Where did all these nerf Brigitte thread come from?

What’s even more funny is how on any given day you’ll get a Buff or Nerf Brig thread.

GM represents 1% of the player base at best. Every time something is too strong in gm, it gets nerfed and everyone else just has to deal with it because all GM cares about is what’s meta.

The community has Brig as the default support of choice to complain about when there’s not a specific support to complain about, that’s all.

I’m sure they’ll all get riled up about Ana for a few weeks, then go back to Brig, then maybe Baptiste or Mercy a little, then back to Brig etc


If balancing is done around high ranks, low ranks will not be as great as they could be, but it’s still playable and every hero is viable to climb with if you’re good enough.

If balancing is done around average ranks, high ranks will be completely unplayable, half of the heroes completely unviable and other heroes broken because they were balanced around people who don’t use the hero properly.

It’s simply better to balance around high ranks, and blizzard acknowledges this so if you disagree that’s fine.

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or maybe she’s so easy & outclasses so many supports that she’s OP?
she has the highest winrate of any support at any rank, from bronze to GM.

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Unfortunately just in GM that’s no longer true as her winrate this month has been surpassed by mercy due to such a large pickrate that mirror matchups have deflated the winrate.

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Ah, thanks for the info
Almost 20% pickrate, christ, I’m surprised they still haven’t done anything to her yet.

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I agree that it should be balanced around high ranks, but I don’t think it should be balanced around GM. Diamond or Masters is where the game should be balanced around.

GMs only care about whats meta and will play whatever’s meta, so it hardly matters to them what gets nerfed since they’ll just swap to whatever’s meta after the nerfs.

I think its weird because I think she actually needs some sort of downtime healing. Like 5hps always on inspire that bumps up to the full value on a hit

I think she’s just over-represented because she can handle dive and brawls really well

Edit: Also armor.

Kinda been wondering the same with all of these Ashe is easy, or overpowered threads.

I think people just don’t like losing, so the blame whatever they think is the thing that caused them to lose.

I’m thinking her melee can heal people, like the Engineer healed his turret, or give her a pulse like what Phoneix had in Dirty Bomb.

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This makes no sense? I don’t see how “it hardly matters whats get nerfs” is implied by “they will swap to whatever is meta”.

I would expect the opposite. They care especially about balance changes, because those influence the meta to such a degree.

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To be fair Brigitte has pretty much always gotten tons of hate since her release. It became the “Popular” thing to do. Which is funny as many people trashing the hero sung her praises to begin with. So many Pro players and twitch streamers shilled out Brigitte like crazy at first.

Then oh wow she’ awful lets kill her became the norm. I won’t say she is trash but Brigitte is a pretty bad heal bot right now. She does no dmg, can’t survive close combat despite being a melee based hero. Has no ability to really close the distance quickly or escape easily.

Brig’s self heal is one of the worst of all support and her Ult is generally pretty useless. But her inspire healing is fairly consistent and the repair packs are easy to land and have fairly good value. So she heals her team… as she hides in the back lines doing nothing much else. As I said she’s a worse heal bot than Mercy 99% of the time.

Ana, it’s going to be ana

She has the highest winrate of any support from bronze to masters, and the second highest in GM. She also has a near 20% pickrate in GM.

Just because it feels bad for you to play, doesn’t mean she’s not powerful.

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some of that is slightly misleading, brig has a 20% pickrate out of supports

but whats really dramatic and showing her power levels is her 8.5% pickrate overall

If you read what I said was she was a heal bot, not that she was bad. She provides a lot of consistent healing to her team at next to no effort. Her win rate is directly tied to what her team can do and has very little to do with the player using Brig.

Never said that did I? I ws clearly pointing out that they both get the same output for nearly the same input, but insult me based off an assumption you made :wink:

Hardest to get value out of? Are u trolling? Auto aim repair pack dps, insta value, her winrate is insanely high in all ranks, sure its inflated because ppl switch to her against certain picks and one tricks dont switch so its ez win but still insanely high

No need to insult people.

The problem is that brig’s skill ceiling is incredibly low, whereas lucio has one of the highest in the support role. It took me hundreds of hours to get to a GM level of play on lucio, brig requires barely a fraction of that time to play at that level.

And despite her low skill ceiling, she’s still better than lucio, and has replaced him in brawl comps where he’s supposed to be at his best. It just doesn’t make sense to have such a low skill ceiling character be so powerful.

Lucio Amp it up = Insta value
Ana nade = Insta value
Baptiste Pulse = Insta value
Immo = Insta value

Stop coming at me with such a frail and weak argument. “it doesn’t hae to be aimed” yeah neither does several DPS abilities and other supporting abilities, but on Brigitte it’s so unfair?

THIS. People who have a grudge against her want her nerfed for these VERY SPECIFIC comps. It’s like wanting Widows range nerfed because she’s too good at range. See why it’s ridiculous?

I understand but the skill floor and value you can get from both is the same. Anyone can pick up Lucio and just get value, as they can on Brigitte. Her ceiling isn’t as high and I will never try to push that narrative, but people act like Brigitte gets instant value and ez win right away, when in fact, it’s not like that at all

Lucio might be replaced by her, but that’s because of the extra range and healing from packs that enable DPS. You take healing off those packs and just make it a base health extension with no healing at all, she’ll drop drastically.

I’m not a brain dead Brig main who thinks she’s perfectly balanced. I know that Repair pack is way over-tuned and I’d like them to remove or harshly nerf it’s healing so that she cannot turn squishies into tanks, and give it back to her shield. But do I think she’s the bane of OW and she should be deleted because easy hero? No… not at all.