Which f tier heroes are doing the worse

Sombra Bastion Torbjorn

Honestly, If Ana were simply fixed to be a bit more defensible I’d never play Mercy. For example…

It’s not a complaint that dive counters Ana. It’s a complaint that there are too many hard counters in the game that do. Every other hero gets one, maybe two, maybe even a few soft counters to boot. No, Ana gets SIX hard counters!! Further, a good chunk of them are popular heroes found in most every game. In essence she’s a hero more oft countered in the spawn room than as a direct choice from an opposing player intent on responding to an opposing team.

Not all difficult heroes are equally difficult. The fact that most three star heroes become popular and effective well before diamond says something. Her curve is too narrowly tight. If anything it should be a bit more linear - enough so that a Bronze player could start, a silver player could get by and a gold player could probably do decently well. The starting point for Ana shouldn’t be plat. Honestly that’s a flaw.

There are plenty of other stuns in the game that can shut down an ULT. Per Jeff himself…

Except that it kinda sucks as a disengage tool. I could think of better options.

The same argument could said about Tracer’s Recall ability. Honestly, that’s not as much a comfort as you think it would be. For a long ranged hero, it’s pretty sad that she has to be played hugging tanks just to stay in the field. That sorta kills the concept of her being ranged and all, you know.

I agree. However, she also has to defend herself. She isn’t a Mercy who has options that’ll allow her to be a pacifist. With only the ability to go walker speed fast, having something to shoot back with is better than not having anything at all. Or, would you rather deny her even having that?

Your Ghillie suit idea is bad. Ana doesn’t need invisibility. The most she could use is a slight increase in reload and rate of fire, and thats mostly to compensate for power creep.

Hard counters? Far from. The only legitimate hard counter to Ana is Winston. Everyone else you can outplay, even D.va.

Trash damage and barriers are more of a hard counter than flankers. Ana has kit to duel them.

That’s the average players mechanical skill/game sense. It was the same way in triple tank. Mercy was still picked on par with or more than Ana plat and below. Look at overbuff yourself. Most highskill hero’s below plat are all negative 50% winrate.

Sleep isn’t just good for shutting down ults.

And most Ana mains probably wouldn’t want it. Hitting that perfect sleep on an ulting genji just feels too good.

Ana has two different playstyles, now more than ever with the bullets passing through full hp allies change. Play close to your team or play at range. Both have their pro’s and cons to them. Ana can do both, and should. If you’re playing away from your team, land your sleep dart, and learn how to time her 3combo on 200hp allies, or just call your team to get the free kill.

She 3 shots any hero with 200 hp. I don’t know why you would want more. Maybe raise her damage to 80 so she can 2 shot tracer? But really, it’s not needed. If you can force tracer’s recall before using nade, you’ve won.

No, the ONLY thing I want for her (Ana) is a slightly improved survivability option. That’s it; Not better DPS; Not better heals; Not a better ULT.

I hate the fact that the weights are so terribly stacked against her. If only she had something that made her survivability better than merely being a walking piñata.

I had advocated for wall climb then again for perhaps for having her rifle maybe heal her some per unused dart when she reloads. Sadly Jeff shot those ideas down to give her some seriously hard weaknesses. I do mean serious.

At the level I play at this hero’s a masochist’s dream. I get that she can do well if she’s protected but they totally left her open on brackets where team coordination is at best poor.

Honestly she should have some kind of passive that’ll let her play better at the low end and isn’t as useful on the high end. That way a person can reasonably pick up the hero, run with and enjoy it and sorta grow into the upper brackets with it. What that would be doesn’t exactly matter so long as it’s reasonably usable.

Instead she plays awful at the low end and is clamped down hard out of fear at the high end.

A passive to flatten out the hard curve of the hero is really what’s needed. She needs something that’ll make her play linear and be reasonably transitionable from low end all the way on to the high end.

That’s why the Ghillie Suit seemed decent to me. You think it sucks. I think it’s a darn good idea (since a wall climb and better heal isn’t an option anymore); and actually that’s about right considering where on the spectrum of play my skill and elite skill is at. Maybe at the high end a ghillie suit would be trivial to circumvent. However at the lower brackets it just might make this hero a bit more bearable to play – and subsequently a lot more popular.

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Oh crap, the level 15 player with 0 seconds on Reaper has spoken!

Thank you, my noob friend, for proving my point that Reaper is, indeed, just a noob stomper.

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Wait doomfist is unmeta? Let alone F tier? This is news to me.

All the infuriating heroes in F tier.
Mei, Sombra, Bastion. God, thank God they’re F fier.
Doomfist isn’t f tier btw, Soldier is F tier though.

oh i know he isint f tier but if i hadent included him all the df mains would spam me also ‘‘selling’’ even tho soldier is trash this meta and f tier in it this is the only meta hes f tier so i didn’t include him

If you didn’t answer Bastion then you’re wrong

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Junkrat waves hello.
Widow, Hanzo, Pharah, Soldier76, and Mccree.
(and those are just the hard counters, he has lots of soft counters)

yeah reaper has triple the counters ana does