Who do you guys see on the forums the most?

Sure, altough I’m terrible when it comes to remembering names :smiley:

Yeah, it’s a fun little video. But I listened to it a bit and some of the language isn’t as forum friendly as I remember. So yeaaah…

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“this games dead LOOOOOOOOL”

The #1 topic on this game is Mercy and has always been MERCY since Mercy 2.0 was done. Its usually the players that LEFT the game awhile back that simply want her back into the “casual state” she was in. Which I rightly cannot blame them. :slight_smile:

Eh, theres probably only about 5 people who I see a lot, and actually take notice of. I do recognise a decent amount of names but it doesnt mean much to me. Sometimes I do wonder if other people recognise me though :thinking:

hey, i know dis guy.

Was gonna make a joke about the most seen being blizz staff memebers and then say, “Ha, jokes” but I have a feeling that could be a ban

They should make a similar video but about the forums. “Forumwatch”… I can honestly say that I’ve never been toxic in game unless you consider one-tricking Mercy in quickplay as toxic. I tried to be friendly, and when I wasn’t in the mood to be friendly I was quiet.

the 10k+ posts users

but i recognize most names in this thread

The issue is that I actually keep seeing and even remembering the same ppl. Another sign that the game is dying.

I am ok if ppl don’t recognize me ^^
I like being in the café for the most part in these forums so. It’s safe there

You thought it was CATCHPHRASE…

but it was ME, DIO-CRASE!


Yo . . .

was that a JoJo reference?

He he :stuck_out_tongue:

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lol why isn’t this post dead yet

Spunky seems to be the new guy I’ve noticed, don’t know where they came from but it had been way too long since we’ve had that kind of bait.

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Same but insert D.Va and we’re good to go. It makes me think about how characters have their own little communities around them. (Props to my boys Slade, DarthWinston and Lumin.)

Also, I don’t always agree with Krojack but he seems like a decent guy all in all. Same for GreyFalcon.

JellyAndJam and RichC are nice. I feel like I see Jessika make a lot of good points. Fruitslayer in general seems to have a good sense of humor.

Idocrase I see your name and I wanna ask if it’s an enzyme or something, lol.

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Jelly, easily. Always making the most strange, but enjoyable posts

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Am I a joke to you? :cry: