I don’t know what Supports you have on your teams but I can hit over 15k in 10 minutes or so.
Maybe people don’t play Support because it’s too hard for them. I mean, you have to pay attention to your Tank, DPS, your other Support, yourself, AND watch out for enemies. Oh yeah, and positioning. Got to make sure we’re positioned right too and have an escape plan.
You know that new sound that plays if you try to heal someone who is anti’d? The really loud and annoying one? They should make it play for the anti’d target too. So if they complain about it, you can make them hear that horrible sound too.
(To be clear, I think it’s a good addition. It’s meant to be aversive, and it is.)
Tank is new and unexplored and exciting, many DPS got reworks and adjustments and DPS is always popular in every game. Healer is always unpopular in every game and it also go no significant reworks so its just not an attractive choice.
I’ve been playing support pretty much every day and enjoying it. But, honestly, you just demanding that other people queue support to make your queue times go down, without making any attempt to understand why the support queue is empty? It makes me want to sign on and queue tank.
The thing with support is that they ask for more game sense. You have to be able to use their utility, their heal, their dmg and master their positionning.
But overall they have a very strong carry potential now only because of the passive health regen.
I’ve gone from Mercy main to Torbjorn main and I’m having an okay time. I win a lot more than I thought I would, but it’s just… not as fun as OW Mercy to me.