Who do you guys see on the forums the most?

Or just anybody that you see make a post and you just go: hey, I know that guy.

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I’m pretty familiar with most of the active Mercy haters, Mercy supporters, Mercy reworkers, and Mercy reverters.


i see alot of crying the most.I cant say who because al lthe crying becomes one huge entity.

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Wonder which of those I fall into :stuck_out_tongue:

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Most of these “popular” people have pretty generic, unconstructive and boring posts imo. Not naming any though, obviously.


I wonder that too at times. Sometimes I think of you as a Mercy hater and sometimes as a Mercy reworker.

i remember the people that actually propose good ideas and bother about trying to balance the game…

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Be honest with me, am I in that category. It’s fine if I am I mean sniff its no big deal or anything :pleading_face:

Out of curiosity, what do I classify as? And that’s not just to you, but to everyone. How do you perceive me? :joy:

I only remember one of your posts, asking if you should change your name or not, sorry mate.

ok then I’m sorta safe.

You have not registered on my radar yet, so I am afraid I can not answer that.

Whew. Dodged a bullet there. Was worried I’d have the rep of the “brutal truth” guy, or the stereotypical Genji main. :eyes:

I never know how to answer these, because no good can come from actually naming people.

But a lot of names are familiar, for varying reasons.

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i see… too many naysayers, immature people and less than helpful ones on this forum the most.

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Not who, but what. “Hey guys here’s how I will fix mercy”. Which is usually just putting mass Rez back in with more stipulations to pulling it off.

Well, to understand me, my highest motivation is increasing the number of viable hero choices that are both unique and worthwhile.

At the time, when I suggested the 50hps nerf, it was because I wanted them to focus on buffing underpowered heroes.

But as we can see, that Nanoboost buff really pushed Ana way up there.
And Mercy probably fell further than anticipated because of it.

That said, I think the weakness she has now should be considered “potential buff coins”. And those coins should be budgeted hoard towards making her more interactive mechanically/mentally.

It’s just kinda unfortunate that these sorts of balance changes move at a glacial pace.


Ye dis is the mindset everyone should have

But everyone be like “Waaaa the big bad doomfist punched me into a wall and killed me…must be oop…pls neerf i dont want to improve”


That was not what I was thinking of though. I remember telling you once that I wished you’d stopped making an effort due to the way I perceived your efforts to be hurting Mercy players.

Actually, the biggest complaint was his flanking routes where the end result was sniper-tier burst damage, instantly killing a squishy.

Unless you watched various youtube/twitch clips, you would not know what these exact routes are or how they are performed, for the game never mentions the utility of Rocket Punch Jump.

That saying, though, it was overnerfed.

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