Where did all these nerf Brigitte thread come from?

Your issue is that you think there is a rational reason for the outrage and demands for nerfs.

There isn’t.

It isn’t rational.

Or Lucio and Zen would be constantly hit with nerfs.

Look at which characters get nerfed the most frequently and the hardest, and then get tweaked to be nerfed again.

  • Female
  • Support role which is often viewed as a feminine or cooperative role. (All players in the game should be cooperative, ffs)
  • Frequent use of easy aim or no aim abilities. Aim, for some reason, is viewed as a masculine trait.

I think that she can do a little too much thanks to the sustain on flankers and other low health heroes thanks to packs. I agree with that, mix that with her AOE and her sustain is Mercy and Lucio mashed together, I can throw a bone on that one, I get it.

The thing I don’t agree with is the people calling for her to be slam nerfed AGAIN because she “holds m1 and gets infinite value” when Lucio literally just… Exists and actually DOES get infinite value. But they never complain about him do they? When played well she’s kinda a master of all.

Sexism is definitely a big thing in the OW community, but what you’re proposing is absurd.

People want to nerf these heroes because they get too much value for the low amount of skill you need to play them properly.

P.S, lucio & zen did get nerfed during the goats meta, and lucio still hasn’t gotten all of his pre-goats speed reverted.

Chill dude I know there are many abilities that provide instanst value, I’m just refuting the stance that shes the hardest character to get value out of

As I said, I fully concede that packs give too much value for what they are and kinda make her a Mercy and Lucio mashed together. I’m not a tilted Brigitte main, I get it.

But when people say that she gets infinite value from the rest of her kit with inspire? Nah man. She needs to put herself in dangerous range for her sustain or aim a ship-shot. It’s just objectively wrong. I think it’s fine for a support to boost the output temporarily, look at amp or nade. But I agree she can do it a bit too well and too consistently.

I agree with your statement. When Lucio can merely exist and do as much healing, while attacking to also do damage… while Brig’s healing requires attacking to be activated and her boops, unlike Lucio’s, usually requires proximity… etc

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That’s the thing, people think we are just blindly defending her but we can be reasonable and discuss. But just throwing these “shes op because infinite value, pls nerf” gets us Brigitte players worked up because??? What? That’s just wrong.

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Their hatred of her isn’t a rational thing.

You have to be in her face to be stunned. They act as if she can stun enemies from 200 meters. She can’t get good heals unless, again, enemies are in her face.

So if you agree it isnt rational, what is it?

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Multiple people have pointed out the reasons, you just choose to ignore them.

The Genji mains hidden behind the walls :eyes:

Do I? Or as you’ve seen in this thread do I choose to discuss and actually have an open mind to their points and entertain this conversation?

Pretty bold of you to say I ignore them considering I actually advocate for one of the points they make but I argue against the whole “ez pz hold m1” nonsense.

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I think if pharah was valuable they will stop thinking of nerfing brigitte

i mean this is the exact reason people are advocating for nerfs… why post about not understanding why people want her nerfed if you understand something this basic ahaha?

i feel like this is where a big disconnect appears between us. brig in a gm enviornement, played with the most simple fundamentals of positioning and saving one pack for peel, outdoes lucio no matter how good your wallriding, aim, amp priority, other mechanics are. brig is more value played at a skill floor level (in a gm enviornement, climbing with her in lower ranks is admittably more difficult) than a lucio at a skill ceiling level. this is the big problem with her. in a good enviornement you can do alot with minimal effort which is not okay tbh.

So true :rofl: :rofl:

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Just agreeing to bump this thread due to a major number of nerf threads appearing.

My post was in reply to Sinzh, not you.

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Was gonna say, I like to have my mind changed. Talk to me, I’m not gonna shout you down :smiley:

It’s just DPS players going from 1 Support to the next, hoping that with enough complaining they can get all of them nerfed into the ground.
All they want is an easy game in which they don’t have to have skill to climb as DPS

Probably the famous genji streamer. I remember watching a clip of him saying brig is the most brain-dead hero in the game and stuff