Where did all these nerf Brigitte thread come from?

Which streamer was it?

This character is one of the hardest to get value out of without dying to any damage and we’re still complaining…?

Man… Sometimes I don’t know what players want.


I guess since moira was Nerfed due to pathetic forum complaints, they’re trying to push their luck.


Moira got nerfed, so they move onto the next support who doesn’t roll over and die

I can’t heal through stupid ~WildPants


So true, supports are just not allowed to have fun or not feel like walking with a slam of concrete tied to our ankles. /s


Next on the list. Genji is buffed? Those buffs did nothing for him! Moira finally dumpstered? Brig is OP!

I’m personally excited in the next chapter of OTP of (insert your hero here) Feels Oppressed.


I have deduced that nerf X threads are like lemmings. Their life cycle involves cyclical booms and die-offs in sync with the availability of clout and the severity of backlash.


Brig is meta in GM recently it’s probably that.

It’s not one streamer, pretty much all of them outside of maybe Violet complain about Brig.


Moira just got nerfed so they’re targetting brig now, who knows what’s gonna come next. Had enough of the whiny players.


That’s just part of Overwatch life. You main a character and you are an influencer. . . time to talk trash about your counters because you can and you have your personal biases.


Tbf tho I see streamers trash-talking Brig even if she doesn’t counter them, like Hanzo, Ana, or Zarya players

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I don’t particularly mind if they make a heated comment at the moment like why did so and so killed me because we all have those moments. But when they have it blind them so much to where they are fueled by hatred and trying to have others follow their beliefs.

Doomfist for example. I dislike being punched by him and how at times he will one hit kill me into a wall. But I accept this is how things are and that there are ways to counter this, such as having my team follow up with a brig shield bash into his face, bubbling myself if I’m the target or the person currently on the receiving end, booping his punch path or even letting the man attempt to punch me only for me to fade out of existence.

There is usually a way to work around the annoying parts of Overwatch and yet it is just disheartening to hear people talk as if the issue can not be resolved in game with some play style adjustments.


Didnt really think about that before tbh. I’d say that shes the hardest to get value from in the support category but out of everyone in the game, not really. But shes pretty close.

It’s probably PTSD from GOATs.


It’s true, unless you can time and aim ship-shot well, you have to wait and do minimal impact with packs or do nothing. I don’t get why she’s being complained about now


Ana nerfed Moira nerfed. Next is Brig. Rip


Brig’s being complained about because she’s enabling DPS, and people don’t like that. They feel as though it isn’t fair because she doesn’t have to aim repair pack and it provides a lot of value.

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Then nerf mercy damage boost and zen’s discord orb, it requires no aim to enable ennemy dps a lot more. Ridiculous. plus the armor pack lasts 5 sec… and health pack are a pain because the center of mass target being obstructed by other players passing by even if lowered to already 30… how many time i tried to heal a tracer or simply a doom coming back and just to land it on sigma who just entered the corner of my screen as i push the button ?


Now that Moira has been nerfed, the Forum Horde is turning their attention to their next target :frowning:

After this it will be either Mercy or Zenyatta

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its not one of the hardest to get value out of, vice versa the easiest support to get value out of currently. absolute must pick hero in gm games and if you play anything else youre throwing. thats why people want her nerfed. her existance currently devalidates the existance of lucio completely for example.

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I dont have a problem with Brig personally. I did back when she was released but even the devs recognized she was utter bs back then.