Where did all these nerf Brigitte thread come from?

Oh, no. They carry the game so hard that they are sweating by the palms. I must soothe them and their hard carry. For what can I offer to the DPS-Gods to prove I am worthy to bask in their holy divine light. /s

Get on your knees and proclaim to them that they have a big-

k wrong forum


A big what?! I must know what I must do to prove my worth to them as a devoted follower in their belief that they are the descendant of god and has received his gifts and wisdom. As they are able to be T500 at any moment and yet choose to stay on this lower mortal plane to spread his holy influence that we are nothing but “trash teammates.” /s

its possible and its also possible that they are just ideas that other people are saying (however i havent seen the case, beeing widely spread arround)

there are others, i just cant remember em right now

but its certainly a possibility, however id like to belive they are, (prevents me from atleast giving up entirely lol)

You keep doing you. Best of luck. :+1:

brig is one of the best heroes in the game still, not quite sure what you’re on about.
she was never bad in any iteration.

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just seeing a take like this immediately tells me you cant logically be above diamond

Providing the other support isn’t simply a useless lucio who barely provides heal. Or a zen, too busy to dps.

I never go Brig when my other support picks Zen or Lucio. But when I pick Brig first, other suport locks on Lucio or Zen without a problem. It´s irritating. I usualy swop to the main heal.

Same here, because it’s rare when zen/lucio players change their pick. Looks like most of them are just here to dps, not really to provide real support. Got a doom/genji/tracer in ennemy team? you have brig to help team but lucio/zen wont change pick for main healer. so you have to take main healer and say bye to the counters


Good. He has been meta for 3 + years. Time he took a seat at long last


You’re really just going to necro a thread to insult someone?

I’m not gonna respond to the insult because you must be very sad to not have a solid argument and go straight to personal attacks. But thanks for the necro my dude :wink:

i mean if you think brig is higher skill than lucio youre just braindead. sorry not sorry.

yes. idont see a problem?

Bad players, pretty much.

While statistics show she’s a “must-pick” for GM, they also show that she’s picked far less at every other rank. Not to mention that in GM alone, Ana has a similar winrate with a higher pickrate.

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Pickrates at other ranks are significantly less valuable since in those ranks people don’t play what’s meta, they play what they think is fun. Proof of this is the pickrates of pretty much any hero being nearly the same as the 6 month average… in GM this is very different.

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All the more reason to not make any changes.

No, this isn’t a reason not to make changes. If it were, you would literally never change any hero?

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