Which hero actually needs a rework in your opinion and why?

winston and mccree. HELLA old and outdated kits. flashbang visually looks like it’s from a 1980s game.

I’m not sure any hero really needs a rework.

Tweaks to stats and stuff is fine, but tearing a hero down and building them up from square one (at this point) is really feeling like a cop-out.

like sombra

or mercy

Mercy does.

That’s it.
Why? Because Blizzard is terrible at reworks. Like just flat terrible at them. They shouldn’t put their rework happy hands near ANYBODY else.

The only reason why I’m making an exception for Mercy is because her last rework left her with an E and Q design that is fundamentally broken and… I don’t think they can make it worse than they already did.


LOL :laughing: what? Ill ask again, have you ever played another FPS before with a sniper class? You know that thats what Sniper are suppose to do right?

And yeah every game with a Sniper class enforces that.


Hanzo and Ana are not true snipers. They are hybrids.
Hanzo is more close to mid range but can still 1 shot though and Ana is a Healer that happens to use a sniper rifle to heal.
Not the same as a true sniper. Widow is the only true sniper in the game.

yes I have. And no. No game enforces to get that 100% headshot rate.
Even body shots are useful and most snipers get other fun abilities that allow them to be useful to their team.
Widow does not have that.
Next question?

and because they want to hold on to rez on E that makes mercy too powerful and easy they nerf and take ALL other things she had from the rework

They wanted to ake away the power from her rez (ult)

now one of the main/only things she will be played for is only her rez (ability)

even the heal nerf doesnt matter with oneshot hero’s like widow and hanzo in the top brackets.

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Yeah basically.

If you’ve managed to make abilities in a fast paced FPS that can unironically be called “Statue Mode” or “Spectator Mode”… maybe, just maybe that’s a serious problem.

Any game with a sniper can get headshots AND body shots and they both do damage (headshots more of coarse). You dont need 100% headshot rate with Widow. You ever see OWL. Even pro widows only get around 15-30% crit rate, and these are the best in the world Widows. And with that HS %, they are helping their team non the less. Even if they get mostly bodyshots.

Widows Venom mine and Ultimate help her team. She can inform them of the enemies position. She can zone out the enemy team not wanting to be out in the open and force them to be behind shields, messing up their pushes and strats.

She has all that. And people that play her seem to have “fun” as per your requirements.

Lol yes. What would people ever do without that venom mine.
And such a fun ability to use!

He dresses up like a cowboy from 1980 cowboy movies, I think it does fit to his theme. :thinking:

Community about Widowmaker last year : " Dont play Widomaker she is a Troll Pick. Wow we gt a Widow ok guys we are going to lose "

Community after Widowmaker got Meta : " Widowmaker is so broken she ruins the Game plz nerf or Rework her "


Reworking Mercy: giving her no AOE heal as weakness again so she has a niche as a strong single target healer, and getting Rez as Ult back with damage reduction, LOS and a small cast time so it has counterplay.

As long as Rez is a CD ability and she doesn´t have a weakness (like AOE healing like before her rework) anymore she´ll always be a must pick. But especially because of Rez as ability.

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If you bothered to read what I wrote.
You would see the issue is exactly the extreme where she is at right now.

a good reaper is like a good doomfist tho as long as your aware that he exists it makes it so much harder to get a kill as them

I am gonna say Mercy

She somehow manages to feel unheroic with how lacking she is in boom department but at the same time has numbers that suggest she’s OP (her pickrate even on a good day is double where it should be with 2 main healers to compete with.)

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NONE. Reworking is a death sentence by Blizzard

I dont get what you mean, Widow is easily the most entertaining hero in this game, even after the hours i have put into her.

Dont fix, what is not broken

especially AOE healing is painfully boring for mercy

when she was first reworked she could rez 4-5 people at once so she actually had something to do,but just flying and healing wihtout even needing to pay much attention is just plain boring

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You see a lot of her hanging by her grappling hook in animations. It’d cool if she could actually do that in game. You could setup in all sorts of interesting nests by hanging then (against random walls, under overhangs, etc). And, yeah, Spider Mine is blah and I don’t like her crit bonus either.

My votes are:

  • Ana - Some sort of self sustain.
  • Mercy - More flexible mobility, less flexible rez.
  • Doomfist - I want him to be able to punch at will, instead of being so cooldown dependent.
  • Symmetra - Beam.
  • Torb - More active play. Better defined role.