Where are the support players?

But I thought the new big bad support hero was supposed to fix queue times. That’s one of the rebuttal I got when I raised concerns during both beta tests.

Support is just simply not fun to play the way 5v5 has destroyed the gameplay. Rarely does it feel somewhat ok, and even then it doesn’t hold a candle to OW1 support gameplay. You play support if you want. Queue times will only continue to get worse as more people get tired of trying to play support.


I can only take so much going against so many Sojourn, Sombra, Genji, and Zarya players before I don’t want to do it anymore.


And we are all shocked, shocked I tell you that it didn’t work. No one could ever have seen it coming.


THIS! If more of the team WATCHED what was happening on the back line, they would see why support is lacking. The enemy DVA blasts through the whole team just to blow us up and zip back to the enemy line. WE ARE NOT PROTECTED!!

And, don’t get me started on the Kiriko, Moira, Brigitte teammates that forgot they were SUPPORT classes so you also feel like you’re a solo healer most of the time when they are supposed to be your support help :sob:


Not really. It’s piss-easy to heal players and assist them. You learn to be flexible and support them. You have more options for getting around than the other roles do.

Because most of the supports are hitting less than 2k healing in most 10 minute games and still dying the least compared to everyone else.

I do. I am only playing support now since this week end and since I realized their carry potential.

If you want more supports, be nice to supports. With the shortest queue times, they have the leverage right now.


Probably being farmed in your backline.


Plat support here. How about you help out with queue once in a while instead of complain.

Oh are your precious 4-5 mins of waiting in queue too much of a sacrifice? No one has ever had it worse! Pitch in, bro.


I don’t know what Supports you have on your teams but I can hit over 15k in 10 minutes or so.

Maybe people don’t play Support because it’s too hard for them. I mean, you have to pay attention to your Tank, DPS, your other Support, yourself, AND watch out for enemies. Oh yeah, and positioning. Got to make sure we’re positioned right too and have an escape plan.


Right here.

Oh oh oh, time to accelerate!

Weren’t you one of the people saying support would be fine in OW2?


You know that new sound that plays if you try to heal someone who is anti’d? The really loud and annoying one? They should make it play for the anti’d target too. So if they complain about it, you can make them hear that horrible sound too.

(To be clear, I think it’s a good addition. It’s meant to be aversive, and it is.)


But they are fine. Peoples just don’t know how to play with them.

Don’t get mad at players for not wanting to babysit new bronze players when they are ranked Plat.

MM is f’n broken!

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Oh, people know how to play them…

Step one, you pick a role which is less frustrating… step two…

Or to put it another way…

They are not queueing, so it is a failed design.


Not playing anymore for the moment because of a lot of decisions Blizzard made that resulted in me not having too much fun.


Support got the least amount of changes.

Tank is new and unexplored and exciting, many DPS got reworks and adjustments and DPS is always popular in every game. Healer is always unpopular in every game and it also go no significant reworks so its just not an attractive choice.


But they aren’t fine… for the people who don’t think they’re fine.

You can’t logic people into finding things fun.


I’ve been playing support pretty much every day and enjoying it. But, honestly, you just demanding that other people queue support to make your queue times go down, without making any attempt to understand why the support queue is empty? It makes me want to sign on and queue tank.