Wheres the patch at

11:59 pm pacific :sunglasses:


I’m honestly guessing either 8:00pm pacific or tomorrow at this point :joy:

Contenders is over in NA. I assume it should have been out by now.

will junker queen nerfs be included? thank you for the reply but sad about junker queen nerfs

Pov: you’re waiting patiently on home screen

New patch just went live(PS5). Also can’t connect to the server so somethings happening now

Patch is out, and wow it’s f!#&$&g nothing. Mostly just minor nerfs, a handful of buffs.

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Patch notes available.

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Doom: This is fine.
Orisa: This is also fine.
JQ: Nerfs that actually make sense.
Sojourn: Nuh uh. This isn’t fixing any problems. Try again.
Symmetra: Stop it. Can’t you see that she’s already dead? Legitimately just go all in on a reversion back to support. You fixed nothing here.
Zen: “Lol,” Said the Blizzard developer. “Lmao.”

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Gives him a bit more damage on area effect rocket punches. Still won’t fix his lack of lethality, but gives him a bit more damage control.

Knew they would have to revert the Fortify effect.

The bug fixes also help.

A 50 charge Railgun shot is .05… helps.

Slower rate of fire also helps. Gun is still really accurate, though.

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Not really, this is a step in the right direction. All they need to do now is buff her Primary Fire Consistency and bring her alt damage to 100 and she’ll be good. She doesn’t need to be reworked into something she never truly was.

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her tp needs to go back to infinite or making the cancel tp actually do something like reset a shorter cd. otherwise they just lowered her skillcap - they gave her less APM, regardless whether or not those APM were strong/weak.

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Wait JunkerQueen’s Carnage doesn’t give you heals anymore? That’s so AWFUL I hope I misunderstood that. And it’s unfortunate that the original ability’s healing was a bug it seems? Is that what that “bugfix” is? A major nerf? lol

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I really like the rocket punch buff, but I’m a little iffy on Power Block, the movement speed buff: great! But I feel like the damage threshold change clearly shows the devs are aware Power Block is pretty janky and I feel like reverting the damage resistance nerf would be a better move.

Ideally, it’d probably need a full rework (the hitbox on it is just so strange, especially in regards to explosives, also CC like Ana’s sleep essentially makes a blocking Doom a free kill). I think overall, it’s less damage I’m concerned about on Doom and more that he can’t reliably go on the offensive without being melted by a 5-man firing squad.

Just something small like giving Doom some slight damage resistance when he’s charging his punch would be wonderful, whether the punch is intended to escape or as a way to use it as an offensive tool (maybe transfer some of the wall impact damage to the punch itself?)

Also if the Seismic Slam slow really was that obnoxious maybe give it back the pull CC from OW1? I’d suggest changes to his overhealth passive but I’m probably asking for way too much at this point lol.

he went from the sickest rollouts in gaming to CC’ing his own self worse than uppercut (lolpowerCC). Now he just clunks around with unthreatening punches. But I guess a new playerbase wouldn’t notice how awful this is. And they want to lower the skill delta from Balrog 1tricks so they don’t smash new F2P.

No, it was applying the wound effect of both Carnage and the Jagged Blade they’re separate wound effects

Carnage would deal 55 wound damage total last patch but Carnage was only supposed to do 40, it was doing 55 because Jagged Blade wound is another 15 wound damage

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Dang, if only Blizzard had a horribly tight grip on the competitive scene for the game, including contracts that ruin any hope for large community-run tournements.

Maybe then maybe we could have not had an embarrassing scheduling conflict because the company should know better by now and has total control.

Oh wait


The only good changes were doom and JQ. Everything else is just terrible and not what anyone asked for. Zens hp is fine. Discord is the problem since it still has 6v6 power in a 5v5 game. Sojourns rail gun and disruptor are the problem but let’s nerf her primary :upside_down_face:
Gotta love adding powercreep to orisa while she was already one of the 3 best tanks

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Just read the patch notes and I like them all. Finally a good balance change.
(Obligatory: I am a mercy main)

  • Doom felt weak, patch addressed it
  • Dez HP buff was too strong, patch addressed it
  • Orisa was rarely picked after her nerf, patch should help address it
  • soujourn is soujourn, still a bit strong but I like the decrease in radius
  • Sym; jfc sym, I feel so bad for sym mains, but hopefully this helps them a little bit
  • Zen has a knockback now, the patch feels better since he now is a bit more in-line with other supports

Keep balance patching blizz; and don’t be afraid to throw **** at the wall and nerf/buff it after. We still have the whole “early access” phase in October.

Make OW great again!

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Why did this post not show up on “Blizztracker” until 12hours later…

And patch notes, not until 8 hours later?

Is Blizztracker manual & not automatic? It’s the only way I keep track of blue posts.

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