When will Hanzo ever get adjusted?

Because aim is not the only parameter for balance ?
A char who is so strong at any range and with enough mobility to get out of his counter (or kill them most of the time) is not a balanced char.
No need to be a genius to understand that.

Also, plz, don’t say it’s a skilled ability.
I’ve a pretty “meh” aim since I just casually play this game and it’s my only FPS.
Despite this fact I always got kill with storm arrow the few time I play him.
So, yeah, not that hard.
Much harder to play other projectile hero.

Also, like you, it’s just my personal opinion, I’m not here to fight, just sharing what I think.
(saying that cuz sometime my post can feel rude, but that just cuz my english isn’t that great :>)

People think that Storm arrows is a a free kill and Hanzo’s have perfect accuracy with it…No, Hanzo’s average accuracy is 30% and still applies to Storm arrows.

What is is really like: https://youtu.be/WSHKqbhwcJE?t=370

That’s because his arrow hits a huge wide area, it doesn’t actually require aim.

Up close for example, it’s about a 90 degree arc, anything remotely in front of him gets hit, and if he hasn’t pointed his camera at the ground, it’s a headshot for an instant kill.

hanzo is mediocre. Slightly better than McCree.

Don’t necro old threads dude. Let it die

How “old” is old… I mean… this isn’t even a month old.

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Do people still believe this?

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I mean… am I the only one that thinks it’s weird his arrows at max draw go faster than Ana’s unscoped shots? Arrows don’t go as fast as darts irl, if I remember correctly.

… also this is a real thing… apparently…



I’d actually rather deal with storm arrows than Hanzo’s scoped shots in a lot of scenarios.

Last game I was pouncing a Hanzo as Reaper, dodged all his storm arrows as we’re fighting in my effective range, and then i just get one-shot.

Irrefutable truths about Hanzo:

  • Does not have to “reload”.
  • Gets to consistently “shoot” high value damage at any range.
  • Has a cooldown that can burst down the highest hp characters in the game.
  • Has wall climb and a leap to escape.

The only “cost” is being able to aim. In a game about having to aim. So where are the trade-offs? You can’t honestly ask people to miss for the sake of “balance”.


That’s because his arrow hits a huge wide area, it doesn’t actually require aim.

Right, thats why sometimes you hit nothing lol

last time his arrow is slower, he’s a troll pick.

No damage fall-off makes sense, no other projectile in the game has fall-off. It’s consistent.

Perhaps he could have a longer delay before being able to nock an arrow after using his dash-jump though.

His arrows are indeed small, but the head/body hitboxes on heroes are not.

which is how you get all those invis/ghost deaths where the arrow is several inches away from a body part but you still died.

If they fixed hitboxes it would indirectly nerf him.

Projectile hit boxes are bigger then hitscan hit boxes. There was a video on here a while back.

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Hence all the “i shouldnt have died to that” complaints in regards to hanzo.
Did not know they were different between weapon types though, thank you.

Hanzo arrow hitbox

More Irrefutable truths about Hanzo:

  • Has a slow rate of fire compared to other DPS heroes barring Storm Arrow.
  • Damage of arrow is dependent on draw strength and is therefore not fully consistent.
  • Can’t return fire while climbing, which moves slowly, predictably straight following one path, and a limited distance.

Because silent snipers ROCK

Yet he can one-shot everyone with 200hp and lower…