Whenever I kill a Genji this happens

There is a difference between calling a hero brain dead (meaning requiring little skill to play) and calling an individual brain dead.

My point being its not the hero mains being witch hunted in this case as much as it is the heroes themselves.

Its the exact opposite in your post.

Sorry dude, gonna have to disagree with you here.
I have to say, you are one of, if not the most reasonable genji main, so this isn’t pointed to you.

HOWEVER… most of the genji community is extremely toxic.
Almost every post of theirs is about “skill” and brig/moira being “ez” and their mains being “boosted”. It isn’t just a scapegoat, it is reality.

I’ve also come across many genji mains who want to duel me because I won in a 1v1, like in the OP (Despite genji being one of the best 1v1 heroes).

The forum genjis are just as bad, like I said before, they always go on about “skill” and LOVE to rank shame, hero shame, and be an arrogant little (Censored) because they play a specific hero in a video game. It is pretty pathetic, and I can see why OP has had enough with them.


Dying to Valk is ok. No shame in missing that rocket ship.

It’s more when you get them alone, out of position, everything nice and set up, and suddenly they start adad spamming like they’ve got a 4 barrel exhaust attached to their fingers and beaning you with those footballs they have for bullets.

It’s not overly often that you run into a battle Mercy, but they scare me.


So the person who likes playing that character just has to rollover and admit they’re playing a brain dead hero?

That’s indirectly insulting the player base through the hero they play whereas I am more direct.

Do heroes have brains? Nay. The players have brains.


That’s indirectly insulting the player base through the hero they play whereas I am more direct.

No. There are heroes in this game that are easier than the rest, its not an insult to the player its a complaint about the balance of the game

People call them braindead heroes, not the players.

Genji mains (or anyone, really) don’t make a thread saying Moira or Brigitte mains are so and so, just that these heroes are too strong/too easy/too whatever.

You can say the same about Genji the hero but that’s not what you’re doing. You make it personal (e.g. delusional weebs). You are a textbook example of a toxic person in Overwatch community.


Alright then, why don’t you go off reply to other posts that directly call players of paticular support heroes braindead just as you have accomplished here?

While some call for balance, I have seen others insult that player for even attempting to defend an easy hero.

I would feel very proud of myself if I were you.


Duly noted and editted out. Apologies.

Because I don’t SEE those posts, where as I see multiple Genji hate threads daily.

Where were you for the past 6 months excluding the 2 weeks during the experimental and implementation of Genji buff?

Anyways I editted my post and I regret I used such language.


I click on threads based off titles, if I saw even a 1/4 as many people jumping down the throats of any other mains I would give them the same treatment.

Whenever I kill a Genji main this happens

is a very obvious hate thread.

Anyways I editted my post and I regret I used such language.

I’m glad you admit it, most would just dig in their heels so kudos.

Don’t forget they then have it in for you and will come after you the remainder of the match. If they ever kill you they then laugh or say some other comment like “see you suck”.


whenever i kill a genji? serotonin dude


I will edit once again to emphasize that this is from personal experience.

To me, this still happens a lot on a daily basis.

I can really care less about the buffs or nerfs because good players always find out how to counter any hero (not just Genji).

I’m just not a big fan of the thought that good genji players should not die to others (including easy heroes) especially in 1v1 situations.


I don’t know, man. I’ve never had a Genji ask me for a 1v1, and I’m a rival Genji in most cases. Not saying it doesn’t happen, but enough to justify this topic? Enough for the OP to be going on and on?

Also, the brig/moira thing is such a common sentiment. Genjis might be more outspoken on the forums about them, but you see this all the time from everyone. Lucios especially hate them right now. The forums are not an accurate representation of the community.

As far as forum Genjis go, there’s like 5–10. That certainly isn’t an army, and they’re always outnumbered in their opinions.

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Yeah I learned from my post that block, reporting and moving on is the solution instead of crying about it like me.

On another note, I know a person who got banned for saying “King monkey” on all chat when our winston was murdering the opponent’s whole team.

So maybe any hints of taunt or toxicity can also be reportable.

It’s honestly surprising. I’ve never seen a videogame character attract people so egoistic to this degree, only comparable thing I’ve seen in other games are Riven/ Vayne mains in League and whew chile they are a whole other breed.

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I agree that my original post is cringy and also offensive. I apologize and have accordingly editted the post.

Though, I believe I can still talk about my personal experience, as you are stating your own.


Good on you dude.
And you’re completely correct, you should be able to talk about your own experiences.


Of course are Genji players more likely to post childish comments

Genji appeals to the younger audience of the playerbase after all.

He’s also one of the most popular heroes in this game which means there are more vocal Genji players as well.