Who do you guys see on the forums the most?

You stand before a veteran forum member.

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Oh? Is heā€¦ hiding behind you?

Iā€™d like to talk to them once she shows themselves.

I didnā€™t realize that any veteran forum members were here.

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never seen anyone call you that

im good as well

well thats a bit creepy, but i havent been to the overmoji cafe for a bit

cā€™est moi

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I meme, i memeā€¦ and i highly respect those who have put the time and effort into these forums.


quietly juggles orbs in the corner of the room

I said I call everyone Paesano. Reread my comment, Paesano. (Lol)

Itā€™s hard to say.

There those such as Jelly, Joey Ferrs, and people like DeadlyAztec who are instantly memorable, others, I remember, just not off the top of my head.

And yes Chibi, you are a joke to me.

Itā€™s hard to say.

There those such as Jelly, Joey Ferrs, and people like DeadlyAztec who are instantly memorable, others, I remember, just not off the top of my head.

And yes Chibi, you are a joke to me.

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Aye not much, you doing well?

:sob: Neither would I, everyone here is so nice and of course so are you Andough (even if you hate my main)

even still, thats the first time ive seen that word

I have been called

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yes hello

also i havent seen you play too much recently - did you abandon
oh also did you get out of bronze yet?


GASP Italian 101 time!

So, Paesano means ā€œcountry (wo)menā€ in Italian. However, in NY, the word has been butchered by people writing it as ā€œPaisanā€ which is extremely incorrect.

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Iā€™ve become bored of it, I play occasionally, but far less.

Yes, on the alt account.

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I think I just recognise names and think eitherā€¦ ā€œI remember youā€ or ā€œOh no, not you again. Stay away!ā€ :grin:


This was kn0wledge in a nutshell.


congrats!! where did you place?

Mid-high gold.

If the game reinvigorates itself Iā€™ll probably fix this account.

Myself!! :smiling_imp: