Which hero actually needs a rework in your opinion and why?

Several heroes have gone through reworks and some of them more than once.
But in your opinion which ones are the ones that really need a rework.

My vote is on Widowmaker.
She either ruins the game for everyone else because she is too good. Or she ruins the game because she sucks and is now a complete liability.
No other hero falls into this extreme. clearly something is wrong with her and she needs to be changed so she is more consistent in her damage but not so broken to shut down an entire team by herself.

Junkrat. His OG design was trash and buffing it hasn’t helped. Junkrat is always either underpowered or he’s busy giving bronze tier nightmares. Low skill floor and ceiling, what a mess.

If your Widow is that oppressive she has high skill or your team is not able to counter her …. Widow shouldn’t be punished for this. She only seems that powerful right now because the devs in all their wisedom killed all her counterpicks.
I would rework Hanzo because he is to op … just imagine Junk would oneshot people.

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Reaper? A good Reaper player, like myself, carries games. A bad Reaper player, like 90% of Reaper players, is just a chore.

Even a bad reaper is not so extreme as to miss most of his shots consistently and not get a single kill in the entire match.
Or be so good as to get 3 picks within seconds of each other.

For a reaper to pull that off the enemy team must have completely failed to see him approach and he managed to get his ult off before anyone got to stop him.

Widow on the other hand just needs a vantage point. Even in high ranking games a winston has to turn around mid air to not be hit in the face and die to widow. Generally at such high levels reaper is completely defenseless.

Pharah? :man_shrugging:

Ana, because a Sniper without any use for having a sniper rifle is bad character design. Anyone who argues otherwise can fight me. Give Ana Mobility already.

Doomfist because they had this really cool idea for a combo-centric fighting game homage, and gave him a 1-shot gimmick and a dumb squirtgun that goes completely against his theme.

with the latest patch notes? you may be right. But thats more of a buff/nerf territory i think.

For me it’d be Ana. She doesn’t scale at all.

At Grand Master she’s just an ordinary support that wins about half her games.

But as you go lower she does worse with each succeeding bracket until you get to bronze where she’s practically at bottom.

It’s the direct opposite of the Bastion experience. That’s a hero who’s a terror at bronze but trivial at GM.

Ana either needs a rework or some skill added to her that fixes her scaling problem. She needs an ability that’ll improve her win chances in the lower brackets that gets easier to circumvent as you go up. Something to flatten out her win rate curve.

Same too with Bastion but in reverse — an ability very difficult for bronze players to master but exceedingly useful to him at GM.

Mei. Mei, Mei, Mei, Mei, Mei. Her ice abilities like the wall, or her block, have no priority. I’ve had people teleport through my walls without a damn symmetra. Hanzo arrows have picked me even though I used my ice wall clearly beat it to the punch. Your enemy also has to be mentally retarded, and/or have all of the abilities on a cooldown, to be frozen.

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Widow has like the most basic kit in the entire game she’s got mobility and a scope. What are you gonna change? Her venom mine?

I’d say widow actually needs a buff. In the time it takes her to charge up a full powered shot, Hanzo can pull off two shots of equal or greater power.

change her so that she does not live or die to those headshots.
she should remain a sniper but maybe with unique ammo and timed abilities that allows simple body shots to be useful but not so devastating as to 1 shot kill across the map.

Thats just lame IMO.
Could also give her abilities like sticking unto walls or smoke grenades and whatever else to get her our of this stationary headshotting turret.

A bolt-action style rifle could be fun.

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Imma say bastion since he is the worst hero in the game

The major issue with Widow is that her best counter isn’t actually a Genji or Winston, it’s another widow and it turns the 6v6 match into a 1v1 duel. Hopefully that changes with Hammond.

Personally I’d change doomfist as he’s been a buggy mess of a hero since launch and the game already had 2 fast moving dps heros, we didn’t need a third. I don’t know why blizzard thought making a hero that can actually juggle you was a good idea.

I agree but with hammond the widows that were already struggling would be dead in the water.

Widow maker essentially becomes “grandmasters only” hero or otherwise a throw in anything for the lower bracket.

Have you ever played a any other FPS in your life? Any FPS with a sniper, the sniper has a 1 shot ability. This isnt anything new. Snipers are not suppose to do tickle damage. They are suppose to 1 shot. You cant punish people for learning and practicing the character to actually be viable with her and have good aim.

Try her out, see if you can climb with her and dominate the enemy team. When you see a widow dominating its because the Widow is good or your team is not focusing her.
The death of Dive meta is why Widow is popular now. Not because she is OP.
DVA, Winston, Genji, Tracer, are not in every game harassing and killing the Widow anymore. Thats why she is suddenly popular, not because she is broken or got a buff.
Hammond also is a good counter to her. And when the new Dive meta hits soon, she will go back to not being picked as much.
Again you cant punish skill just because it “feels” bad to get killed over and over’


Either this

Or this:

Sentry Revert
  • Configuration Sentry
    • Reduce maximum spread to 2° (Currently 3°)
    • Bloom added to weapon
      • Initial accuracy of 1.25°, bloom starts after 0.3 seconds of continuous fire
      • Reaches 2° after 0.3 seconds of additional continuous fire
    • Headshots added
    • Ammo count reduced to 200 (Currently 300)
  • Ironclad
    • Passive damage resist removed
    • Only applies during self-repair
    • Damage resistance increased to 25%
  • Self-repair
    • No longer consumes resources when it cannot heal Bastion
    • Starts healing instantly instead of having an 0.5 second delay
    • Able to reload while repairing
    • Applies Ironclad for duration of repair
  • Configuration Tank
    • No self damage
    • Tread sounds reduced slightly
    • Adds 150 armor

Would be really nice… If they don’t want to give his full damage potential back, then replace the Sentry mode part with this:

Slight Sentry nerf
  • Configuration Sentry
    • Damage reduced to 12
    • Headshots added
    • Bloom added to weapon
      • Initial accuracy of 1.25°, bloom starts after 0.3 seconds of continuous fire
      • Reaches a maximum of 2° after 0.3 seconds of additional continuous fire
    • Ammo reduced to 250
    • Deals 25% bonus damage to barriers

Oh, so you’re in the camp of the game being more ability based than FPS based

yes I have and I still stand by my statement.
Widowmaker is somewhat unique.

Hanzo and Ana manage to remain “snipers” but not deal with the same issues as widow.
What I have said is Widow is so one dimensional that her entire gameplay is “Get headshots. Otherwise dont play her”

Thats just insane. No game should enforce that.