Whenever I kill a Genji this happens

This is just my personal experience and I want to know if others are met with the same experience from time to time.

I usually play Mccree / Reaper / Ashe in QP and when I shutdown a Genji 1v1 or in almost isolated situations, there’s a high probability that I get these in chat.

  1. Genji : ?
  2. Genji : lucky shot
  3. Genji : wanna 1v1 me?
  4. Genji : (sends friend request) 1v1?
  5. Genji : nerf (character I’m playing)
  6. Genji : oh you self healed / ate heal pack. you not honorable person

Edit: Deleted toxic part of my post. This is just my personal experience over my gameplay and is not intended to hurt any Genji players.

Edit2: This is my personal experience and I’ll just ignore, block, report any players who extend to do this, which I believe will make my personal experience of the game much enjoyable.


The first one used to happen a lot for me. Throwing a flashbang at Genji is not rocket science. Hell, you apply the exact same idea as with Reinhardt.

Then it became about McCree mirror duels and I would just swap to something else and kill them again.

Mirrors are so pointless.


Oh yeah Genji mains also try to mirror you to prove that he is better mechanically than you are.

Nice one.


Seeing a Genji rage because you threw flash over their deflect is always great.


I hate that I actually relate to this.

Especially the “?” - They always use the question mark.


Sometimes they think they can outsmart you and jump… but flashbang is omnidirectional, as we all know. Just apply the inverse effect.

The one time flashbanging the ground comes in handy


I also love when they just stand there doing a starring fight with you while their deflect is up and when you kill them after it, they just don’t quit you anymore and comeback to try and kill you everytime like they’re trying to prove something.

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The amount of times I’ve been friended and trash talked by a Genji/McCree/Tracer after an FFA game is in the hundreds lol


Its actually sad and hilarious how accurate this is. Its sad that the average Genji main is usually like this, it gives the hero a bad rep but a completely earned one. Far too many players come off as bottom feeders and they ALWAYS seem to main Genji. I actually had one DM me on xbox about the fact that I was on Roadhog using my ult to area denial him every time he ulted. Claimed I was a hard stuck scrub for not letting him walk all over my team. Told him I specifically don’t play comp because of toxic people like him and don’t mind just being a gold player. He then said he just finds it annoying that people don’t just let him kill them(LOL what?). I just told him that if most Genji mains didn’t have such lousy first impressions they’d have far more friends and left it at that.


Fact: all genji mains are degenerate weeblets.

But I still rejoice when I see a good genji on my team. :slight_smile:


I usually hit them with the say nothing and play game because I have all chat muted

but if you call other mains stereotypical names you get flagged and take a vacation

RIP that guy who called mercy superjump “egirl hop”


WTF? These people need a wake-up call, this is the real world you’re playing a game in, even if the world in the game is a fictional one


He was eviscerated by a wave of mercy mains

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i don’t think i’ve ever seen somebody with such a childish vendetta towards a group of people that play a video game character

congrats bro, you dislike a character that’s a hot topic on the forum, do you want your brownie points?

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Never asked, don’t care.

Hope you fare well in your quest to become Hokage.


Give it a rest already, Jesus lmao. Got Genji on your mind 24/7.

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this dude is obsessed with genji mains and i honestly wonder where it comes from


All my mercy main friends also get this high-skill tips of how to get to a kitchen and be good on it instead of game, when they play with my ashe xD These weebs…

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Who probably wouldn’t have needed to eviscerate him if they were actually any good.

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I don’t even like anime lmao genji was just how i discovered overwatch.
back when it was some crazy concept for genji to deflect bastion bullets.

but every person who plays genji sleeps with a naruto body pillow i guess :confused: