomes occurring when queuing for the roles with limited choices and prevalent counters still available to the choices you are left with. What mitigates this frustration is that you know this is the best you can work with given your circumstances in the current round of bans.