Who do you guys see on the forums the most?

I’ve taken notice of you in the last few days. I just realised I was seeing a lot of you and I thought “Why have I never seen this guy around before?”

Still trying to suss you out though :thinking:

No Joey, no. It’s just that we’re short on time and don’t have enough sponsors to make a longer post. I could list a lot of names like you and custardcreme and catchphrase and I could be here all day. Okay.

JOEYFERRS. Number one Joey.

In general, I don’t really associate names with discussions. So, I recognise many names here but I couldn’t tell you anything about their OW opinions. With few exceptions.

Jeez, I wasn’t expecting you to take it seriously.

I take people’s feelings seriously man. I am not the best person but I try not to be a jerk.

There are a few that when I see them I just go into the post and mute it so I don’t have to see their post anymore. I won’t name them but I’m guessing they might be pretty easy to guess. There are a few that I enjoy chatting with about things here on the forum about. Myself I just like to help out when I can and try to keep things light when possible but I can be moody at times but most of the time I keep myself from expressing it. I like to post entertainment when I can.

Look I stop trying to remember people when I saw famous ones name change or we have like 14 ones called Mercy or Reaper.

(Got enough on my plate as it is)

I would just focus on the topics not the person


No one ever really like, recognizes me but I recognize most of you, and im here, watching daily , prepping doodles


sup dr kid

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“Does anyone recognize you?” To answer your question, let me ask you. Am I Italian?

DoctorKid and RichC.

And I wouldn’t have it any other way :sob:

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I recognize nearly all of the people who have posted here, and i’m here to recognize even more individuals.


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I usually see the most positive, or the most negative people the most.

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and this other guy with a purple WOW picture who I always disagree with but I forgot his name

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how tf am i supposed to know that



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I would think that me calling everyone “Paesano” would kind of give it away. :frowning:

I’m doing okay actually, all things considered.

How are you, friend? :smiley_cat:

Edit: Also i’ve been lurking around a lot of topics that you seem active in, you just don’t know i’ve been there… <~< Like the Overmoji cafe.

Complaining, whining, and lying.