Cause I am really interested in those CC nerfs.
Especially what Heroes they will target.
It might take awhile with the…you know
but, only time will tell. My guess is next week or the week after Or maybe one of these last days of the week
I would assume McCree and Rein are the major targets. Heck, maybe even Ana. These hero bans were supposed to help them along with balance or whatever, so… I assume they will target the meta.
Sounds pretty reasonable.
Not gonna lie, I’d love to see those changes
6 second sleep is just… too much. I know she has plenty of counters and is very vulnerable to dive so maybe some compensation buffs? Otherwise, 6 second sleep is like over half the respawn time… It shouldn’t effect anas much because not often will they use the full time, but like when you are asleep that long it feels horrible.
Also would love to see changes to rein shatter and flashbang. Those have to be the most annoying abilities in the game!!
I hope they trash lucios boop and put an end to reddit lucios once and for all
Reddit lucios: Cant stop wont stop
That would make me finally feel safe on Illios Well. Kind of.
Anas sleep dart is the most fair ability in game because it is very easy to wake somebody up midfight. Just a random moira orb flying around or a D.Va pellet and that ulting nanoed genji is awake and ready to finish his job, not to mention it’s a skill shot on a long cd. It doesn’t need changes.
If this is true, which it isn’t
then how is this
true? If she never gets to use the full time then it stands to reason that it isn’t actually too much.
Hog orisa wrecking ball brig pharah doomfist are smirking rn
Those damn hogs always hook me there but Lucios never manage to boop me in it. Well he did once as reaper but I managed to activate teleport fast enough and get out hihihi
It depends where you sleep them. A 1v1 or long range sleep are likely full 6 second sleeps. Team fight sleeps? It is more of a budget basement stun. At least if you do not call the sleep.
She usually gets the full duration on Bob though. Even without calling it.
Ashe has had enough buffs for a lifetime with the recent changes, we don’t need B.O.B to become a good zoning ult on top of it. Plus I find myself yelling in coms HES ASLEEP DONT WAKE HIM and some idiot still does. I personally want to find that moira that woke a nanoed ulting winston that had me trapped in the corner and key her car.
Sleep dart is essential counterplay for nanoed targets and ults that have long duration such as for example echo. when echo turns herself into a roadhog I need to sleep her until she whole hogs us all
I hope it’s Doomb!tch and McChicken…
That are getting their CC reduced
Because it really depends on the situation.
For example, in the middle of a team fight, a sleep will never last the full 6 seconds. It’s more start/end of a team fight this happens, and it’s by far the most annoying/longest stun in the game.
The only time and I cannot stress this enough, the only time it ever lasts 6 seconds for me is when I sleep a flanker that was attacking me and my team don’t care about it. That or when I use it on nanoed targets and by some miracle they actually let go of m1. It is an essential counter to long lasting ults like Valk, duplicate, nano, whole hog, bob, blade and so on because while just shoot them 4head works, it also puts you in their line of sight which is dangerous.
I bet they’ll pitch the CC nerfs as a buff to Mercy’s Resurrect.
does anyone have a link to the changes?
Also there was that one bug where I was playing Echo and a McCree flashed me when I tried to dash away, the dash already started but when he flashed me, I just lost all my momentum and I went back in front of him when I was a few meters away just a few micro secondes ago.
I don’t understand why I didn’t keep my momentum.
There are no details. This is all that was said:
People are focusing on McCree and Rein for whatever reasons, but there’s nothing to say that Ana, Orisa etc. won’t also get changes. Given the experiment where BOB was sleep immune, I wouldn’t be surprised if the devs had reservations about Sleep Dart.
On the other hand, it could be like ChibiFox says in that thread, and instead they’re considering anti-CC passives or the like for tanks.
The only thing we’re sure of is that we don’t know.