Whenever I kill a Genji this happens

Good point. I sometimes forget that young people play this game a lot. Will iust report and move on from now on.

Genji: noooo you cant just flashbang over deflect that requires no skill!!!1!1!1!

McCree: haha flashbang go boom


Killing an ultigs Genji as Mercy, Thatā€™s even better.

From my experience this is because a good genji player really has no counters. For example: if u somehow got a true 3500 genji vs a true 3500 mcgee the genji would win (u can us any true rank number in those). Not based on paper stats no, this is based on the fact that the genji player would bait out mcā€™s stun and then simply dash/malee then do a fast 180 and right click the mcgee= to near instant death for mcgee. Mc has to land at least 2 precise shots on genji and genji has to land a almost instand dash that has the hit box of a bus on mcgee then land a shot gun affect weapon shot on mcgee to win. Unless the mc player is a perfect shot genji will win everytime.

So do that and now that they uped genjis damage, genji players seem to think they are invincible. So when u do out smart them or out play them in anyway their feelings get hurt and between their tiers they seek revenge. Some can get it but a lot are not very good with genji. I normaly just focus kill them till they deside to go bation cuz mean pharah just rammed a rocket up there robotic exhaust pipe. :slight_smile:

  1. yes. yes yes.
  2. Not that i can recall.
  3. omfg YES.
  4. like twice in the past six months?
  6. as moira, automatic yes. Sombra, TP to hp i COUNT as part of her kit and is free to use. SUE ME.

7, mirror play,
Veeeery rarely do i see a genji switch offā€¦ veeerrryy rrraaaarreeeelllyyyy

There is a lot to unpack here. But the complaints about Genji stem from the same place.

I kept killing a Genji as Mercy and this was usually in 1v1s cuz he kept solo flanking me. For the 2nd time I had killed him he went ā€œnice healthpackā€ cuz I backpeddled to a healthpack when he was chasing me and killed him.

After that, he legit solo ulted and chased me. I lowkey headshot him in a straight line and killed him. It was so funny. Next thing you know he quits the game and said that I got lucky. He even added me as a friend and asked for a 1v1.


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People have been hating on Genji and their mains for the past 3 years despite the fact that he has been in a not so great place until recently. Itā€™s safe to say its just senseless Genji hate at this pointā€¦

People have long memories about what the game was like with him not having counters.

He was also the most picked DPS coming into season 12.

LATELY he has bad pick rates, and should have been buffed, but, the buffs were a ā€œbit muchā€ to be honest.

LOL. That was Hoshizora and he is a Mercy main??

How To E-girl Jump! - Overwatch - YouTube

It was a joke lol. Mercy mains werenā€™t upset about it as far as Iā€™m aware. Maybe the occasional snowflake but youā€™re overblowing it.

I mean the guy on the forums who got mass flagged because it was ā€œoffensiveā€

Iā€™m pretty sure that video never made it here


As far as Iā€™m aware, Hoshi was the one who coined the term.

Please I had a genji main complaining in Diamond that junk was op cuz our plat Junkrat (it was night so masters, plats and diamonds were all mixed in together) kept tossing mines at him.

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that very well may be the case, but apparently it didnā€™t make it here. youā€™ll have to do some digging, i donā€™t like have the post saved and it was quite a while ago.


So you vividly remembered this but donā€™t even remember the post? Ok dude. All Iā€™ll say is that I just donā€™t believe you lol. :man_shrugging:t5:

Is it that hard to believe? Who saves post names? iā€™m sure you remember things from posts 6+ months ago but donā€™t remember the post name / have it bookmarked

If people had long memories then 1/2 the cast would receive = levels have hate, but that is not the case.

More over it isnt just about the balance of the game itself but how a subset of the community is treated as if they are terrible human beings for the hero they play.

LATELY he has bad pick rates, and should have been buffed, but, the buffs were a ā€œbit muchā€ to be honest.

That is very likely the case but others donā€™t just treat people like theyā€™re bad people for the hero they play, its cringey.

Yeah, it is. If you can recall something like that, I would assume that you could cite atleast a vague forum search description so I could atleast see this happening.

Besides I just searched ā€˜e girl jumpā€™ and Iā€™m one of the only people here that say itā€¦

i mean it happened you donā€™t have to believe me and i canā€™t make you put in the effort of finding it.

look for egirl hop? i donā€™t know what else to tell you?

itā€™s the first result, the reply has been reinstated but look how many people were upset.

He spent a LONG time being completely OP, with people defending it constantly.

People STILL try to say that the balance back then was healthy, but it seriously wasnā€™t.

A lot of the hate is because they keep trying to get their counters nerfed, when the counters are required to be there.

Now that I completely agree with is bad.

IF people think that Genji was balanced before season 6, when he got a counter, then I think those people are fools. But, I donā€™t have issues with people who play Genji, just people who canā€™t wrap their heads around why Moira / Brig were required to be added to the game.

It was add them, or nerf Mobility so hard, the players would cry forever.

I donā€™t. I donā€™t care what people main, I main Mei and Sombra, for me to be upset with what other people play would be madness.

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