When will the new expermintal card be up?

Maybe they could add a bit of damage to the combo so you can kill 200hp targets or something? I think they should revert the change where you couldn’t walk over bodies as ana, because that stopped the combos. I play a lot of tank and I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve been slept for 6 seconds because the ana just looked at me…

I just shut down overwatch. Had a game on Anubis where my team woke a Nanoed ulting Winston that I slept just a second before he could corner me. I yelled at them hard and swapped to Moira (won cuz I kept killing the echo though hihihihi). Anyway the point is sleep dart is ok. Lucios boop on the other hand is an AOE crowd control ability and unlike Ana he has a kit to go full offensive with that. Nerf that into the ground instead

Reddit lucios would use the knockback from their MELEE ATTACK if they had to. They can not stop, and won’t not stop.